Citizens residing in a particular candidateís area or district.
A citizen residing within the district of an elected representative.
A person who resides within the district represented by a legislator.
One of the harmonic elements in a mathematical expression for the tide-producing force and in corresponding formulas for the tide or tidal current. Each constituent represents a periodic change or variation in the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. A single constituent is usually written in the form y = A cos (at + à), in which y is a function of time as expressed by the symbol t and is reckoned from a specific origin. The coefficient A is called the amplitude of the constituent and is a measure of its relative importance. The angle (at + à) changes uniformly and its value at any time is called the phase of the constituent. The speed of the constituent is the rate of change in its phase and is represented by the symbol a in the formula. The quantity a is the phase of the constituent at the initial instant from which the time is reckoned. The period of the constituent is the time required for the phase to change through 360° and is the cycle of the astronomical condition represented by the constituent.
An individual who resides within the boundaries of the House or Senate district.
A person who is represented by an elected official.
a member of a constituency; a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes; "needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected"
a resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official
A citizen residing in a district or state represented by a Congressperson or a Senator.
A person living in an area in Canada represented by an elected Member of Parliament.
Someone who votes, or lives, in an electorate or area which a Member of Parliament represents.
A citizen of a state or district who is represented by an elected official and who is eligible to vote for that official. | Since he was a constituent of Senator Kelly, Harold contacted her regarding the issue. [ Lesson 1
A person who resides within the district of a legislator.
A resident in an elected official's district.
A person having the right to vote or elect; any of the voters represented by a particular official.
A citizen who resides in the district of a legislator.
A citizen residing within the district of a legislator.
a citizen who lives within the district of an elected legislator
(noun) A voter in a district; a component.
A person served by an elected official; normally a voter or resident.
Citizen of a lawmakers district.
A resident of a legislator's district.
A person who lives in the district represented by a legislator.
A person who lives in thedistrict represented by a legislator.
A constituent is someone who can or does appoint or elect (and often by implication can also remove or recall) another as their agent or representative. A constituency is all the constituents of a particular agent or representative.