this term refers to both the concept of class subtyping and the ability to reuse code from pre-existing objects.
The conceptual mechanism by which Attributes , Notifications , operations and Behaviour are acquired by a subclass from its super class source: ITU-T X.720 domain: Information Model usage: EU-P202, EU-P103
The transfer of object features (data attributes and operations) from a "class" that defines the common features of similar objects.
the passing of traits from parent to child through genes
(1) An object-oriented programming technique that allows the use of existing classes as bases for creating other classes. (2) A mechanism by which a derived class can use the attributes, relationships, and member functions defined in more abstract classes related to it (its base classes). See multiple inheritance.
Directives and attributes are inherited through the object database hierarchy. For example, a page inherits its background color from the #bgcolor directive in the table above it, or the table above that, and so on. Inheritance allows for attributes and directives to be over-ridden. See the section on inheritance in the website tutorial.
An important property of object-oriented development environments. A class inherits the attributes of its superior. Inheritance facilitates rapid development, eliminates redundancy in an application, and builds reusable application components.
A class is said to inherit resources or support functions from its superclasses, since those functions and resources are available to the subclass. See superclass, and composite class.
(1) A mechanism by which an object class can use the attributes, relationships and methods defined in more abstract classes related to it (its base class). (2) An object-oriented programming technique that allows the use of existing classes as bases for creating other objects.
NDS rights and file system rights can be inherited. This means that if you have rights to a parent container (or directory), you can inherit those rights and exercise them in an object within that container (or a file or subdirectory within that directory), too. Inheritance keeps you from having to grant users' rights at every level of the Directory or file system tree. Inheritance can be blocked by granting a new set of rights to an object within the container, or by removing the right from an object's Inherited Rights Filter (IRF).
The propagation of changes from an object in the visual object repository to an object in your application screen. The inheritance relationship can be established either by copying the parent object from the repository to your application screen or by identifying the repository object in the application object's Inherit From property. The application object is referred to as the child object.
The features of an organism are determined by a set of chromosomes. These originate in the parents and are passed on to an offspring during fertilisation. It follows then that since chromosomes are inherited, all the features of an organism must be inherited.
The concept that when a class of objects is defined, any subclass that is defined can inherit the definitions of the more general class.
A mechanism whereby a subclass obtains its definition from its superior class. You use inheritance to implement "kind of" relationships between classes and subclasses when creating a class hierarchy. See also multiple inheritance.
An object inherits predicate directives and clauses from other objects that it extends or specializes. If an object extends other object then we have a prototype-based inheritance. If an object specializes or instantiates another object we have a class-based inheritance.
The sharing of definition from a super-class. When a PCE class is created from a super-class it is initially a copy of this super-class. After creation, instance variables and methods may be added and/or redefined.
(genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
the object-oriented concept where a child class also has the features (attributes and methods) of its parent class. One of the types of relationships between objects in the data representation model.
The ability to build objects that are derived from existing objects.
A mechanism for reusing code, by which each class inherits the methods (and optionally the data) of its superclass. By identifying where different types of objects have common functionality, you can implement the common methods for that functionality in a single class and inherit it in any number of subclasses. Each class inherits all the methods of its superclass, so a class ultimately inherits all methods all the way up to the root class (Base). A class object inherits the class methods of its superclass, and an instance object inherits the instance methods of its superclass. In this Object COBOL implementation, a class has only one immediate superclass. The superclass is named in the inherits clause of the class-id paragraph of the class which implements the class.
the sharing of attributes and operations among classes based on a heirarchical relationship
Describes how a child class inherits the characteristics of its parent class. OracleAS TopLink supports multiple approaches to database implementations that preserve the inheritance relationship.
In object-orientation, the ability to derive new classes from existing classes. A derived class ("child class") inherits the instance variables and methods of the base class ("parent class"), and may add new instance variables and methods. New methods may be defined with the same names as those in the base class, in which case they override the original one.
