the "fence", real or on paper only, which separates two adjoining properties
Perimeter of the cricket ground marked by some rope, marker or fence. If ball crosses the boundary after bouncing off the ground it is called as four runs and if ball crosses boundary with out touching the ground its a six.
A theoretical line that marks the limit of an area of land.
A limitation conferred by space, time, or ecology was well as political, social and economic factors.
Specifically, the dividing line between political states. In general, the division or dividing line between discrete entities. E.g., division between geological features, social areas, climatic zones, etc.
the limit or border of an area a. political -a political boundary is artificially determined b. natural -a natural boundary is marked by a landform such as a river
The line that marks the inside and outside of a system and which sets off the system from its environment.
The edge, end or face of a finite medium.
a line that separates the territory of one state from that of another.
a dividing line which marks the edges of someoneâ€(tm)s land or field.
The golf course boundary.
an invisible line that shows where one person's land ends. This is often shown by a line on a map, or marked by a wall or river in real life.
A line indicating the limit of a country, state, or other political jurisdiction.
the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
a line determining the limits of an area
the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
a limit, or a behavioral line which cannot be crossed
a limit or edge that defines us as separate from others
a line, a region, or a zone that divides, separates, distinguishes, sets limits, or is the limit itself
a line defining the edge of the data
a line drawn on a map showing where the territory of one country begins and another ends
a line, visible or invisible, that marks the outer edge of something
an edge between two things
an invisible line that defines where you end and someone else begins
a personal line that marks those things for which we are responsible
a personal property line that
a sequence of pixel edges encoded by a sequence of points located at pixel corners
a surface or transitional layer between two adjoining horizons or layers
a system of setting limits that enhances a person's ability to have a sense of self
a verbal communication that sets limits on what we accept or tolerate from others
That which serves to indicate the limits of a particular area. Various types of boundaries which may be encountered, are: 1. UNCLASSIFIED BOUNDARIES; those drawn by the compiler prior to classification to de delineate a change in surface characteristics. 2. INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES; those defining the territorial sovereignty of a country. 3. STATE OR TERRITORY BOUNDARIES; those defining the major administrative or political divisions within a country. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE AREA BOUNDARIES; those defining areas of common local or regional administration. 5. PROHIBITED AREA BOUNDARIES; those defining the limits of an area into which entry is prohibited, without prior permission from a controlling authority, for security or safety reasons.
The edge of the golf course that defines the area of play.
either the physical objects marking the limits of a property or an imaginary line or surface marking the division between two estates. Also used to describe the division between features with different administrative, legal, land-use, topographic, etc., characteristics.
Indicates the outer limit of the playing area. Also used to describe a stroke by the batsman that immediately results in 4 runs.
a line around the edge of the field. If the ball crosses this line after being bowled, whether a player has hit it or not ( for example, if a fielder has missed it) runs (points) can be scored. Four if the ball hits the ground then goes over the boundary, six if it goes out without hitting the ground
Line, fence, rope, or clearly distinguished marking of the where the field of play ceases. There are no laws that govern the size of a cricket field - however depending on the competition, different measurements are used.
a line marking the outside edge of an area, such as a village or castle grounds
something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent: something that marks a bound (as a territory).
Literally a limit line. Typically used to indicate some form of constraint. [D02420] RMW
A line separating adjoining properties.
The lines that define the perimeter of a property.
Edge or limit of a property. See "property line".
A line of characters in an email message that indicates to the email client that different parts of the message should be “read†differently.
The lower or upper extent of the range of a dimension, expressed by a numeric value. The line representing the outline of a polygon.
A hit that goes to the 'boundary' of the field, having tounched the ground at least once, scoring 4 runs.
Edge or limit of a property. A property line".
The perimeter of a cricket field, or the act of the batsman scoring a four or a six (eg "Tendulkar hammered three boundaries")
The dividing line between two adjacent properties.
The outer limits of a golf course. (There is a world outside too).
the perimeter of a cricket field, marked by an obvious fence or marker. a score of 4 runs by the ball reaching the boundary(1), or a score of 6 runs by the ball reaching the boundary(1) on the full. a hit by the batsman which scores a boundary(2).
The outer limits of the legal playing area on a golf course.
Indicates a border or limit. Typically designates the extents of contiguous areas such as school, water, sewer and flood control districts, community planning areas, zoning designations, soil conditions, geologic formations, parcels and easements.
The extent or limit of a geographic area such as a block, census tract, county, or place. A boundary may or may not follow a visible geographic physical feature.
Edge, of course;. Usually marked by white stakes.
The line dividing adjacent properties.
Boundary has two distinct meanings in the sport of cricket.