The percentage of its total waste that a jurisdiction diverted from disposal at Board-permitted landfills and transformation facilities through reduction, reuse, recycling programs, and composting programs. Jurisdictions are required by law to achieve 50 percent diversion for the year 2000. The Board developed the diversion rate calculator to assist jurisdictions with the diversion rate equation.
The amount of all materials recycled as a percentage of the municipal solid waste stream. Earthworks Program A 25-hour course on waste minimisation and composting developed by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
The share of solid waste diverted from landfill as a percentage of the total waste stream. (Recycling usually achieves about 20%, whereas the wet-dry schemes can achieve 50--80% diversion rates).
The percentage of waste materials diverted from traditional disposal such as landfilling or incineration to be recycled, composted, or re-used.