means a geographic area which has not been classified by a committee as suburban or urban and shall include: Lands zoned primarily for farm or forestry uses; Lands which have an average tax lot size of 10 acres or larger; Lands not zoned to allow a concentration of structures; and Lands which do not contain a concentration of structures.
those areas not designated as metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).
The Bureau of the Census defines the rural population (in contrast to urban) as all persons living in the open country, plus those in places of less than 2,500 inhabitants that are beyond the densely settled (1,000 or more persons per square mile) suburban fringes of metropolitan cities. However, the Rural Development Act of 1972 defines rural as any area not included in any city or town with a population in excess of 10,000 inhabitants.
Any county, municipality, or colonia, not a part of a major metropolitan area.
of or relating to the country or country people, or agriculture; Population
The area of the state outside the Perth Statistical Division as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (see Metropolitan).
All areas not classified by the Census Bureau as urban are defined as rural and generally include places of less than 2,500 persons.
country side area, not many houses or large roads
A Main Inventory Table field identifying the presence of agricultural tools and livestock.
Area that is not within an urban zone.
Used to identify books related to agriculture or country life and concerns.
living in or characteristic of farming or country life; "rural people"; "large rural households"; "unpaved rural roads"; "an economy that is basically rural"
relating to rural areas; "rural electrification"; "rural free delivery (RFD)"
Of or pertaining to people who live in the country or relating to farming; agricultural.
Free Delivery (RFD): Began in 1896 as an experiment in West Virginia, RFD brought daily mail delivery to farmers and others living outside urban areas.
An area outside a Metropolitan Statistical Area. Significant for an EDC, because rural bases with a substantial adverse impact as a result of closure or realignment are eligible to receive a no-cost EDC.
Non-metropolitan areas that are defined in the ASGC as Inner Regional (IR); Outer Regional (OR); Remote Australia (R); or Very Remote (VR).
Having to do with the country
Areas not specifically designated as urban. Rural areas include towns of fewer than 1000 population, plus an administrative district territory where this is not included in an urban area. Offshore islands, normally classified as rural by Statistics New Zealand, were excluded from the 1996 and 2001 Household Disability Surveys, apart from Waiheke Island.
A definition used in the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) to characterize an area with a substantially modified natural environment. Sights and sounds of humans are readily evident, and the interaction between users is moderate to high. A considerable number of facilities are designed for use by large numbers of people. Facilities for intensified motorized use and parking are available.
Places of 2,500 or fewer population and not other urban areas.
(Population) Rural is a type-of-area concept rather than a specific area outlined on a map. As defined by the Census Bureau, an urban population comprises all persons living in urbanized areas (UA's) and in places 2,500 or more inhabitants outside UA's. The rural population consists of everyone else. Therefore, a rural classification need not imply farm residence or a sparsely settled area, since a small city or town is rural as long as it is outside a UA and has fewer than 2,500 inhabitants.
A term used to describe a property’s location. For example, rural properties are in remote locations, on non-paved access roads or streets with support services more than 10 miles away. Rural is also a term used to describe the country as opposed to the city.
Any area wherein residences and other developments are scattered and intermingled with forest, range, or farm land and native vegetation or cultivated crops.
That area outside the boundaries of an urban area.
Refers to hospitals not located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area.
pertaining to the area outside the larger and moderate- sized cities and surrounding population concentrations. Generally characterized by farms, ranches, small towns, and unpopulated regions. Compare with suburb.
land outside of the settlements.
An area outside of an established urban area or metropolitan district.
(adj) Of, like, or living in the country; rustic.
Relating to people or facilities located in the country including but not exclusively farming and agriculture areas.
Of or relating to a small town or countryside.
an area characterized by the sights and sounds of rural residential and agricultural land uses. The interaction between users is often moderate to high.
Having to do with the countryside; rustic; away from cities and suburbs.
A term to describe something which is not of an urban center.
Usually refers to areas with populations less than 5,000. (DOE) Areas outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, hamlet or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, business or shopping center or community development. (49CFR195) Includes all areas of a state that are outside the Federal Highway Administration approved and adjusted census boundaries of small urban and urbanized areas (FHWA)
Rural areas (also referred to as "the country", countryside) are sparsely settled places away from the influence of large cities. Such areas are distinct from more intensively settled urban and suburban areas, and also from unsettled lands such as outback, American Old West or wilderness. Ruralites live in villages, hamlets on farms and in other isolated houses.