Waste that includes concentrations of both radionuclides and hazardous chemicals.
Waste containing both radioactive and hazardous constituents.
Waste containing both radioactive and hazardous components, as defined by the Atomic Energy Act and the RCRA, respectively. Mixed waste intended for disposal must meet the Land Disposal Restrictions as listed in Title 40 CFR Part 268. Mixed waste is a generic term for specific types of mixed waste such as low-level mixed waste, and TRU mixed waste.
Radioactive waste that is also a hazardous waste under RCRA. Such wastes are jointly regulated by RCRA and Atomic Energy Act.
Any material described as a hazardous waste contaminated with radioactivity.
a waste that is both a hazardous chemical waste and a radioactive waste
Waste that is both radioactive and hazardous.
More properly, Radioactive Mixed Waste. A specific class of hazardous waste that comprises all mixtures of regulated radioactive elements with any of the RCRA hazardous wastes. The RCRA waste is regulated under EPA and the RAD waste comes under the NRC regulations.
unsorted materials that have been discarded into the waste stream.
Unsorted waste from businesses or homes.
Contains both radioactive and hazardous components.
Waste containing both radioactive and hazardous components as defined by the Atomic Energy Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, respectively.
A low-level radioactive waste contaminated with hazardous waste.
Waste that contains both "hazardous waste" and "radioactive waste" (as defined in this glossary).
Waste that contains both radioactive contamination and hazardous constituents defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, mixed waste (MW) is a waste type defined as follows; "MW contains both hazardous waste (as defined by RCRA and its amendments) and radioactive waste (as defined by AEA and its amendments). It is jointly regulated by NRC or NRC's Agreement States and EPA or EPA's RCRA Authorized States. The fundamental and most comprehensive statutory definition is found in the Federal Facilities Compliance Act (FFCA) where Section 1004(41) was added to RCRA: "The term 'mixed waste' means waste that contains both hazardous waste and source, special nuclear, or byproduct material subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954."
Mixed waste can refer to any combination of waste types with different properties.