an identified area of land, suitably designed and constructed, dedicated to be used for sanitary waste disposal
a place where rubbish is dumped, flattened, covered with sand, and left to decompose or break down and rot away
Places where waste materials are buried under the ground.
A disposal facility that currently accepts solid waste for land disposal, but does not include a facility which receives only wastes generated by the facility owner or operator in the extraction, beneficiation, or processing of ores and minerals, or a cemetery which disposes onsite only the grass clippings, floral wastes, or soil resulting from activities on the grounds of that cemetery.
A waste facility used for the purpose of disposing waste to land.
An area of land, depression or former quarry which has been or is being infilled with waste materials.
usually a large hole in the ground, such as an old quarry or mine. Can also be an area where rubbish is piled above ground and covered, creating a hill, which will be covered in grass, a process known as landraising.
Places like quarries and mines, used for disposing household and industrial waste, and hazardous waste.
location designated for the disposal of solid waste