Common character; likeness.
A group of people, normally living in a defined area, who acknowledge shared characteristics and may act together to maintain or protect one or more shared characteristics.
The many populations that interact in a given geographical locale constitute ecological communities. Communities exhibit particular interactions such as competition, symbiosis, predation, and food relationships. They also undergo ecological succession.
A group of people who lead a common life and have common interests. In a religious context, it involves following a definite Gospel way of life together.
A place, or a class of people having something in common that may transcend geography.
Plants and/or animals living together under characteristic, recognisable conditions.
In ecology, the species that interact in a common area.
a place where a group of people live.
Group of one or more management stations associated with an SNMP agent.
All living organisms in an area.
A group of plants or animals living in a defined area under relatively similar conditions. An association or assemblage of plant and animal populations that live in a particular area or habitat, often dominated by one or more prominent species or by a characteristic physical attribute. The time and distance each organism moves before it is captured and eaten are largely what determines the area defined by the community and the time for which its dynamic equilibrium thrives. Often characterised by: (1) Growth form and structure; (2) Diversity (number of species); (3) Relative abundance; (4) Dominance and subdominance of species; (5) Feeding hierarchy - what eats what. On land, usually soil has a greater effect on vegetation than climate; of climatic factors, temperature and moisture are most important.
(3) an assemblage of plant and animal populations in a common spatial arrangement.
refers not only to a group of people who live in a defined territory, but also to groups of people who may be physically separated but who are connected by other common characteristics, such as profession, interests, age, ethnic origin, or language.
An administrative relationship between Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) entities (such as clients, routers, and servers).
A group of individuals organized into a unit, or manifesting a unifying trait or common interest. A community could be the catchment area population for which a service is provided, or more broadly, a province or country.
an assemblage of populations of living organisms in a certain area or habitat.
Populations of all species living and interacting in an area at a particular time.
A geographic locale or a group of people working toward a common issue. Geographic locale: A place or small geographic area; a group of people sharing some interest; or a social network of relationships at a local level. Common issue: Boundaried social or demographic unit involving a neighborhood or people who share a common issue or interest. Communities are not homogeneous, but are inclusive, complex, dynamic and multidimensional.
Entity and ideal. Can signify geographical area, social group, shared values, histories, and/or interests.
A specific group of people, often living in a defined geographic area, who share a common culture, values, and norms and who are arranged in a social structure according to relationships the community has developed over a period of time. The term “community” encompasses worksites, schools, and health care sites.
A group of people with common interests who have developed relationships based upon shared beliefs and social circumstances. A community may be geographical, social, cultural, religious or needs based.
a community made of people who have no contact in the real world, but only over a technological system, by engaging on discussions or by communicating or by having the same interests they share in the virtual world.
In ecology, this term refers to the populations of animals and plants that live within a defined area. (For example, all the plants and animals that live in South Mountain Park would be a community.)
community is a group of people who belong together.
A group of people living in the same place and sharing the same government.
A grouping of people that see each other as integral parts of the whole. You can have a family community, local community, sports team community, etc.
A collection of organisms occupying a specific geographic area.
A set of user-management services associated with a set of accounts (q.v.). A community operates a registration scheme by which users join the community. A community operates a certificate authority for its accounts; i.e. it may issue identity warrants (q.v.) for those accounts, but not for accounts in other communities. The community may also operate a register of groups; i.e. it records the membership of groups (q.v.) and may issue group warrants (q.v.)
A collection of populations of organisms of different species that interact in some way and that live in a common area. It is the interaction between the populations (predation, competition, symbiosis, scavenging) that is of interest.
Populations of plant and animal organisms living in a given area.
An integrated group of species inhabiting a given area; the organisms within a community influence one another's distribution, abundance, and evolution. (A Human Community is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality.)
A community is a group of people who have shared values and who work together towards a common goal. A community is often also defined by geographical boundaries.