The property that allows a named row data type or a typed table to inherit representation (data fields and columns) and behavior (routines, operators, and rules) from a named row data type or typed table superior to it in a defined hierarchy. Inheritance allows for incremental modification, so that an object can inherit a general set of properties and then add properties that are specific to itself. Under certain circumstances, distinct data types can also have inheritance.
Mechanism whereby a class obtains part of its behavioural and structural description from another class. The child class automatically obtains the attributes and methods of the parent, and may add to them. See classification.
A programming technique that duplicates the characteristics down a hierarchy from one class to another.
The passing on of genetic material from parents to offspring.
Transmitted through genes from parents to offspring.
The biological process of transmitting certain characteristics or conditions from parents to offspring.
A relationship among classes in which one class shares the structure and behavior of another. A subclass inherits from a superclass.
An object-oriented mechanism whereby a class (script) can build on another class. In Lingo, the "ancestor" property is used to establish inheritance. See OO Fundamentals.
The capability by which properties (data and methods) are inherited by a child class from the parent (base) class. The inheritance feature of object-oriented programming allows a programmer to "re-use" functions and facilities of other objects, without having to copy the code.
The mechanism by which 'child' classes inherit data and behaviour from the parent class. e.g. cheque and savings account 'child' classes inherit data such as names and operations such as deposit, from a 'parent' class 'bank account', which has operations and data common to more than one type of bank account.
The concept that an object can gain the interface and actual behaviors (implementation) of another object, then extend that interface or those behaviors. Say you create a generic Product object that handles things common to all your products. From it you may create specialized Perishable and Non-Perishable objects. Both objects inherit the original Product object's interface and behaviors but can extend or change some of those behaviors.
An object-oriented programming technique that allows the use of existing classes as a basis for creating other classes.
The relationship between two objects A and B, such that B 'is a kind of' A.
A way that a class is specialized, used to relate derived classes with their base classes. A class inherits from another class when it receives some or all of the qualities of that class. The starting class is called the base, super, parent, or generalized class, whereas the inheriting class is called the derived, sub, child, or specialized class.
The ability to build new object classes from existing object classes. The new object is defined as a subclass of the original object. The original object becomes a superclass of the new object. A subclass inherits the attributes of the superclass, including structure rules and content rules.
Objects taking on the characteristics of their parent class. This allows code to be created that is more modular
The mechanism that makes generalization possible; a mechanism for creating full class descriptions out of individual class segments. The mechanism by which more specific elements incorporate structure and behavior of more general elements related by behavior. See generalization.
C# supports inheritance, so a class that derives from another class, known as the base class, inherits the same methods and properties. Inheritance involves base classes and derived classes. For more information, see Inheritance.
The mechanism by which a subclass has access to the functionality in its superclass. A subclass always inherits all the methods of its superclass, which it can override if necessary. A subclass can also inherit the data of its superclass, although this depends on the settings in the CLASS-ID header of both the subclass and the superclass. By identifying different types of objects which have common functionality, you can implement the common methods for that functionality in a single class and inherit it in any number of subclasses. Each class inherits all the methods of its superclass, so a class ultimately inherits all methods all the way up to a root class. A class object inherits the class methods of its superclass, and an instance object inherits the instance methods of its superclass. In this Object COBOL implementation, a class has only one immediate superclass. The superclass is named in the INHERITS clause of the CLASS-ID header.
Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is a parent of another. It implements "is-a" relationships between objects. Inheritance takes advantage of the commonality among objects to reduce complexity.
The concept of classes automatically containing the variables and methods defined in their supertypes. See also superclass, subclass.
Allows the definition of new classes from old classes where the new class can reuse existing data and function members, modify them or add new members. (see also IS-A relationship)
A mechanism in which a subclass automatically includes the method and variable definitions of its superclass. A programmer can change or add to the inherited characteristics of a subclass without affecting the superclass.
The taking on of a class' characteristics by its sub-classes and physical instances.
A method of object-oriented software reuse in which new classes are developed based on existing ones by using the existing attributes and behavior and adding on to them. For example, if the base object is automobile with attributes of an engine, four wheels, and tires, and behavior of acceleration, turning, and deceleration, then a sports car would modify the attributes so the engine would be larger or have more horsepower than the default, the four wheels would include alloy wheels and high speed rated tires, and the behavior would also be modified for faster acceleration, tighter turning radius, and faster deceleration.
