A system that separates collected mixed residential recyclables by type so that they can be recycled into new products available for market.
pronounced "merf," it is a facility that accepts, sorts and processes different types of recyclables. The intent of the MRF is to help achieve higher waste diversion goals by more thoroughly sorting and processing waste and recyclables.
a site where recyclables are sorted and prepared into marketable commodities for manufacturing.
a facility for separating commingled recyclables by manual or mechanical means. Some MRFs are designed to separate recyclables from mixed MSW. MRFs then bale and market the recovered materials.
Facility for the separation of commingled recyclables.
a plant for separating out recyclable waste streams, either mechanically or manually, prior to reprocessing.
Facility at which recyclable materials are prepared for transportation to a market.
Commonly called a MRF (pronounced "murf"). A processing facility that removes recyclables from the waste stream. A "dirty MRF" removes reusable materials from unseparated trash; a "clean MRF" separates commingled recyclables.
A sorting facility where recyclable materials can be separated from other wastes before being sent for reprocessing or disposal.
A facility that receives materials in a form unacceptable by the marketplace. The MRF separates, removes contamination, sorts, densifies, and stores recyclable material types. Each material is prepared to meet the requirements of a specific market. MRFs are generally considered handlers. (Waste Reduction Strategies for Rural Communities, prepared by the MaCC Group, with support from Tennessee Valley Authority, March 1994).
A term commonly used for a facility that sorts and processes mixed recyclables.
Line of business where recyclable material is processed, separated, and sold. This is a facility where recyclable materials are sorted and processed for sale. This process includes separating recyclable materials (manually or by machine) according to type, and baling or otherwise preparing the separated material for sale. Operating costs and revenues for MRF's are accounted for as a separate line of business.
MRF ) A recycling facility that sorts and processes collected mixed recyclables into individual streams for market. Also known as an intermediate processing facility ( IPF ).
A plant which processes or prepares recoverable materials for shipment to end-users. Incoming material can be co-mingled or source separated as recyclable, reusable and compostable materials. At some MRFs, materials are extracted from mixed waste.
A facility for separating co-mingled collected recyclables, with emphasis on separating and processing waste materials.
A recycling facility that sorts and processes collected mixed recyclables into individual streams for market. Also known as an intermidiate processing center (IPC).
A facility that processes residentially collected mixed recyclables into new products available for market.
A materials recovery facility or materials reclaimation facility (MRF -- pronounced "murf") is a specialized plant that receives, separates and prepares recyclable materials for marketing to end-user manufacturers. Generally, there are two types - clean and dirty MRF's.