A specific action to achieve an objective.
A long-range plan whose merit cannot be evaluated until sometime after those creating it have left the organization.
The art and science of developing and using political, economic, psychological, and military forces as necessary during peace and war, to afford the maximum support to policies, in order to increase the probabilities and favorable consequences of victory and to lessen the chances of defeat. (Joint Pub 1-02)
In its simplest sense, it is the use of means to accomplish ends. In its broadest sense, it has to do with the use of power--political, economic, and psychological as well as military--to achieve the political goals, aims, and objectives of a nation.
A planned course of action undertaken with the aim of achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. The overall strategy of an organization is often known as organizational strategy, but strategy may also be developed for any aspect of an organization's activities, as, for example, environmental strategy or marketing strategy.
The means to achieve goals and outcomes.
brings together multiple media to reach desired goals (p. 266)
a plan to win (contrast with Tactic)
The art and skill of looking at the big picture surrounding an endeavor, defining the major components and their relative movement to accomplish objectives. In general, strategy is defined as "what" must be done whereas tactics are defined as "how" to do it. (See also tactic.)
The reasoning behind a move, plan, or idea as opposed to the tactics: the carrying out of that plan.
Long-term planning, as opposed to TACTICS.
An approach, or an implementation methodology, that will lead to achieving a strategic objective.
The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations.
Long-term action plan for achieving a goal. see also investment strategy, balanced investment strategy, defensive investment strategy, barbell strategy, ladder strategy, diversification, spread, passive management, portfolio insurance, hedge, tactics.
a conceptual plan that outlines the general approach or steps to be taken to attain a desirable outcome.
The foundation of a player’s moves. The way to achieve a particular plan. See Plan.
Proposed approach to accomplish a project or process, or to achieve a goal or mission. name, number, date, type subject, description, duration, scope, assumptions, constraints acquisition strategy; technical strategy, implementation strategy, funding strategy, risk mitigation strategy. NIF.
'big picture' view of an action-plan to realise a purpose, usually emphasising its vision, role and mission components; contrasted with the tactics required to execute the plan
or rhetorical strategy): The management of language for a specific effect. The strategy or rhetorical strategy of a poem is the planned placing of elements to achieve an effect. For example, Shakespeare's sonnet 29, "When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes," spends the first nine lines describing the speaker's discontent, then three describing the happiness the thought of the loved-one brings, all in a single sentence. The effect of this contrast is to intensify the feelings of relief and joy in lines 10-12. The rhetorical strategy of most love poems is deployed to convince the loved-one to return the speaker's love. By appealing to the loved-one's sympathy ("If you don't return my love, my heart will break."), or by flattery ("How could I not love someone as beautiful as you?"), or by threat ("When you're old, you'll be sorry you refused me."), the lover attempts to persuade the loved-one to love in return.
In symbolic interactionism, the deliberate use of a line of action to accomplish an interactive goal, whether it is to build a good relationship or to deceive others.
An integrated, overall concept of how the firm will achieve its objectives. [13
A strategy is a planned, deliberate procedure goal-oriented (has an identifiable outcome) achieved with a sequence of steps subject to monitoring and modification ( Literate Futures: Whole-school Literacy Planning Guidelines, p. 14)
Your long range master plan. The main idea behind your moves, which guides your thinking during the game.
an elaborate and systematic plan of action
the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war
a best-guess plan that expedites the accomplishment of desired goals
a broad category of actions to accomplish an objective
a broad method of attaining or helping to achieve a goal
a combination of criteria and procedures which allow decisions to be taken in order to achieve a monetary policy objective
a commitment to undertake one set of actions rather than another
a complete contingent plan , or decision rule , that specifies how a player will act in every possible distinguishable circumstance in which she might be called upon to move
a complete plan of how you will best use your resources to meet your objectives
a contingent plan, a rule which assigns an action or an inaction to a certain situation
a course of action created to achieve a long-term goal
a description of what a person can feasibly do in given situations and in what conditions will s/he carry out the actions
a direction/goal that has been resourced
a function from nodes to actions - but recall that each "node" is a strategic normal game
a general action plan made to reach an aim based on future forecasts
a general procedure proposed for achieving an objective (e
a high-level set of directions that articulate how the organization will achieve its mission
a long-term plan for success , as in politics or business
a long-term plan to achieve certain objectives
a method consciously devised by an individual to reach some goal
an approach, a manner to achieve an intention
an approach or line of attack that summarizes a coordinated collection of tactics to achieve a designated outcome
an overall plan for a war or for a company's growth and development
an overall plan for executing an objective
a pattern of decisions and actions that managers can take to achieve an organization's goals and mission
a pattern of purposes, policies, programs, actions, decisions, or resource allocations that defines what WIT is, what it does, and why it does it
a plan, but it is a plan for learning rather than a plan for implementation
a plan for achieving a complex transformation using a set of rules
a plan of action based on historical price behavior
a plan of action for achieving specific objectives and the goal that those objectives support
a plan of action for every possible situation that could arise in the game
a plan of action, in which you define your goals and decide the means by which you'll meet those goals
a plan of action, tactics are how you execute that plan in action
a plan of action that cannot be upset by an opponent or nature
a plan of action which helps you achieve your goals (an example of a goal would be to get more leads)
a plan or technique for achieving some end
a prescription for a framework of tactics in every possible situation
a procedure or methodology to materialize a philosophy or a plan
a process of planning something or carrying out a plan in a skillful way to achieve a goal or objective
a road map of the actions the owner develops to achieve the firm's mission, goals, and objectives
a series of planned and sequenced tasks to achieve a goal
a series of planned and sequenced tasks, which together allow for achievement of the critical success factor
a set of policies and procedures that determines how an organization will go about achieving a business goal
a statement of direction that serves as a central organizational theme guiding and coordinating functional actions
a systematic process which takes into account the project objectives, the results to be achieved and the technical activities to be carried out
a thought, a plan for action, but a plan only
a way of sequencing thought processes to achieve a desired outcome
a plan, method or series of maneuvers for obtaining a specific goal or result. As used in Dr. Tom Gilbert's performance matrix ,strategies are plans for improving performance as measured by the value obtained when responsibilities are discharged and the value lost when not discharged. One or more strategies can be used to implement a policy. A strategy requires a set of corresponding tactics for its implementation.
