To divide into districts or limited portions of territory; as, legislatures district States for the choice of representatives.
Jurisdiction established by the Workers' Compensation Commission Chairman to administer matters of the workers' compensation system within a given geographical area.
A geographic operating area often referred to by a 3-digit number such as Scarborough 560.
The geographic area from which a legislator is chosen; the geographic area a legislator represents.
An area geographically set apart for a specific purpose, such as a congressional district or drainage district. The boundaries of one may overlap the other.
The Mendocino County Air Quality Management District
A geographic division of the state made on the basis of population and in accordance with conditions dictated by state law and the state constitution.
A number of working areas close together but in a separate portion of the coal to be worked
That division of the state represented by a legislator distinguished numerically or by geographical boundaries.
(1) A geographical division made for a specific purpose. (2) Any region; part of a city or county, etc.
The geographical area from which a legislator is elected.
A geographic demarcation such as Stellenbosch, Paarl and Robertson.
A group of chapters, usually three to six, located within a geographic area of a state Junior Chamber organization.
A geographic area, usually within a State, which is the basic administrative unit for representative government in the United States. Each member of the U. S. House of Representatives represents one Congressional district within a state. In some States, the districts for Federal legislators are not the same as those for State legislators.
A geographical entity within a local council, that meets monthly to over see the operation of local units.
A geographical area designated for representation by a senator and/or representative. Legislative districts are drawn to ensure that a nearly equal number of constituents reside in each legislator's district, and are re-drawn by a specially-appointed legislative committee every ten years to accurately reflect changes in population.
The geographical area over which the federal district court where the grand jury sits and the grand jury itself have jurisdiction. The territorial limitations of the district will be explained to the grand jury by the district judge.
a geographical area in which Rotary clubs are combined for RI administrative purposes
a geographical division within an Area that provides an opportunity for the groups in that vicinity to have a voice in matters affecting other groups and A
a geographical unit within an Area containing a number of groups within a close proximity, which find it necessary to unify
a geographic area designed to support Scouting in an area through training, program planning, and support
a local apostolic community of the commonlifewherein members live either together in various separate small residentialunitsor individuallyall within a specified geographic areaunderthe authority of its own superior
an administrative division of an Indian state
an area defined over time rather like an English county
an area that is assessed for the purpose of providing certain infrastructure in most cases
an area within the United States comprised of several ports in the same general location
a part of a council, covering a smaller area
a portion of the territory of the Town of Normal within which certain generally uniform regulations and requirements unique thereto, apply under the provisions of this Chapter
A district is the geographical area encompassing the citizens represented by a legislator.
The ASA is divided into five District Associations and clubs affiliate to their local District. Our District is Southern Counties, or SCASA, and it is the largest of the ASA Districts with about 600 clubs in it.
1. Territory marked off for special administrative purposes. 2. A tract of country, up to about 1600 sq. kms in area, distinguished by certain common characteristics, natural or cultural.
The instanced area of the game world where people are. For example, there may be a person in Lion's Arc district 1 and another in Lion's Arc district 2.
A geographic administrative unit of a council. (see Mustang District.)
A subdivision of a council. The Narragansett Council has 8 districts a Venturing Division and a Learning For Life Division. The districts are Netop, Blackstone Valley, Cachalot, Massasoit, Pokanoket, Quequatuck, Shawomet and Thundermist. Netop District includes Providence, North Providence, Cranston, Scituate, Johnston, Smithfield, Foster and Glocester.
An administrative arm of the council that provides service to the Scouting units (packs, etc.) within its jurisdiction. A Council is made up of one or more Districts. Pack 527 is in Tuality District of Cascade Pacific Council.
A territorial division (as of a nation, state, county, or city) for administrative, judicial, electoral, or other purposes
One of the 16 geographic and administrative regions of the Society.
an area which has a distinct character of purpose, such as an area with predominantly historic buildings, arts facilities, ethnic residents, or unique topography.