A constantly changing group of people collaborating and sharing their ideas over an electronic network (e.g., the Internet). Communities optimize their collective power by affiliation around a common interest, by the compression of the time between member interactions (i.e., communicating in real time), and by asynchronous "postings" which potentially reach more participants and allow for more reflection time than real-time interactions.
The word community generally describes one of three things: a) all people, organizations, and structures within a defined geographical area, having a common government; b) a group of people with a common interest; or c) people with a common affiliation. Within O-AIM the word community is only used in the first sense. It encompasses five levels of interaction (individual, group, agency, service system, and community). Within O-AIM the other two definitions would commonly be considered within the "group." See also Levels of Interaction
Assembly of populations of different species of living organisms (quite often interdependent on and interacting with each other) within a specified location in space and time. See also ecosystem. (US-EPA, 1992)
Community can be a troubling term. Often when people on campus talk about community, they are referring to the organizations that the college or university partners with. However, the community is often not fully represented by the organizations that claim to serve it. Community can be used in a number of ways to apply to almost any group of individuals. In the most general sense it describes a geographic group whose members engage in some face-to-face interaction. Such communities exist all around us in our neighborhoods, our schools, our workplaces, our campuses, etc.
aggregation of organisms characterised by a distinctive combination of two or more ecologically related species
A natural aggregate of different species of organisms existing in the same environment. While species within the community interact with each other, forming food chains and other ecological systems, they do not generally interact with species in other communities. For the purposes of NVIS, a community is described as an assemblage of plant species which are structurally and floristically similar and form a repeating 'unit' across the landscape. See also vegetation type below. Meagher, 1991 NVIS
A social group whose members live in a specific area. Chimpanzees live in communities.
all organisms of all species in one habitat.
a situation in which populations of organisms each contain a habitat and a niche.
an interacting population of various types of individuals (or species) in a common location; a neighborhood or specific area where people live
A group seen as a distinct segment of society. This can be people living within a geographic area, people sharing a common characteristic or identity such as ethnic origin or religion, a ‘lifecycle' group such as older people, or a group sharing a particular interest.
a group of organisms made up of two or more different species living together within the same geographical area where they are likely to interact with each other; example, a forest community.
In SNMP, a logical group of managed devices and NMSs in the same administrative domain.
An association of living things, plant and animal, each occupying a certain position or ecological niche, inhabiting a common environment and interacting with each other.
A password used between an agent and a manager to allow the exchange of MIB data. The community table contains a list of community strings (passwords) that a given SNMP agent recognizes. A community string is tied to a particular manager in the sense that messages from only that manager with that community string will be treated as authentic.
All the groups of organisms living together in the same area, usually interacting or depending on each other for existence. Also called biological community.
a group with a commonality of association and generally defined by location, shared experience, or function. A social group that has a number of things in common, such as shared experience, locality, culture, heritage, language, ethnicity, pastimes, occupation, workplace, etc.28
an assemblage of plants and animals that exist together to make up a particular type of ecosystem.
a collection of all living things (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) existing together in a particular area.
A group of organisms of different species that live in the same place and share their food and space.
Different species of fish kept in the same aquarium.
A term used to describe groups of populations of different organisms all living together in a particular environment
Group of people with common characteristics, locations or interests.
A Tamado community can be considered as a small-scaled web site. In chief, it provides miscellaneous functions of message boards to let people meet together and discuss.
A group of people in the same geographic location with specific geographic, demographic or social boundaries.
A group of network clients and servers using TNS-based software that can communicate using the same industry-standard protocol.
all the people living in a specific area within which they satisfy many of their needs, identify with the geographic area, and share common interests and goals; a number of people sharing traditions or interests (e.g. an ethnic group, a community of scholars)
Many Web sites choose to develop communities in order to maintain visitor loyalty. Chat rooms and Bulletin Board Service are common ways of developing a Web site community.
An organisational grouping of objects by commonality. Although the definition is up for interpretation as far as how the system will be used, an example would be 'UQ Library' or 'Faculty of Behavioural Sciences' or 'Office of Research and Postgraduate Studies'. A Community can have many collections inside it.
