The aggregate of the functions and phenomene which attend reproduction.
The number of duplication steps between an original recording and a given copy. A second generation duplicate is a copy of the original master and a third generation duplicate is a copy of a copy of the original master, etc.
Copy of something. A copy of an original tape is a second generation; a copy of that becomes third generation.
The number of dubs away from the original recording. A first-generation dub is struck directly from the source tape. A second-generation tape is a dub of the first generation dub (two steps away from the original tape), and so forth. The greater the number of non-digital generations, the greater the loss of quality.
The number of steps between a vampire and the mythical Cane.
The successive developmental stages from reproduction to reproduction, e.g., egg, larva, pupa, adult.[1] Fin. Swe.
The period from any given stage in the life cycle (usually adult) to the same stage in the offspring.
The number of times material has been rerecorded. The original videotaped material is the first generation. A copy of the original is a second-generation tape, and so on. Each generation shows a gradual loss of image quality. With digital copies, there is little or no loss in quality.
offspring from the same parental group going through their life cycle together
( EC) An iteration of the measurement of FITNESS and the creation of a new POPULATION by means of REPRODUCTION OPERATOR
the number of times a segment of video has been copied or re-recorded. A dub made from a master is known as a first-generation dub. In analog systems, quality decreases with each generation. With digital technology (such as DVD or Non-Linear Editing) each additional generation has the potential to maintain the same quality as the first generation.
Each successive copy of a tape is called a generation. The original camcorder tape is the first-generation, the edited tape of this on VHS is second-generation, and a copy made of this is the third-generation. The picture and sound quality will deteriorate between each successive generation and VHS copies will start to colour bleed.
a group of offspring of the same species that develop at approximately the same time.
A measure of the remoteness of a particular copy from the original material. The picture taken of a document, cathode ray tube, or other item, is termed first generation microfilm (camera microfilm). Copies made from this first generation are second generation, copies from the second generation are third generation, etc.
The number of times that an original recording has been copied.
a group of offspring of the same species which develop in approximately the same time frame
a term, typically used with analog recordings, that commonly refers to the relationship between original or master recording and subsequent copies.
Offspring having a common parent or parents and constituting a single stage of descent.
One of the successive duplicates of a photographic master. The camera original is the first-generation microfilm. A duplicate made from the master is a second-generation copy; a duplicate made from the second-generation copy is third-generation, and so on.
The number of times that a film original has been copied where each copy represents a generation. With each copy there is said to be a generational lose associated.
the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
a collection of individuals born in the same reproductive cycle
a group of individuals all born in the same reproductive cycle
a position of ranked descent in a family lineage
Copy of original video program material. The original videotaped material is the first generation. A copy of the original is a second generation tape and so on. Generally the edited master tape is a second generation tape. Quality diminishes with each generation.
Original recorded footage is called "first generation." A copy of the original is second-generation video. A copy of a copy is called third generation, and so forth.
A group of offspring that are born together and live at the same time. Some insect species have more than one generation in a year. For example, a pair of ladybugs may give birth to one generation of thousands of young ladybugs. The first generation grows quickly and becomes adults. Those adults then mate with other ladybugs and give birth to a second generation in the same year.
refers to stages of reproduction from original art. A copy of a copy is referred to as second generation, and is considered to be of lower quality than a copy of the original.
Starting from an original, then noting each successive time something is reproduced. The original is the first generation. After multiple generations, copy quality is notably reduced.
Each time an airway branches (usually into two), it gives rise to a new generation of airway. The trachea is generation 0, the stem bronchi the first generation, the lobar bronchi the second generation, etc. Most lungs contain 23 generations of airways.
the process of begetting offspring
This refers to the number of times the original master videotape is copied. For example, the videotape used by the VTR during the actual shooting is a first generation tape. The edited master made from those original tapes would be secondgeneration.
A term used to describe the number of times that the recorded audio signal has been copied.
Stages of reproduction from original copy. A first generation reproduction yields the best quality.
Referring to the number of times a tape is copied. A copy of a copy is a second generation tape a copy of that copy becomes the third generation, etc. (See also first generation.)
A measure of the remoteness of a particular copy from the original microfilm. The camera produces the first generation microfilm, copies made from this first generation are second generation, copies from this second generation are third generation, etc.
All those individuals of an organism which are separated from a common parent of ancestor by an equal number of reproductive cycles. ( BCFT).
A first generation image is an original. A second generation is made from the first. A third generation is made from the second, etc.
The number of steps between a vampire and the first vampire (rumoured to be Caine). Caine's progeny were the second generation, their progeny the third and so on. The oldest and most powerful remaining vampires are third generation, the youngest and weakest are 13th.
The number of steps that a reproduction is distant from the original.
Each succeeding stage in reproduction from the original. to top
How many times the tape you are watching has been copied. If you are watching a VHS copy of a movie that was copied from a Beta that was copied as a back up to the master tape, it is said to be third generation. This is the third step from the original media.
Relationship between an original video recording and its duplications. Original footage from a camcorder or other video source is called first-generation video. A copy (all or part) of the original footage constitutes second-generation video. A copy of a copy is third-generation, and so on.
1. The average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring. 2. A group of individuals born and existing contemporaneously. 3. A type or class of individuals developed from a previous type.
As in 'third generation'. Refers to the type of technology used in a particular mobile phone network. Analogue was first generation, digital was second and UMTS is the third.
In films and tapes, the master, or original, is called the first generation. Any copy made from the master is called second generation, or a copy, dupe, or dub, and a copy of a second-generation dupe is third generation.
A first generation image is the original; second generation is made from the original; third generation is made from the second generation. Print on this page is fourth generation: type (first), negative (second), plate (third), print (fourth).
Each succeeding stage in the reproduction from the original copy.
Generation (from the Greek γενεά), also known as procreation, is the act of producing offspring. It can also refer to the act of creating something inanimate such as electrical generation or cryptographic code generation. A generation can also be a stage or degree in a succession of natural descent as a grandfather, a father, and the father's son comprise three generations.
In the former version of the World of Darkness Generation is the measure of how far removed from Caine a vampire is. Caine himself is the sole member of the First Generation; there are three known members of the Second Generation (Enoch the Wise, Irad the Strong and Zillah the Beautiful), thirteen known vampires of Third Generation (which begat the Clans) and far greater numbers of higher-generation vampires with ever-decreasing power.