A term used to describe a general thought process used to plan a game of chess. Strategy is more concerned with distant future moves than the calculation of tactics for the next move. Category: Glossary 1 visitor(s) thought this was helpful. Do you
An overall plan or approach to a search problem.
A specific approach for performing tasks to accomplish a goal
The formation and execution of an overall plan.
A means to accomplish an objective, which in turn is a means of achieving a goal. A strategy may be a health intervention at the individual or population level, but it can also refer to such things as a systems change initiative (education or legislation) or further data collection.
The communication plan used to develop the ad.
A Strategy is the plan you develop to help you achieve your vision. It requires an evaluation of your organization internally, but also of the external and environmental factors, especially competitors, that can impact you.
Activity that leads to achieving your vision.
Long-term planning. Compare with tactics
A plan of action for classroom learning activities that is characterized by careful management and organization of both teaching and learning activities. Strategies in the New Art Basics program are directed toward a specific thinking skill or concept.
An overall plan which can be short, medium or long term, which clearly shows what is going to be achieved. A very broad plan defining your overall approach and direction.
a method or way of achieving a specific goal especially in language learning; example: a listening strategy, reading strategies
A broad program to enable the achievement of goals and objectives
A set of chosen short-, medium- and long-term actions to support the achievement of development goals and to implement water-related policies.
A coherent statement indicating how resources will be deployed and the approach that will be taken to achieve one or more objectives successfully (often set out in a policy or plan).
a concrete path towards a vision in line with the mission, determined as an outcome of strategic planning
A plan that a player has to try to win at a particular game or casino.
Ways to achieve your objectives (e.g. improve availability of healthy food choices).
a behavior or set of behaviors used by an individual to deal with an important life-history problem (for example finding a mate, rearing young, obtaining food, etc.). As with other definitions, the human term strategy that implies conscious thought is used as a shorthand; no conscious planning is required, even though it might appear that the behaviors are rational and planned in the human sense. The use of the word "strategy" is simply a shorthand that expresses the appearance of the result of some behaviors. It is generally assumed that in most species strategies are largely innate, are produced by the usual genetic and developmental mechanisms, and are acted on by natural selection. However, strategies can also be learned, even in relatively simple animals.
The course of action taken by an individual, fund manager, or organization in an attempt to reach a certain financial goal.
the approach to be taken to achieve planned outcomes
Is a synonym for plan, which is defined as a scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective. The Strategy will tell you how to do it, the guidelines and/or techniques to use. An example is the naming standards developed for the open systems environment.
the broad program for achieving an organization's objectives and implementing its vision
a plan or method employed in order to achieve a goal or objective.
This is a plan of action intended to help in accomplishing a specific goal. Tacticaltradingsignal.com defines 4 distinct investment strategies presenting the investor with diverse risk/reward choices.
a specific action, tool or technique or combination of actions, tools, and techniques used to meet unit objectives.
A plan used to reach a goal.
A strategy is an action, pattern of actions or a plan to achieve a desired result. It can be used by an organization to marshal and allocate resources to support al position (or goal) based on internal competencies and anticipated changes in the operating environment.
any idea longer than one move deep (cf. Tactics).
A method or plan that uses personal resources to complete a task efficiently and effectively; an individual's approach to a task; how a person thinks and acts when planning, executing, and evaluating the performance of a task and its outcomes.
A course of action to achieve targets.
A plan of action or policy within a business organisation.
