The extraction of useful materials or energy from solid waste. Such materials can include paper, glass, and metals that can be reprocessed for reĀuse. Resource recovery also is employed in pollution prevention.
A term used to describe what happens when the heat created from burning garbage is used to generate electricity.
Separation of waste into recyclable components such as metal, glass, and heat from incineration.
The retrieval of any material with the primary intention of application in another process.
The recovery of material or energy resources by converting waste into a valuable resource, such as a fuel, fertiliser, soil conditioner or chemical feedstock.
A term used to describe the extraction of economically useful materials and/or energy from solid waste. See "Waste to energy."
The process of obtaining raw materials or energy, particularly from solid waste.
the process of obtaining materials from waste that can be used as raw materials in the manufacture of new products or converting these materials into some form of fuel or energy source. An integrated resource recovery program may include recycling, waste-to-energy, composting, and/or other components.
the extraction and utilization of materials and energy from wastes.
A general term used to describe the extraction of usable materials or energy from discarded products. Methods include: Conversion: Mainly energy recovery by using scrap material for heat and fuel values (e.g., TDF) Transformation: Chemical processes which create new by-products (e.g., surface treated ground rubber) Reuse: The recovery or reapplication of a tire in a manner that retains its original form or identity (e.g., used tire, retread) Recycling: The series of activities by which take-off tires are collected, sorted, processed and converted into raw materials and used in the production of new products (e.g., rubberized asphalt)
The retrieval of materials from the waste stream, for reuse in the manufacture of new products or conversion into fuel or energy source.
Recovery of materials or energy from garbage.
recovery of materials, fuel or energy from waste.
The act of obtaining material or energy value from solid waste.
extraction or recovery of valuable components, usually energy from a waste stream.
Processing that provides for the extraction and utilization of materials or energy from municipal waste that is generated off site, including, but not limited to, a facility that mechanically extracts materials from municipal waste, a combustion facility that converts the organic fraction of municipal waste to usable energy, and any chemical and biological process that converts municipal waste into a fuel product. The term does not include compost, methane gas extraction from a municipal waste landfill or recycling facility.
The extraction of discarded materials for use in the manufacture of new products or as a fuel or energy source. An "umbrella" term for recycling, composting, waste-to-energy and other alternatives to landfilling.
Extraction of useful materials of energy from waste materials. This involves recycling or conversions into different unrelated products or uses.
Salvaging discarded materials or converting them into a reusable, saleable, or valuable form.
Any process of obtaining matter or energy from materials formerly discarded.
The process of converting municipal solid waste to energy and/or recovering materials for recycling.