The setting up of type and arranging it for printing.
A literary, musical, or artistic production, especially one showing study and care in arrangement; -- often used of an elementary essay or translation done as an educational exercise.
The act of giving a sense of order and life to the forms we choose to describe. The arrangement.
a strong form of the ' has_a' or APO relation so that deleting the whole automatically removes the parts as well. Composition fits when objects of one class are made up of parts that are objects of of other classes, for example when they are implemented using fields in structures, items in records, columns in a data base, or pieces of a document. However, in some cases, the responsibility for keeping an object alive changes during that objects life, and so that objects class would be shown as being parts of several different compositions. [ clock2.gif ] [ uml.period.gif ] [
The elements that a specimen is composed of and their relative ratios
refers to the arrangement of different elements (i.e., colors, shapes, figures, lines, movement, and lighting) within a frame and in a scene Example: the clever composition of frames in The Sixth Sense (1999).
How visually satisfying the different parts of a picture are arranged. A well composed picture is made up of different components which form a harmony that is aesthetically pleasing.
Arrangement or ordering of artistic elements into a harmonious, unified whole.
The arrangement of the visual elements of an artwork. The structural elements can have a significant impact on the way we perceive and respond to the image.
The arrangement of elements of form and color within an artwork.
The complete arrangement of a scene by the director. The process includes camera angles, lighting, properties, characters, and the movement of the actors.
the arrangement of shapes, colors, lines in a drawing or painting
Voluntary arrangement to restructure a firm's debt, under which payment is reduced.
the arrangement of the design elements within the design area; the ordering of visual and emotional experience to give unity and consistency to a work of art and to allow the observer to comprehend its meaning.
In art, the combining of parts or elements to form a whole; the structure and organization of a work of art.
The arrangement of elements by an artist in an artwork; The bringing together of parts or elements to form a whole; The structure, organization or total form of an art.
The organizing principle or the organization of the design elements of a painting
The arrangement and relationship of the visual elements within a frame.
The parts that form or make up a whole.
The arrangement of artistic elements that forms the unified whole.
The arrangement of the parts in a work of art, usually according to the principles of design.
the process of setting type and arranging it on the page.
organization of forms in a work of art: in sculpture, refers principally to the balance and relation of mass, volume, shapes and spaces
The structure of a gymnastics routine. Each individual movement or skill is a building block; the arrangement of the moves in the exercise is called the composition of the routine.
the design of a given work.
the organisation of elements in a work of art
A composition is a stronger form of aggregation. A part can only be a part of one composite, and the destruction of the whole automatically implies destruction of the parts. Parts with multiplicity that is not fixed can be created after the composite has been created, but once established they live and die with it. Parts can be explicitly removed before the death of the composite.
the spatial property resulting from the arrangement of parts in relation to each other and to the whole; "harmonious composition is essential in a serious work of art"
the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"
art and technique of printing with movable type
something that is created by arranging several things to form a unified whole; "he envied the composition of their faculty"
a formal structure that offers theme, variation, development, counterpoint, harmony and, perhaps orchestration
a form of aggregation where the whole cannot exist without having the parts
a great example of Mulligan's sharp writing for his quartet, After Mulligan and Baker state the theme, a brief period of open and closed harmony follows, after which a middle eight introduces exact contrapuntal lines
an arrangement, built out of parts, that aims at seamlessness
a whole - it is the coming together of elements carefully arranged to elicit a response in the viewer
The elements of a performance that are predetermined or written down
Elements organized in a work of art to create a unified whole.
the arrangement of formal elements (lines, shapes, forms, colors and texture, proportion, etc.)
Arrangement of the elements within the frame-the main subject, the foreground and background, and supporting subjects.
The arrangement or organization of shapes, lines, and color on a page. The more complex the work, the more considerations are necessary for how the individual elements will interrelate to form a cohesive, interesting whole.
The manner in which the forms, lines, and colors of an artwork are arranged.
The art of assembling different components of the picture frame (eg. background/foreground and surrounding subjects) into an agreeable format or arrangement.
Organization of elements in space.
the arrangement of the elements of art and the principles of design within a given work of art
the act of composing or the work a composer creates
Structure or organization of a work.
The arrangement of shapes within an artwork.
The arrangement of an artwork's formal elements.
