The reduction of waste at source, by understanding and changing processes to reduce and prevent waste. This is also known as process or resource efficiency. Waste minimisation can include the substitution of less environmentally harmful materials in the production process.
the redesign of a product or process to reduce both the amount of raw materials used and waste.
An approach to waste management that stresses the minimisation of wastes at source, by the adoption of techniques and processes that reduce the waste stream, by the improvement of well-established processes to minimise the problem; by increasing the rate of recovery and recycling within the plant itself so as to minimise the waste-disposal problem; or by adopting product materials and standards that reduce the waste stream.
The reduction of waste at source, by understanding and changing processes to reduce and prevent waste. Waste minimisation can also include the substitution of less environmentally harmful materials in the production process. Also called process or resource efficiency.
The prevention of waste at its source, either by preventing the generation of waste altogether or reducing waste output. It also entails the re-designing of products and changing social patterns of production, distribution, and consumption.
the analysis and revision of the use of materials, processes, equipment and procedures in order to reduce the unnecessary use of energy and resources, to reduce the generation of effluents and wastes and to recycle where practical
Waste minimisation or reduction is a process of waste management at the top of the waste hierarchy.