A group of people who reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
plant togetherness as determined by floristical and ecological circumstances; category in plant sociology (cenology) and synecology that studies the constituents, structure, conditions, and rules of coexistence in the vegetation
a group of people living in a particular local area; "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"
a group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common; "the Christian community of the apostolic age"; "he was well known throughout the Catholic community"
common ownership; "they shared a community of possessions"
a group of nations having common interests; "they hoped to join the NATO community"
the body of people in a learned occupation; "the news spread rapidly through the medical community"
a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences
(ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other
a biological living component of an ecosystem
a Blurty journal that you, as an existing Blurty member, can create to bring people together who share common interests
a body of individuals who share the same interests, who are affected by the same things, and who are subject to specific rules which determine what their common objectives are and what subjective interests they should have
a circle of people who have a sense of self beyond their skin, where people communicate and work together on goals for their common good
a collective group of users who enjoy discussing and celebrating a specific interest
a complex of people and rules linked by common values
a difficult enough thing to bring into the world
a distinct social, economic, and political organism
a diverse group of people who maintain a common interest through economics, culture, location, profession, social structure, ethnicity and/or religion
a dynamic and interdependent system of species in which any effect upon one part will eventually affect the whole
a fellowship of the locality that grows out of living together in reciprocal love
a form of agrarian organization operating under a system similar to that of the common land holding
a gathering of people who live in the same area or who share interests
a grouping of users by interest or skill set
a group of active people who contribute to keeping it alive by actually being there and staying committed
a group of all interdependent plant and animal species found in a habitat
a group of computers that can communicate using the same transport level protocol , such as TCP/IP
a group of computers using the same protocol, such as SPX or TCP/IP
a group of destinations that share some common attribute
a group of destinations that share some common property
a group of destinations which share some common property
a group of different populations of organisms in a specified area, e
a group of friends who share together around a table
a group of hosts, all running the SNMP service
a group of individuals from all over the globe who share the passion of strategy war gaming and/or developing custom variants using the engine
a group of individuals who are interdependent upon the whole for sustainability
a group of individuals who have learned to communicate honestly with each other, developed a commitment to each other, and are striving to move beyond distortions of the ego
a group of individuals who have shared purposes, values, and/or beliefs
a group of individuals with common interests and goals
a group of interbreeding individuals that share the same gene pool
a group of Jewish business leaders and students who are exploring their heritage while advancing their business acumen
a group of like minded individuals who have many things in common
a group of many different populations that interact with one another in the same environment
a group of members and eRooms
a group of Network Members you would specifically like to collaborate with
a group of nodes using TNS-based software that communicate using the same transport protocol
a group of organisms that belong to the same species and that live in a given area
a group of people, animals and and/or plants that live together in one place
a group of people bonded together in search of a common cause
a group of people, businesses and organizations that live within a geographical area
a group of people co-existing for a common purpose or goal
a group of people doing favors for each other
a group of people from the same place" "I looked in the dictionary too
a group of people getting involved for a common purpose
a group of people living together through a social division of labour (whether traditional , civil or by free association ) sharing a common legal code (whether traditional or formal)
a group of people (or even animals) who are interdependent
a group of people understood as having a certain identity due to the sharing of common interests or to a shared proximity
a group of people united by the common objects of their love
a group of people who care about one another more than they have to
a group of people who cooperate to serve God with work, worship, and love
a group of people who form relationships over time by interacting regularly around shared experiences, which are of interest to all of them for varying individual reasons
a group of people who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life - and I don't mean money
a group of people who hold something fundamental in common
a group of people who live in the same area and share the same culture
a group of people who share a common interest or purpose, and form relationships within a shared context
a group of people who share aspects of their lives such as the neighbourhood that they live in, the people they work with, their religious or their cultural activities
a group of people who share common goals and values
a group of people who share common interests and a common heritage
a group of people who share ideas and work towards common goals together
a group of people who share something in common
a group of people who share values and interests but they do not have to agree on everything
