Anything that interrupts the flow of products and services through the value stream and out to the customer is designated Muda or waste.
a Japanese term indicating efforts that do not add value (waste). Some categories of muda are defects, over production or excess inventory, idle time and poor layout.
A lean manufacturing term for waste. Anything the company does that the customer is not willing to pay for.
Any activity that adds to cost without adding to value of the product.
Japanese term for waste. See "waste".
The Japanese work meaning 'waste'. In Kaisen speak, this refers to any form of waste - time or materials.
Japanese for waste. Any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customer.
The Japanese word for waste or any activity that does not add value to the customer.
Any human activity which absorbs resources, but creates no real value. [See Non-Value Added, Waste
waste or an activity that consumes resources and creates no value
An activity that consumes resources but creates no value - i.e. waste.
Any human activity which absorbs resources, but creates no real value in the eyes of the customers. Lean theory classifies waste into seven categories: overproduction, defects, unnecessary inventory, inappropriate processing, excessive transportation, waiting and unnecessary motion.
Japanese for 'waste'. Any activity that adds cost without adding value to the product.
a waste of something or other, usually your time. See The Muda of Muda and Ohno Not More Muda.
In lean manufacturing, costs are reduced by reducing waste within a system. There are seven categories of waste:(1) overproduction—excess or too early, (2) waiting—queuing delays, (3) transportation—unneeded movements, (4) processing—poor process design, (5) motion—activities that do not add value, (6) inventory—stock that is sitting is accumulating cost without necessarily providing value, (7) defective units—scrap or rework.
Muda (無駄) is a Japanese term for anything that is wasteful and doesn't add value. It is also a key concept in the Toyota Production System. Waste reduction is an effective way to increase profitability.