The automatic definition of the characteristics of a type based on the characteristics of its parent type.
(1.) In AIXwindows and Enhanced X-Windows, the passing of class resources from an object superclass downstream in the class hierarchy to an object subclass. (2.) An object-oriented programming technique that allows you to use existing classes as bases for creating other classes. (3.) In SOM, the technique of defining one class (called a subclass, derived class, or child class) as incremental differences from another class (called the parent class, base class, superclass, or ancestor class). From its parents, the subclass inherits variables and methods for its instances. The subclass can also provide additional instance variables and methods. Furthermore, the subclass can provide new procedures for implementing inherited methods. The subclass is then said to override the parent class's methods. An overriding method procedure can elect to call the parent class's method procedure. (Such a call is known as a parent method call.)
the mechanism whereby classes can make use of the structure and methods defined in all classes above them in the class hierarchy
A mechanism whereby class es can make use of the method s and variable s defined in all classes above them on their branch of the class hierarchy.
A set of rules that determines the specific properties of an object that is a member of a subclassing relationship. The properties of a given leaf instance will be the union of properties encountered as one traverses the direct line of ascent to the root superclass. (See categories for what OO is all about and relationships.)
This is an object-oriented term that means that one object inherits properties and methods from another object in a parent-child relationship. See also Abstraction, Classes, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism.
In object-oriented programming, the ability of a superclass to pass its characteristics (methods and instance variables) on to its subclasses.
Inheritance in OOP is similar to inheritance in real life. An example of multiple inheritance in real life is that a child may have his father's green eyes and his mother's brown hair. That child can dye his hair green and get red contact lenses, but by default, he would still have his father's green eyes and his mother's brown hair. Many languages (JAVA, Visual FoxPro) do not support multiple inheritance, only single inheritance. With single inheritance, you can only inherit from one superclass. Inheritance provides the basis for extensibility in a class by allowing a developer to start with a class, and extend it to do more than it would do "out-of-the-box".
In object-oriented programming, the ability to create new classes (or interfaces) that contain all the methods and properties of another class (or interface), plus additional methods and properties. If class (or interface) D inherits from class (or interface) B, then D is said to be derived from B. B is said to be a base class (or interface) for D. Some programming languages allow for multiple inheritance, that is, inheritance from more than one class or interface.
The capability of a class of objects to automatically have the attributes and behavior of another object. The extent of this capability is determined by the class' position in the class hierarchy.
The mechanism for sharing behaviors and attributes among objects. Behaviors and attributes defined at a higher (more abstract) level can be accessed or redefined at a lower (more concrete) level. Some components are capable of inheritance.
An important feature of object-oriented programming that involves defining a new object by changing or refining the behavior of an existing object. That is, an object implicitly contains all the non- private variables of its superclass and can invoke all the non- private methods of its superclass. Java supports single inheritance of classes and multiple inheritance of interfaces.
A classification that allows a child class to contain the properties and methods of a parent class. The parent class is also called the base class. The child class is also called the subclass.
The act of passing property values from a class to objects created by the class.
The mechanism by which class definitions for subclasses incorporate instance variables and instance methods from class definitions for superclasses.
Not something that is contained in a will, but rather a gene, chromosome or genome that is transmitted from parent to child. See the entire definition of Inheritance
a mechanism which allows a class to obtain part of its definition (of structure and behavior) from another class or set of classes. A way of sharing descriptions.
The capability of a child object to automatically acquire specific rights from a parent object.
The determination of values of APS Attributes and Style Properties for objects in the WebCGM hierarchical object tree, when all aspects have not been explicitly specified for all objects in the tree. WebCGM defines an inheritance model that is closely based on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets, a W3C Recommendation).
1. money you get from dead people. 2. The ability of a child object to inherit methods from an ancestor. See OOP, encapsulation.
Concept of lower levels of classes inheriting methods and attributes of higher levels of classes. 15.20