a group of people who work and live together in a supportive and enriching environment
a group of people who work together, helping each other survive and be happy
a group of people with a common purpose or having certain mutual relations
a group of people with a shared identity and common interests
a group of people with a shared interest, purpose, or goal, who get to know each other better over time
a group of people with a shared past, with ways of recognizing and displaying their differences from other groups, and expectations for a shared future
a group of people with common interests, goals, or responsibilities, such as a project team or an interest group
a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives and engage in joint action in geographical locations or settings
a group of people with shared interests, who actually communicate and work together in some way
a group of people with similar interests who have chosen to communicate with one another about their common passion
a group of people with varying degrees of expertise in which the experts attempt to help the novices improve their skills
a group of persons bound by real as well as by mental, connections
a group of persons with a common identity and/or common goals
a group of populations of different organisms that interact with one another in a given habitat or area
a group of routes that cannot be represented by an AS or a group of ASes
a group of systems that share common attributes
a group of TNS-based applications that communicate with one another using a single network protocol
a group of two or more people who have been able to accept and transcend their differences regardless of the diversity of their backgrounds (social, spiritual, educational, ethnic, economic, political, etc
a group pf organisms of various types living together in a given geographical area
a group that shares common characteristics or interests
a group that you belong to, that you feel you belong to, and that you share important things with
a group to which hosts running the SNMP service belong
a journal run by a member of the site for people with common interests
a living breathing interdependent thing
a living organism, and if it does not contantly change, with influx of new blood from time to time, it will die
a living organism of human relationships and must be built and maintained through human interaction
a living system with components at more than one level and of several species or types, whereas the seven level' of living systems have their typical components at the next lower level and of the same species or type
a living thing and changes over time
a living thing which grows and changes
an aggregation of people in a given geographical area who are substantially self-sufficient
an amalgamation of living things that share an environme
an amalgamation of living things that share an environment An environment is a complex of external factors that acts on a system and determines its course and form of existence
an area of the website focused on a particular theme
an assemblage of populations living in a stated area
an association of organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms) that live in a particular place or habitat
a naturally occurring group of different organisms living together in the same area
a neighborhood, entire town, school, prison, or worksite, or may be groups of persons that share similar characteristics such as lifestyle, culture, or religion (e
an emergent property that arises naturally when you put people together and they self-segregate into groups
an environment in which humans can live with the highest degree of possible happiness
a network of inter-related people working together
a place for projects to gather to share syllabi and discussions about a common set of ideas
a place in which people face each other over time in all their human variety, good parts, bad parts, and all the rest
a place that faces people at each other over time in all their human variety, good parts, bad parts, and all the rest
a place you live- your neighbors and so forth
a population located in a certain area living among different species
a population of different kinds of species
a predefined list of buddies and buddy-groups with an opportunity for buddy profile management, buddy advanced search and definition of various availability statuses (online, not available, busy)
a rapidly growing minority population
a self-organizing social network of small groups
a set of network management stations (NMSs) that have access to the adapter's SNMP agent
a set of people (or agents in a more abstract sense) with some shared element - in particular a group of people who live in the same area
a set of web pages written by authors who have a common interest on a specific topic, such as fan pages of a professional baseball team
a social construction among people who share common goals, values and practices
a social group determined by geographic boundaries and/or common values and interests
a social network of people whose members are bound together by a sense of solidarity rooted in an historic attachment to a defined territory and a common culture, and also by a consciousness of being different from other areas
a spatially defined set of interacting face-to-face groups of people
a subset of all people, and thus anyone who is not explicitly "included" is implicitly "excluded" (I hope that sentence parses)
a the set of people who occupy a given structural location in an institution or society
a tight formation of members that share common ground in a variety of real or abstract areas
a universal set, where as NOS was a niche market - like minded people with particular tasks in mind
a work of art, including a wide range of diverse elements making the work a living and progressive organism moving towards group ideals
All the living organisms present in an ecosystem.
All of the animals and plants which live together and interact within a specific region
A society of people having common rights and privileges, or common interests, civil, political, etc. or living under the same laws and regulations.
See ecological community.
