To extend the life of an item by using it again, repairing it, or creating new uses for it.
the process of utilizing something over again in order to divert it from the waste stream. Reuse can include utilizing items that are not disposable or performing acts such as donating an item for another to use it rather than throwing it out.
using a product again for a purpose similar to the one for which it was designed.
Practices which find alternate uses or alternate avenues for use of an item rather than expending energy to dispose it or alter its form by recycling or composting. Examples would be donating used books and magazines to a nursing home, using the fronts of Christmas cards to make new cards, using plastic margarine tubs to hold leftovers or craft supplies, donating clothing to charity.
Repeated use of a product without reprocessing or remanufacture.
The use of a surplus item, in its original form, for the same or similar purpose. Reuse is the next preferred method of pollution prevention after source reduction, because it prevents material from entering a waste stream.
Using a product over and over again in the same form. An example is collecting, washing, and refilling glass beverage bottles. Compare recycling.
The act of using something again and again instead of throwing it away. Glass bottles and cloth bags are examples of things that can be reused over and over.
Using a product again for the same or a different purpose without further manufacture. Eg the reuse of containers and/or packaging in the original form, either by householders, or via the manufacturer, without reprocessing.
use again after processing; "We must recycle the cardboard boxes"
a type of source reduction activity involving the recovery or reapplication of a package, used product, or material in a manner that retains its original form or identity.
Using a product more than once. For example, a soda company refilling used bottles.
the use of a product more than once in its original form, for the same or a new purpose.
To use a product more than once.
when an item or its components are used in the same form more than once, not necessarily for the same purpose.
The second-highest option in the waste hierarchy - recovering value from a discarded resource without reprocessing or remanufacture e.g. garments sold though opportunity shops strictly represent a form of re-use, rather than recycling.
A practice that reemploys a material from a process either as an ingredient in a process to make a product, or as an effective substitute for a commercial product in a particular function or application.
the repair and reuse of IT equipment and parts without breaking down into component materials (recycling).
The use of a product more than once in its same form for the same or different purpose.
Using an item more than once, rather than using a brand new item.
repeated use of an item in its original form.
To find a new function for an item that has outgrown its original use; use again (e.g. wash and reuse dishes).
Reuse is the second stage in the Waste Hierarchy. Product reuse involves the multiple use of an item in its original form, for its original purpose or for an alternative, with or without reconditioning. In many cases, waste that cannot be prevented can be reused to avoid buying new products. This helps to ensure that we get the most out of our waste and saves valuable natural resources.
Using a product again for its original purpose or a new purpose rather than disposing of it; for example, refilling a glass bottle.
semi-finished goods/products or products that turned into waste and are cycled back into the production process without any pre-treatment.
The use of a product or component part in its original form for its original intended use without an intermediate re-manufacturing stage. Reuse may be considered a form of source reduction.
The recovery or reapplication of a package or product for uses similar or identical to its originally intended application, without manufacturing or preparation processes that significantly alter the original package or product.
the act of using an item more than once. For example, many supermarkets now have carrier bags which you can use over and over again, and some businesses deliver goods in reusable plastic crates.
Use of a product at least twice without changing its original form.
A segment of recycling, which promotes either simple multiple uses or repair/refurbishment to achieve added life.
means any operation by which WEEE or components thereof are used for the same purpose for which they were conceived, including the continued use of the equipment or components thereof which are returned to collection points, distributors, recyclers or manufacturers;
To use a product repeteadly in the same form (e.g.: glass bottles, cloth diapers).
Frequent use after washing of the same permanent type product.
The reclamation of water from a municipal or industrial wastewater conveyance system. This is also known as recycling.
cleaning and/or refurbishing an old product to be used again.
the continued use of an item for its original purpose. For example, a table which is discarded by the first owner and passed onto a subsequent owner for use as a table. A small amount of work may be required to make an item suitable for reuse, e.g. the cleaning of the table surface Stratosphere: region of the atmosphere, between about 10 km and 50 km, where the temperature-altitude curve changes direction and temperature beings to rise with altitude. The ozone layer occurs in the stratosphere.
Reuse is using an item more than once. This includes conventional reuse where the item is used a number of times for the same function, and new life reuse where a new use is found for the item. It is distinct from recycling, where the used item is broken down into raw materials which are used to make new items.