overall waste disposal cycle for a given population.
The steady flow of varied wastes, from domestic garbage and yard wastes to industrial, commercial, and construction refuse.
The total flow of solid waste generated by a business, industry, institution, household, or municipality [or in this case of this document, a State agency or large State facility]. Components of the waste stream are reduced by implementing source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting techniques.
designated sectors of waste, i.e.. putrescible waste, recycling, garden waste, organic waste. Also municipal, commercial, industrial and construction and demolition.
The total flow of solid waste from homes, businesses, institutions, and manufacturing plants that must be recycled ordisposed of in landfills.
the flow of materials from generation to disposal or diversion by reuse or recycling
total flow of residential and commercial solid waste (not including hazardous or industrial waste) that must be recycled or put in landfills.
The flow of waste material from source to disposal.
The total flow of solid waste from homes, businesses, institutions, and manufacturing plants that are recycled, burned, or disposed of in landfills, or segments thereof such as the "residential waste stream" or the "recyclable waste stream."
Different types of waste materials separated into different ‘streams’ depending on their source. The most common streams referred to are Municipal (from domestic and council dwellings), Commercial and Industrial and Construction and Demolition.
Specific types of waste found in customer's disposal (trash, cardboard, aluminum, metal, etc.) or a more broad definition of disposal type. (e.g. MSW, C&D, Hazardous, etc.)
this describes the channelling of household rubbish into a system for processing. The waste stream begins at the domestic dustbin and ends with recycling or landfill.
A general term used to denote all waste material placed out for removal, either by the recycling or garbage contractor.
The flow of waste material from generation to disposal.
the total flow of solid waste generated from homes, businesses, and institutions that must be recycled, incinerated, or disposed of in landfills.