A plan or action. An animals may have a strategy, or plan, to escape a predator, or a strategy to survive the cold and snow of winter.
In the context of flood risk management. A strategy is a combination of long-term goals, Aims, specific targets, technical measures, policy instruments, and process which are continuously aligned with the societal context.
A set of explicit mental and behavioral steps used to achieve a specific outcome.
A broad plan of action by which an organization hopes to achieve one or more of its marketing objectives.
n. 1. The plan that a player uses in a game. adj –ic. 2. Requiring gaming decisions based on long-range goals. 3. In a wargaming sense, using a high level of abstraction to depict conflict.
A strategy is a detailed plan or method that is developed to attain a long-term goal.
Plan of action for achieving a goal
a plan to accomplish a goal
The general plan or direction selected to accomplish incident objectives.
A genre of game in which players utilize competitive tactics and must plan, coordinate and precisely execute actions in order to win. These games frequently involve outthinking the enemy which may be controlled by a computer's AI or another human player.
The science and art of command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of an incident.
framework guiding those choices that determine the nature and direction to attain the objective. [D01925] PMK87 A careful plan or method focused on macro goals. Complete d, fulfilled and sometimes exceeded with the aid of tough-minded tactics ¿ micro-focused action step [D01924] TML 222
a broad non-specific statement of an approach to accomplishing desired goals and objectives.
Strategy: the determination of the basic long-term goals of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals. Alfred handler (1962), Strategy and Structure.
Action or activity leading to the completion of an objective.
a method or plan for doing something
A medium to long-term plan for success.
Broadly conceived military operations that entail the application of series of integrated tactics.
System or plan to meet objectives or problem solve.
(voir Stratégie) General and well established plan, consisting of a group of ingenious and brightly assembled operations, aimed at the best attainment of a goal while considering a situation for which the principal parameter are known.
A startegy is a long term plan for sucess, to achieve an advantage. In force terms this is the key milestones and targets for the coming year. These are based upon the Governments PPAF requirements.
A long-term plan that influences and directs all business functions.
A long-range plan for achieving a goal.
With respect to option investments, a preconceived, logical plan of position selection and follow-up action.
In general, the plan or policy for arbitrating between multiple, concurrent requests for the use of a device. Specifically in disk device drivers, the policy for scheduling multiple, concurrent disk block-read and block-write requests.
A long term plan, known as a flood defence management strategy, is developed and sets out the policy and objectives for flood defence taking into account a broad range of local interests and issues.
Test strategies are normally comments within test files which explain the approach used by the test developer to test an assertion. The overall approach for testing grouped elements of functionality should be included within the test suite design. Also known as tactic.
in investments, the selection of a mix of investments in different asset classes in order to achieve specific investment objectives. Factors contributing to an investment strategy include time horizon and risk tolerance.
A plan of action that anticipates barriers and resources in relation to achieving a specific objective [G&K
A course of action, prescribed or descriptive, that is enacted to attain desirable future states or avoid unpleasant ones using existing and anticipated resources. Alternatively, strategy can be defined as a plan, an emergent pattern of behavior over time, a position of an organization in an environment, a perspective of an organization. s fundamental way of doing things, or a ploy designed to outwit an opponent. (Mintzberg)
systematic plan for achieving a specific goal or result.
Range and combination of activities and choices that people make in order to achieve their needs and livelihood goals. Characterised by a wide diversity geographically, across sectors, between and within household and over time. Access to assets, as well as structures and processes shape livelihood strategies.
(1) The art of planning military operations; (2) What a firm does; (3) A firmâ€(tm)s long-term plan for attaining objectives. (4) an approach to achieving a particular end, or plan as to how an end may be achieved.
Plan to achieve one's goals.
You are skilled in the arts of marshalling military forces into battle formations for the most tactical offensive and defensive advantages. You are able to look at terrain and determine effective attack strategies, defensive strategies and can look at the enemy's formations to determine strengths and weaknesses. You are well versed in the elements of 'classical' strategy and tactics (both the historical/theoretical and more practical aspects) as well as being able to fortify current buildings for optimal defense and to inspect others' defenses for weaknesses that you can exploit. A must skill for any engaged in any manner of warfare.
Planning how the army, air force and navy should be used in a war
a long-term, comprehensive, and integrated master plan that delineates the course of action an enterprise should follow to attain these objectives. Page 25
The over-alI plan for fire control or attack.
A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal most often "winning". Strategy is differentiated from tactics or immediate actions with resources at hand.
In game theory, a player's strategy, in a game or a business situation, is a complete plan of action for whatever situation might arise; this fully determines the player's behaviour. A player's strategy will determine the action the player will take at any stage of the game, for every possible history of play up to that stage.
In Neuro-linguistic programming, a strategy is a mental sequence used to achieve a goal. Strategies are usually described in a sequence of sensory-specific terms of the representational systems and submodalities employed. They may include alternatives, fall-back strategies, and the like.