Refers to any group of individuals who share common distinguishing characteristics including residency (e.g., the "low-income" community, the "religious" community or the "professional" community). The individual members of these "communities" may or may not reside in a specific neighborhood, county or school district, but the local service provider may be implementing programs and strategies that will have a measurable effect on them.
This term applies to a group of people bound by common interests, a shared identity, and living with each other. Religious congregations and orders strive to create community around the charism and basic spirituality, and often by living in solidarity with the people who they are serving.
a group of plant and animal species living together in a habitat.
a naturally occurring group of different species that live together and interact as a self-contained unit.
All the plants and animals that live together in a particular place and are bound together by food webs and other interactions that are self-perpetuating. Some ecologists argue that concept of “community†implies tight and long-standing interactions among species, which may not always be the case; compare with Association.
Any large collection of usually self-reliant people and buildings.
in ecology – a group of animal and plant species living together and having close interactions, especially through food relationships.
A group of people who have common characteristics; communities can be defined by location, race, ethnicity, age occupation, interest in particular problems or outcomes, or other common bonds. Ideally, there should be available assets and resources, as well as collective discussion, decision making, and action.
all of the organisms that interact, both directly and indirectly, within an ecosystem.
A community represents a distinct group within a population defined by a shared geographic, ethnic, or ideological identity. One community may be distinguished from another by a variety of criteria, including physical, historical, legal, cultural, socioeconomic, or self-imposed distinctions. Groups that demonstrate like socioeconomic characteristics are often called demographically homophilus communities.
The organisms living and interacting in a given area.
A large or small number of people with some common characteristic
In the wastewater treatment sense, a group of residences, businesses, and/or industries sharing a common treatment and/or conveyance facility.
Used in tandem with 'virtual communities' - offers people with similar experiences and interests the opportunity to come together, freed from the restraints of time and space to form meaningful relationships.
A group of people or a site within a spatial scope exposed to risks that potentially threaten health, ecology, or land values, or exposed to industry that stimulates unwanted noise, smell, industrial traffic, particulate matter, or other nonaesthetic impacts.
A set of people in an environment who interact as a group and share similar values whilst possibly conflicting in other areas.
is any group of people who share a sense of identity or purpose.
A group of people living in the same locality and sharing some common characteristics.
A city, town, district, neighborhood, or other commonly recognized geographical, social, or political area.
The physical area where we live, comprised of places where we know and interact with real people.
People in the local neighborhood and or the general public.
Assemblage of species (populations) of microorganisms that occur and interact within a given habitat
A characteristic group of plants and animals living in a specific region under similar environmental conditions, e.g. the plants and animals of the taiga.
a specific group of people who share a worldview that is based on cultural and/or biological commonalities and shared traditions folk group.
A group of people living in an area such as a town, etc.
a number of people having common ties or interests and living in the same place and subject to the same laws
The geographic area represented by a Caring Communities Partnership, Caring Communities site council, and/or a Caring Communities Collaborative.
The plants and animals that thrive together in a specific area.
All the plants and/or animals living together in a particular habitat are connected by food chains, food webs, and other relationships. The Douglas-fir forest community includes many species of birds, mammals, amphibians, trees, plants, fungi, and ecosystem processes.
an association of living organisms that have mutual relationships among themselves and with their environment, and thus function, to some degree, as an ecological unit.
(a) A group of species of plants and/or animals living and interacting at a particular time and place.(b) A group of people residing in the same place and under the same government; spatially defined places such as towns.
Group of people living in one place or sharing the same background for example the same religion, ethnic origin, profession.
top of the page | Close environment of an individual including the population and all different stakeholders (public or private), on a confined geographical area, who share feeling of common belonging and experiment common constraints.
The plants and animals within a certain habitat.
Interacting populations that live in a defined habitat.
