Some define Pentecostalism strictly on a doctrinal basis. The most commonly accepted doctrinal definition is that Pentecostals are those who hold to glossolalia as the "initial physical evidence" of Spirit Baptism. The problem is that not all within classical Pentecostalism are comfortable with that definition. Robert M. Anderson, defines Pentecostals as "the groups, by whatever name they may use, whose origins can be traced to that revival [Azusa]"; Vision of the Disinherited, p. 4. Both definitions challenge Charles Conn's claim. First, the evidence is weak that the Church of God believed that glossolalia was the biblical evidence of Spirit Baptism, and that this baptism was for all believers, until after January, 1908. Secondly, using Robert Anderson's definition, the oldest Pentecostal denominations would be Apostolic Faith (Baxter Springs, Kans.), Apostolic Faith Mission (Portland, Ore.), The Church of God in Christ, and The Pentecostal Holiness Church. All of these denominations can trace their origins to Azusa Street as early as 1906. (from Robert Horton's article "The Holiness Connection" Lee College, Cleveland, Tenn. March 1996)
The doctrines and practices of Pentecostal religious bodies; especially, religious excitement or emotionalism accompanied by ecstatic utterances interpreted as the gift of tongues ( WTNID, p. 1673)