also known as a riding, which is a legislative district at the federal, provincial and territorial levels.
The geographical unit which elects a single MP. There will be 646 in the UK after the election.
the body of voters who elect a representative for their area
a geographical area consisting of a number of wards grouped together
a geographically-defined area where the voters elect a candidate
(Riding): A voting district. In Alberta there are 83 constituencies; each elects one Member of the Legislative Assembly.
A constituency is the area an elected politician represents. For the London Assembly and Mayor of London elections, London is divided into 14 constituencies. Each constituency is made up of between two and four London boroughs.
The specific geographic area in Canada that a Member of Parliament represents in the House of Commons, also known as a riding or electoral district. During debate the Member is identified by the name of the riding rather than by his or her own name.
The group of citizens who elect and are represented by an elected official. | Senator Douglass was concerned about the repercussions of this vote on the support of his constituency. [ Lesson 6
the electors or community represented by a Member of Parliament
Constituents or one's constituency refers to the people a decision- maker represents. The constituents of a governmental leader are the citizens he or she represents in Parliament or other legislative body. The constituents of a negotiator are the people he or she is negotiating for -- members of a union, perhaps, or of an interest group or business.
A geographical district from which a Member of Parliament is elected. The House of assembly is comprised of 30 MPs, each from a single-seat constituency in Barbados.
Electoral boundaries defined by population and rural or urban location. There are 103 constituencies in Ontario (sometimes referred to informally as "ridings") with a member elected from each one. See electoral district.
A geographic area defined and named by the Representation Commission to elect a general electorate MP or a Maori electorate MP. More commonly called an electorate in New Zealand. See also: electorate boundaries, electorate vote,.
Any voting district entitled to have one MP represent it in the House of Commons. During debate, an MP is identified by the name of his or her constituency, not by his or her own name. (Synonyms: electoral district, riding.)
A group of citizens that vote in a particular election district and elect someone to represent them.
The geographical unit which elects a single MP. There are 659 in the UK.
The country is divided up into different constituencies for elections. Each constituency elects an MSP to look after it.
A synonym for district, used predominantly in Anglophone countries outside of the United States.
"Implicit in the purpose of a Computer Security Incident Response Team is the existence of a constituency. This is the group of users, sites, networks or organizations served by the team. The team must be recognized by its constituency in order to be effective." [RFC 2350] "body of voters who elect a representative; an area so represented" [Oxford
An electoral area which elects a single MSP using the first-past-the-post system. The term is sometimes used generically to describe any electoral area, including a region, that elects 1 MSP or, in the case of a region, 7 MSPs.
A constituency is any cohesive corporate unit or body bound by shared structures, goals or loyalty. It can be used to describe a business's customer base and shareholders, or a charity's donors or those it serves. The most common meaning of constituency occurs in politics and means either the group of people from whom an individual or organization hopes to attract support, or the group of people or geographical area that a particular elected representative or group of elected representatives represents.