Is the web of personal relationships, groups, networks, traditions and patterns of behaviour that exist amongst those who share physical neighbourhoods, common understandings and interests.
different kinds of populations living in the same habitat
Any more-or-less distinct geographic locality, such as a rural town or village; in urban areas it may be a ward or neighborhood, usually with a name. In a more abstract sense, people may speak of an entire City, or the nation, as a community. The concept of community is primarily useful for designating a population to be studied, or population to be served in a particular program or project. The term community does not imply anything about solidarity, cohesion, or degree of structured-ness. Some communities are ridden with factionalism and strife; some suburban communities have almost no organization or social cohesion. In some cases, the word community is used to refer to the catchment area of a particular health or service facility. In such cases the geographically designated community may have practically no other claim to "communityness" other than the designation as a service area.
All the plants and animals that live in a particular habitat and are bound together by food chains and other interrelations.
A group of people living in the same locality under the same government.
a group of one or more populations of plants and animals in a common spatial arrangement.
All the species within a particular area
A group of animals or plants living together in the same environment.
An assemblage of plants occurring together at any point in time, while denoting no particular ecological status. A unit of vegetation.
all the organisms (including plants, animals and micro-organisms) living in a particular habitat and which affect one another as part of the food web or through their influences on the physical environment.
collection of living organisms in a defined area that function together in an organized system through which energy, nutrients, and water cycle.
all living things in an area
Group of people or companies with a common interest that actively communicate and/or collaborate. Communities that leverage the Web as their infrastructure are also called virtual communities. Common interest is not limited to particular topics, although, until recently, mainly Internet and computer related topics dominated. Popular virtual communities include the Open Source community and the Internet community, which includes all people on the Internet. Some virtual communities use portals as an open place on the Web to communicate and collaborate. Also, all people and companies within the SAP ecosystem form a community - a business community. As components of, SAP will also provide applications, information and services to serve this community. SAP will also host a Marketplace(tm) for business communities on the Web to be reached under
A group of persons sharing common interest; for example, related to origin, experience, profession, age, geographical area, etc.
A community is a group of people ("members") sharing one or more common interests that is carrying out a conversation; the conversation takes place in one or more known public forums. A community is not expected to have a source repository. It is expected to be interested in one or more of the ongoing projects related to its area of interest and, optionally, the consolidations that publish those projects.
a group of people living in the same geographic area with some degree of common interests and an easy means of communication.
A group of different organism populations
As defined in the XRI Specifications, "The set of Resources that share a common identifier Authority, often (but not always) a common root Authority."
in reference to plants, an interacting assemblage of plant populations sharing a given habitat.
Describes the sense of finally belonging or identifying with a group of gays.
all organisms living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions
a collective of people identified by their common values and mutual concern for the development and wellbeing of their group or geographical area.
A group of people who identify with each other, have common interests, or are viewed as forming a distinct segment of society. The word community can also mean a society as a whole. A Human Rights Communityis a community based on human rights, where respect for the fundamental dignity of each individual is recognized as essential to society.
An assemblage of populations of plants and/or animals in a common spatial arrangement.
A place where people care about one another and everyone feels they belong.
Interrelated and interdependent group of plants and animals in a specific habitat.
a group of interacting plants and animals
of practice: A form of social learning that occurs when people with a common interest in a subject collaborate to communicate ideas, find solutions to problems and define principles and terms relating to that subject.
This is a hard word to define because it has many meanings. Community can mean the places where members of the general public live and get together. It can also refer to institutions and other kinds of places where only people with disabilities live together.
The aggregate of persons with common characteristics such as geographic, professional, cultural, racial, religious, or socioeconomic similarities. ommunities can be defined by location, race, ethnicity, age, occupation, interest in particular problems or outcomes, or other common bonds.
A collection of living organisms functioning together in an organized system through which energy, nutrients and water cycle.
refers to a heterogeneous group of people who share residence in the same geographic area and access to a set of local natural resources. The degree of social cohesion and differentiation, strength of common beliefs and institutions, cultural diversity and other factors vary widely within and among communities.
All of the people living in a specific locality or members of a group that share a particular interest.
Species that occur together in space and time.
a group of interacting populations living within a geographic group.
