the final disposal of solid waste by placing it in a controlled fashion in a place intended to be permanent. The Source Book uses this term for both controlled dumps and sanitary landfllls.
The practice of burying waste material.
The final disposal of solid waste by placing it in a controlled fashion in a place intended to be permanent. The term can be used for both controlled landfills and sanitary landfills.
the disposal of solid waste at engineered facilities in a series of compacted layers on land and the frequent daily covering of the waste with soil. Fill areas are carefully prepared to prevent nuisances or public health hazards, and clay and/or synthetic liners are used to prevent releases to ground water. If no hazardous materials are placed into the landfill, it may be possible to reclaim the site after the landfill is closed.
Disposal of solid waste at a permitted disposal site or facility.
Disposing of solid waste on land in a series of compacted layers and covering it, usually daily, with soil or other materials.