To arrange elements of a scene in a pleasing way.
an art work; or the arrangement of elements (e.g., shapes, lines, colours) in an art work
(UML) Stronger form of aggregation in which components cannot exist without being part of the assembly. aggregate.php
The arrangement of forms in a work of art.
The combination of elements in a painting or other work of art that provides order or structure to the scene.
The elements and the quantity of the elements a substance contains.
The organization, design or placement of the individual elements in a work of art. The aim is to achieve balance and proportionality. Usually applied to two-dimensional art.
The act of giving a unique sense of order, a life to the forms we choose to work with. (Bernard Cheat)
The arrangement of lines, colors and form.
The placement of people or objects within the frame and the arrangements for actual movements within the frame or by the camera.
How a work of art is put together; the total content of a work of art
The organization or arrangement of visual elements such as line, spaces, color in a work of art.
A formulation or arrangement of artistic elements, materials, and/or principles which when combined form a complete entity.
the act of organizing all of the elements of a work of art into a harmoniously unified whole. Each element used may have intrinsic characteristics which create interest, but it must function in such a way that the whole is more important than it's parts. An organized relationship of visual form. a. The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole. b. The manner in which such parts are combined or related. c. General makeup. d. The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound. 2. Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole. 3. a. The art or act of composing a musical or literary work. b. A work of music, literature, or art, or its structure or organization.
The overall arrangement of individual movements and skills into a gymnastics routine.
the structure of a gymnastics routine. Each individual movement or skill is a building block; how they are arranged into an exercise is called the composition of the routine.
arrangement of all the elements in a work of visual art.
The combination of elements in a painting to create a whole that is satisfactory to the painter.
The arrangement of all the elements within the screen image to achieve a balance of light, mass, shadow, color, and movement.
The structure, arrangement or total form of a work of art.
The pleasing arrangement of the elements within a scene-the main subject, the foreground and background, and supporting subjects.
1. The constituent elements of an entity (e.g. the species that constitute a plant community) 2. The proportion of each tree species in a stand expressed as a percentage of the total number, basal area, or volume of all tree species in the stand
The arrangement of elements by an artist in a oil painting.
an arrangement of the parts to form a unified, harmonious whole.
A form of aggregation with strong ownership and coincident lifetime as part of the whole. Parts with non-fixed multiplicity may be created after the composite itself, but once created they live and die with it (i.e., they share lifetimes). Such parts can also be explicitly removed before the death of the composite. Composition may be recursive. Synonym: composite aggregation.
The arrangement of the elements (subject and other objects) in a scene or photograph.
Arrangement of lines colors and forms.
The arrangement of the various elements (figures, objects, background) in an illustration.
The arrangement of all the visual elements within a photo. Note that the main subject does not always have to be in the center of the frame. When composing a shot, consider the whole frame, all the way to each corner.
An arrangement of the visual space on the screen usually includes the placement of objects and subjects on the picture plane. The object is to keep the viewer's attention on the screen space.
An arrangement and/or structure of all the elements which achieves a unified whole. Often used interchangeably with the term design.
(1) In typography, the assembly of typographic elements, such as words and paragraphs, into pages ready for printing. (2) In graphic design, the arrangement of type, graphics and other elements on the page.
The organization and structure of a work of art, determined by the arrangement of shapes, forms, colors, areas of light and dark, and so on.
The underlying and unifying organizational structure and design of a work of art. Also used to lead the viewer's eye in the direction the artist intended. The composition achieves balance and unity, but can convey restfulness, tension, etc. depending on the arrangement of the visual elements. An aesthetic, harmonious arrangement of parts to form a whole.
1. A dance which has been created. 2. The way in which the parts of a dance are put together to form a whole.
the arrangement of parts that together form a unified whole
The process of setting type and arranging elements on a page.
the organization, placement or arrangement of the elements of art within a work.
The arrangement of elements, shapes and colors in a work of art.
The organization of form in a work of art, i.e., the layout of shapes, masses, areas of light and dark, etc.
The arrangement of the elements of a photo
The plan, placement or arrangement of the elements of art in a work.
The organization of the parts of a work into a unified whole.
Composition is an exercise in arranging your subject in the camera viewfinder. Try moving your own position or if that's an option directing your subjects to where they create a balanced composition.
visual arrangement of all the elements in a photograph.
The arrangement of the elements of an artwork. Often one of the most important factors in the success of a work and vital in the planning process for a work. See the Composition and Design Forum.
The composition of a material refers to the proportion and combination of elements or components to form a substance.