In terms of Self-help, this can be a group of households, from two right up to hundreds.
a town or city served by a Service Canada Centre, or a group of stakeholders that has a particular interest in a given client group, i.e., a community of interest.
A community is a specific group of people who all hold a something in common. Community has tended to be associated with two key aspects: firstly people who share locality or geographical place; secondly people who are communities of interest. Communities of interest are groups of people who share an identity – for example Afro-Caribbean people; or who share an experience – for example people with a particular disability
To be deeply involved with a group that has a larger purpose beyond one's self. To perform in effective and caring teamwork.
The individuals, groups, and institutions that compose the geographic area where a hospice program serves.
A group of people bound together through rules, roles, and relationships.
people living in one local area, often with the same culture and similar interests
All the organisms that inhabit a particular area; an assemblage of populations of different species living close enough together for potential interaction.
Community Boards Funding & Grants Local Laws Noosa River Plan Sport Recreation & Active Living Youth & Community Centre
an assemblage of plants and animals living together and occupying a given area
( Ecol.). An aggregation of living organisms, without reference to its ecological status.
A physical or cultural grouping of stakeholders with common interests created by shared proximity or use. Community can be defined at various levels within a larger context (e.g., neighborhood or city or metropolitan area or region).
any group of people sharing a common identity based on family, occupation, region, religion, culture, gender, age, interest, or avocation; where you live, go to school, work, worship, have family; people may be part of many overlapping communities, including their neighborhood, church, school, clubs, service organizations, or peer groups.
Interacting population of species (plant or animal) in a common location.
a characteristic group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under similar environmental conditions
All organisms inhabiting a common environment and interacting with one another.
A group of species inhabiting an area. These organisms influnce each other's abundance, distribution and evolution.
The individuals, groups, and institutions that compose the geographic area our hospice program serves. Community Hospice serves the communities of Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. John's counties.
A group of people living in a particular area or having characteristics in common (e.g., city, neighborhood, organization, service agency, business, professional association); the larger socio-political-cultural context in which an implementation program is intended to operate.
all the populations living in an area
A community is the protocol the clients and servers share. See TNS community.
two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area.
an association of interacting populations.
A group of plants and animals living in a specific region living under relatively similar conditions; and the region or habitat in which they live, i.e., forest community.
The people who live in a particular area or a group of people who have shared interests, background, or nationality.
An assembly of plants living together, reflecting no particular ecological status.
Also known as "interest groups" communities are groups of people who share a common interest and communicate with each other about that interest (through a community Web page chat Newsgroups or email).
an assemblage of interacting plants and animals forming a distinctive group within a given area.
a population of plants and animals in a given place; also referred to as an assemblage.
any assemblage of biota that functions as a unit through metabolic transformations
all the living things that live together in a particular place
A collection of living organisms thriving in an organized system through which water, energy, and nutrients cycle.
the region occupied by a group of interacting organisms
A group of people who share a common social, historical, regional or cultural heritage.
a) all the people living in a particular district or city b) the district or city where they live (Webster's New World Dictionary).
A naturally occurring group of plants and animals that live within a certain environment and interact with each other. Communities are often defined by a dominant species (e.g. kelp forest community) or the major physical characteristics of the area (e.g. mud flats).
All the organisms living together in a particular location.
All people, including those with special interests such as owners, managers, architects, builders, developers, local and state government, technical heritage experts (Heritage Victoria).
all the organisms of a given taxonomic rank (ie animal, plant, microbial community). Also applied to geographical regions (biomes) as in a tundra community or salt marsh community.
Community can be used in a number of ways to apply to almost any group of individuals. It is often used to describe a geographic group whose members engage in some face-to-face interaction. The term community can also be used in a more meaningful sense to emphasize the common bonds and beliefs that hold people together.
The set of resources that share a common identifier authority, often (but not always) a common root authority. Technically, the set of resources whose identifiers form a directed graph or tree.