One of the 88 Legislative Assembly electorates.
A geographic region represented by a specific officeholder. | The Senator returned often to his district to visit friends and neighbors. [ Lesson 1
The specific geographical area within a state represented by a House member. Congressional districts are drawn so that each has an average of about 650,000 citizens. States with small populations may have only one district (for example, Alaska) while a large state like California has 53 districts.
The area of the State represented by a legislator. Each district is determined by population and is known by a number. There are 40 Senate districts and 80 Assembly districts.
The area from which a state senator, representative, or Congressman is elected. The boundaries of state legislative and congressional districts are drawn in the decennial process known as apportionment and redistricting.
A geographical court jurisdiction composed of one or more counties.
The area served by Shasta College is the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District. The District is the governing entity of the College.
Territory, other than territory within a city, proposed to be created, formed or incorporated into a district or to be annexed or otherwise added to a district. See ORS 255.012 for multiple alternative definitions.
That area of the state represented by a legislator, determined on the basis of population.
a territorial division of the Institute* with its own council and Brother Visitor*. Our district is the Baltimore District.
The primary division of a state.
A geographical area of the state from which a Senator or Representative is elected. District boundaries are determined on the basis of population. A number designates each district. There are 50 Senate Districts and 100 House Districts.
The area or division of the governed territory which is represented by an individual member of its legislative body.
In NSW, for the Legislative Assembly - one of 93 geographical areas containing approximately equal numbers of electors; for Legislative Council - the whole of the State of NSW.
The geographical area in a state represented by a House member. Within a state, congressional districts are drawn so that each has an average of about 650,000 citizens.
a geographical division of the state based on population
a geographical area in a region* containing enough Brothers* to form an official, canonical,* administrative unit in the Institute* under the direction of a Visitor.
A geographic region which serves as an administrative unit, and helps to connect local congregations with the continental structure.
A division of an area, as for administrative purposes.
A division with an area to be represented by a committee member chair, often a county or two counties, but in more populous areas can be part of a county.
Identifies the geographical or political sub-division within which the historic place is located. This includes: County; Communauté urbaine; District; Census Division; District Municipality; Municipalité régionale de comté; Regional District; Region; Regional Municipality; or United Counties.
An instance of a public area, to be used for trading, chatting, and forming parties.
The geographic area of Montana represented by a legislator. District boundary lines are determined on the basis of population. Each district is designated by a number. A Senate district consists of two contiguous House districts.
The geographic area of Montanarepresented by a legislator. District boundarylines are determined on the basis of population.Each district is designated by a number. ASenate district consists of two contiguousHouse districts.
A territorial division composed of schools by county or city, organized for administrative purposes.
a part of a geographical area, the size/shape of which is usually decided for administrative reasons
A section or sections of the incorporated territory of the City of Orrville for which the regulations governing the use of buildings and premises or the height and area of buildings are uniform.
Geographic areas into which a country is divided for electoral purposes. Districts may return one member to parliaments or more than one.
Defined geographical areas of the State. The whole of the State is one electoral district for the Legislative Council, while there are 47 electoral districts for the House of Assembly, each having approximately an equal number of electors.
A district is a geographical area of United Methodist churches. Districts contain about 70 churches. Districts join to make a conference, our's being the Detroit Conference. The district youth organization is known as the District Youth Council or District Council on Youth Ministries. Visit the District pages to learn more.
Geographic areas into which the United States and its territories are divided for the Immigration and Naturalization Service's field operations or one of three overseas offices located in Rome, Bangkok, and Mexico City. Each District Office, headed by a District Director, has a specified service area that may include part of a state, an entire state, or many states. District Offices are where most INS field staff are located. District Offices are responsible for providing certain immigration services and benefits to people resident in their service area, and for enforcing immigration laws in that jurisdiction. Certain applications are filed directly with District Offices, many kinds of interviews are conducted at these Offices, and INS staff is available to answer questions, provide forms, etc.