Urban areas have minimum population concentrations of 1 000 and a population density of at least 400 per square kilometre, based on the previous census population counts. All territory outside urban areas is considered rural. Taken together, urban and rural areas cover all of Canada. (Source: 1996 Census Dictionary, Statistics Canada)
Geographic area with a population of 2,500 or more. The number of people used in this definition may vary, with some countries setting the minimum number of people at 10,000-50,000.
An area having a Center City population of 50,000 or more as defined by the 1990 US Census; may also include other major population concentrations where a systems planning study is deemed necessary.
Any area that includes a municipality or other built up place which is appropriate, in the judgement of the Secretary of Transportation, for a public transportation system to serve commuters or others in the locality taking into consideration the local patterns and trends of urban growth. (FTA1)
An urban area comprises all territory, population, and housing units located in "urbanized areas" (continuously built-up areas with a population of 50,000 or more with a central core), defined in terms of Census tracts (not counties), and in "urbanized places" (places of 2,500 or more inhabitants outside urbanized areas).
a geographical area constituting a city or town
a built area such as a town or city
An area of 5,000 or more designated by the U.S. Census Bureau. An urban area ranking changes the funding classification of an area for certain federal transportation funds.
As defined by the Census Bureau for the 1990 census, an areacomprising all territory, population, and housing units in urbanized areas, or places of 2,500 or more persons outside of urbanized areas. An urbanized area comprises one or more places (‘central place') and the adjacent densely settled surrounding territory (‘urban fringe') that together have a minimum of 50,000 persons.
According to the u. S. Bureau of the census, any community with a population of 2,500 or more, whether incorporated or not.... read full article
An area predominantly occupied by man-made structures: the Bureau of Census defines communities of over 2,500 as urban areas.
An area in which a majority of the people are not directly dependent on natural resource-based occupations.
Geographic area with a high density of people over a limited area. Homes and other types of buildings tend to be close together. Urban systems also tend to differentiate themselves spatially into particular types of human activities.
Collective term referring to all areas that are urban. For Census 2000, there are two types of urban areas: urban clusters and urbanized areas.
An urban area is an area with an increased density of human-created structures in comparison to the areas surrounding it. This term is at one end of the spectrum of suburban and rural areas. An urban area is more frequently called a city or town.