A space that is defended by its occupant. Birds defend their territories by singing, chasing, and, sometimes, dancing.
A fixed area from which an animal or group of animals excludes other members of the same species by aggressive behavior or display.
An area of land that has been marked out.
An area defended by a pair of cranes during nesting. The territory size ranges from three to 250 acres.
A geographical area that a salesperson is assigned to.
the area occupied by a single animals or group of animals, to the exclusion of others of the same species; often defended by aggressive displays.
Any defended area; area of more or less fixed boundaries from which rival conspecifics are excluded, see Homerange
the half of the field a team protects against its opponents.
Territory or region refers to the geographic area covered or included in the rights for a given image.
an area of knowledge or interest; "his questions covered a lot of territory"
the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state; "American troops were stationed on Japanese soil"
a clearly defined geographical area, usually considered to be a possession of a person, organization, or institution
a defended core of home range
a defined area, usually considered to be a possession of an animal, person, organization, or institution
a geographical area which has the same level of losses and hence the same base rate for insurance
an arbitrary geographical designation which you may want to assign to a client, prospect, or deal
an area claimed as personal space by an animal
an area defended by a group or individual
an area of space, whether of water or earth or air, which an animal or group of animals defends as an exclusive preserve
an area that a pride live in
a part of the home range defended against other members of the same species
a specific area which is granted to a franchisee in which they can operate their business
"Ownership" or dominance over an area defended against others of the same and occasionally similar species, used for feeding, breeding, or both.
An area defended from intruders by an individual or group.
An area occupied by a pack of wolves that can provide sufficient prey to support the pack. It is defended against wolves from outside of the pack and from other animals that might compete for the same resources. Wolves protect their territory by scent-marking, vocal communication and fighting.
the geographical area of responsibility of a sales person or a team or a sales organization.
The area defended (outgroup conspecifics are excluded) by an individual or group is her/their territory (cf. range, core area).
An area, usually defended, in which an animal lives, feeds, and/or mates. A Hummingbird will defend a feeding territory that includes flowering plants and/or a hummingbird feeder.
The space defended by a male bird which provides the food and nesting site for his mate and young.
An area within the range of an individual animal that it will defend against intruders. For example, a fox might range over an area of several square miles, but only defend a small area near its den, and then only when it has young. You might range over an entire city and beyond, but only defend your own property or maybe only the house. You too will become much less tolerant of intruders (i.e. a larger territory) if you have children around.
an area inhabited and defended by a species.
an area that an animal claims and defends as its own (Territories usually contain the food, water and shelter the animal needs. In the case of a female, it must also provide for her offspring.)
An area occupied by one or more organisms and defended against other organisms (especially of the same species).
An area of ground or airspace (including food sources and nest sites) that an organism defends against use by other members of its species. Because aggressive Purple Martins defend territories encompassing several adjacent nest compartments, a typically-designed martin house will rarely have active nests in more than 50-60% of the compartments, especially in martin houses with several holes sharing a common porch.
An area surrounded and controlled by one player. May contain dead opponent stones.
(1) The geographical area for which a home service agent has exclusive responsibility. Home service districts are divided into territories. Also called an account, an agency, or a debit. (2) The geographical area for which an insurance agent or general agent has responsibility. | Back
an area that a group defends against other members of its own species.
an area used for nesting or feeding and defended from intruders The mockingbird dove at the cat that entered its territory.
Piece of land an animal defends against outsiders
That portion of the home range that is actively defended.
The area an animals claims by keeping unwanted visitors out.
The space required, in cubic dimensions (HxWxL), by either a solitary fish, pair, or harem. Aggressive behavior intensifies within this region.
within the home range of an animal there is often a defended area which is identified as its territory.
the half of the field which a team defends.
The area in which an animal or group of animals live and defend against other animals
(noun) A. a geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority
1. The area that a promotion runs it shows and airs it TV shows. 2. Slang for actual territorial wrestling promotion.
An area defended by one or more individuals against intrusion by others of the same or different species ( see also: home range).
An exclusive area maintained through overt defense or advertisement; the part of the home range of an animal that is protected, by fighting or aggressive gestures, from others of its own kind, during some phase of its life.
Place where an animal lives that it defends.
It refers to the geographical area a sales person is responsible for.
A stationary area claimed by an individual.
An area defended by the male, by both of a pair, or by an unmated bird or other animal.
In ethology, sociobiology and behavioral ecology, the term territory refers to any geographical area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against conspecifics (and, occasionally, animals of other species). Animals that defend territories in this way are referred to as territorial.