to process at item such as glass or cans, in order to regain materials for human use
To make materials such as glass, aluminum, paper, steel, and plastic into new products.
the process of converting waste into a form in which it can be re-used in the making of another product.
To recycle (verb) is defined as the returning of materials to a previous stage in a cyclic process or the conversion of wastes into reusable materials.
Systems which may be run by private enterprise or local government to gather recyclable materials and remake them into similar or dissimilar products for market. Common examples are newspapers, glass, plastic, steel, and aluminum.
the process where materials used in an item are re-processed into a new article.
To make new products from old ones. Recycling used items, such as paper, cans, or bottles, saves energy, produces less pollution, and uses up fewer natural resources.
To recover useful materials from something instead of throwing it in the trash. For instance, the paper in newspapers can be recovered and recycled into new sheets of paper.
The process by which materials are collected, reprocessed or remanufactured, and reused.
collecting and reprocessing already manufactured materials for remanufacture either as the same thing or as part of a different product. (Taking a plastic bottle and turning it into a park bench or another bottle).
To reuse, or to use over and over.
to recycle is to put into the cycle again. In other words, to take a product and reuse it when discarded. Recycling saves enormous amounts of energy and raw materials.
The process of collecting and manufacturing of reclaimed materials from waste.
a process to regain materials for human reuse.
The process of using materials in the environment more than once. In food webs, it is often the decomposers that break down the bodies of dead animals and plants, so that the chemicals from which they are made are recycled back into the soil and made available again to the plants. The water cycle is another example of recycling a valuable resource.
when a product is reduced to its basic elements, which are reused.
To process (as liquid body waste, glass or cans) in order to regain material for human use.
A practice which regenerates or processes a material from a process to recover a useable product or material for reuse.
The act of using a recyclable material in a manufacturing process, or of recovering a recyclable material from the waste stream.
The process of collecting materials from the waste stream and separating them by type, remaking them into new products, and marketing and reusing the materials as new products.
This can refer to using recycled materials, or designing things using materials that can be recycled at the end of the product's life, or designing things so that the product itself can be recycled. Some materials are recyclable in principle but lack a recycling infrastructure or market - the UK Government's WRAP programme is specifically aimed at encouraging a market for recycled materials, to bridge this gap.
Recycle is the third stage in the Waste Hierarchy and means using waste materials to manufacture other products of an identical or similar nature.
To recover a resource from an item and use the recovered resource to make a new item.
Semi-finished goods/products or products that turned into waste and are re-processed or treated and then cycled back into the production process
The ability to capture, reprocess and reuse a primary material in a productive manner after its first use has been completed.
1) The reintroduction of partially processed product or carrier solvents from one operation or task into a previous operation. 2) A recirculation process.
To extract and reuse useful materials found in waste.
to reprocess a product over and over again for further use instead of being disposed for example paper, glass, plastic, metals and water. Resource: A person, thing, or action needed for living or to improve the quality of life. Runoff: The amount of rainfall found in streams, rivers, and lakes.
To process and reuse materials. Discarded newspapers are recycled to make new paper.
Ground material from flasit and trimmings which after mixing with a certain amount of virgin material is fed back into the blow mold machine.
Process that describes reuse of a product.
To process an old product into a new one.
to treat or process used or waste materials so as to make suitable for reuse
To clean refrigerant for reuse by means of oil separation and single or multiple passes through devices such as replaceable core filter-driers that reduce moisture, acidity, and particulate matter. This term usually applies to procedures implemented at the field job site or at the local service shop.
to divert useful materials from the disposal stream for processing, sale to an end user, and reintroduction into the economy as a remanufactured or new product.
is to turn used resources into new products.
The process of sequencing a normal burner start-up following shutdown.
To alter waste products so that they can be used again.
Minimizing waste generation by recovering and reprocessing waste into usable products that might otherwise become waste (e.g., recycling of aluminum cans, paper, and bottles, etc.).