a landfill scientifically designed to prevent groundwater contamination from leachate.
Waste disposal site on land in which waste is spread in thin layers, compacted, and covered with a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam each day.
a specially designed site for disposing of solid waste on land. These are now constructed in a way that reduces hazards to health and safety.
a low area where waste is buried between layers of earth
a land disposal site for nonhazardous solid waste s at which the waste is spread in layers and compacted to the smallest practical volume
an engineered means of disposing of waste
a site designed to hold solid waste without creating a public hazard
a site where solid wastes are placed on or in the ground at a carefully selected location by means of engineering techniques that minimise pollution of air, water and soil, and other risks to man and animals
A solid waste disposal area that protects the environment from leachate. Savannah A land which is without trees but with much grass either tall or short (such as the African savannah) Scrub Plants, such as small trees and shrubs, that usually have many stems, unlike trees which have one main trunk. ea level The level of the surface of the ocean econd-order consumers Animals that eat first-order consumers emiarid Having a climate that is dry, but not as dry as a desert ocial group A small population that lives and travels together and in some ways depends on each other for its well-being oil erosion The wearing away of the soil by wind or water olar energy Energy from the sun olution A mixture made by dissolving a substance in a liquid, such as water
a site where waste is managed to prevent or minimize health, safety, and environmental impacts. To develop a sanitary landfill, communities excavate soil and install an impermeable liner, made of plastic or clay, to prevent the contamination of ground water. Waste is deposited in different cells and covered daily with soil. Sanitary landfills often have environmental monitoring systems to track performance and collect leachate and methane gas. Some landfills are specially designed to handle hazardous waste.
an engineered method of disposing of solid waste on land, in a manner that meets most of the standard specifications, including sound siting, extensive site preparation, proper leachate and gas management and monitoring, compaction, daily and final cover, complete access control, and record-keeping.
a specially designed and operated land disposal site for solid wastes, where precautions are taken to minimize environmental hazards. These precautions include spreading solid waste in thin layers, compacting them to the smallest practical volume, and applying and compacting cover material at the end of each operating day. Additional measures may also be taken to control leachate and landfill gas.
A method of disposing refuse on land that is designed to minimize hazards to public health and safety. Modern landfills have impermeable liners and systems to collect leachate, the water that percolates through a landfill and may carry toxins with it.
A landfill that has been designed and engineered to accept municipal waste while ensuring minimal negative impact upon the environment.
Solid waste dispoal site where waste is spread in layers, compacted, and covered with soil or other cover materials each day to minimise pest, aesthetic, disease, air pollution and water pollution problems. Modern sanitary landfills are equipped with leachate collection and monitoring systems and methane gas controls and are operated in accordance with environment protection standards.