Creating a feeling of loyalty among customers and prospects by permitting them to shore information with each other through chat rooms or moderated discussion groups.
community generally means a collection of citizens, groups or organisations with a common interest. for example, some communities have business interests while others have social or environmental interests. some communities have local and regional interests and others have interests in specific issues such as education, health, children, older citizens and so forth. many communities connect through cultural background, religion or language. some communities are well organised with administrative structures to support them while others are loose collections of individuals. many communities are local face-to-face groups while others may be linked more widely through common interest. some communities now use the internet to organise themselves. communities have different levels of engagement with government. the exclusion of some communities from the process of government needs to be addressed to create fairness in government and community relations. this will be a significant challenge for government to address.
Group of individuals with a common cause. The community of a project consists of all those with an interest in that project.
a collection of species that live in close proximity to one another, share the same habitat, or live in the same region.
An association of living organisms having mutual relationships among themselves and their environment and thus functioning, at least to some degree, as an ecological unit (Warner and Hendrix 1984).
the plants and animals that interact in a particular habitat e.g. stream community, riparian community
A group of organisms of different species that occur in the same habitat or area.
Community is often defined broadly, to refer not only to a specific geographic area, but also a group with a common interest, such as the Chinese community, the women's community, or the arts community.
two or more populations of different interacting populations which occupy the same geographical area.
groups of organisms of two or more different species living together within the same geographical area where they are likely to interact with each other. Every community of living things depends upon its producers to convert inorganic carbon (from the carbon dioxide in the air) into organic molecules (such as sugar) through the process of photosynthesis.
In ecology, an assemblage of populations of different species within a specified location in space and time. Sometimes, a particular subgrouping may be specified, such as the fish community in a lake or the soil arthropod community in a forest.
plants and animals which are found living together and interacting in a particular environment
In ecology..all the populations of all the species living a particular area.
All of the plants and animals living in a specific area (habitat), often described by the most abundant or obvious organisms. The kelp forest community means all the animals and plants that are part of the kelp forest.
All the plants and/or animals livi...
Refers to all the populations of interacting species found in a specific area or region at a certain time.
A group of people united by a common purpose who share information and knowledge with one another.
A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality and have a common cultural and historical heritage as well as shared political and economic system, shared possessions, needs, interests, enjoyment, and liability. The community is also defined by its capacity to solve problems.
a group of people residing in the same locality or sharing a common interest.
Communities are people who, due to mutual interests, continue to visit an Internet page.
A collection of individuals or users of a website, mailing list or newsgroup, generally united through a common interest, community-building is one of the biggest challenges faced by website owners, for whom unclicked banners, empty chat rooms and discussion groups, or unclaimed web space presage doom. The rules for encouraging the development and retention of such communities are not clearly defined, and many theories circulate about how best to attempt this. Howard Rheingold's book Virtual Communities, available online, provides one of the best such discussions.
All the populations of living things that inhabit a given area. The term also is used to mean a collection of populations in a given area that potentially interact with each other.
A group of people living together in a self-sufficient, sustainable society
Any naturally occurring group of organisms occupying a common environment. This term is a general one, covering various sized groups.
all the plants and animals in a particular habitat that are bound together by food chains and other interactions that are self-perpetuating.
A group of people that use a Web resource and communicate via a public forum associated with that resource.
In BGP, a group of destinations that share a common property. Community information is included as one of the path attributes in BGP update messages. In SNMP, an authentication scheme that authorizes SNMP clients based on the source IP address of incoming SNMP packets, defines which MIB objects are available, and specifies the operations (read-only or read-write) allowed on those objects.
the interaction of a group of species and abiotic factors assembled in the same location.
A community is a groups of species (different types of plants and animals) that live in an area. These organisms interact and influence each others survival.
All species or populations living in the same area.
An assemblage of populations of different species within a specified location and time. It is a broad term that may be used to designate natural assemblages of different sizes (e.g., organisms inhabiting a rotting log, organisms inhabiting a forest or stream).
A community usually refers to a group of people who interact and share certain things as a group, but it can refer to various collections of organisms sharing an environment, plant or animal. This article focuses on human communities, in which intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of adhesion.