Writing is A drama spanning across various women during the 21th Century, a drama which revolves around four very similar women Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Britney Spears and Claire Danes: two of whom have been profoundly affected by there mother Anne Traynor played by Meryl Streep; the other two women try to make her life easy.the four women are battling with issues of freedom, responsibility and identity. As the story unfolds, they are negotiating their way through the same depressive states:Sarah Traynor Britney Spears is struggling to save her mothers life Anne Traynor, as she recovers from depresion; Jill Claire Danes is a drug abuser housewife who loves his mother and tries to help her, as she plans her dead; and, the exasperated Susan Traynor Nicole Kidman whos husband cheeated on her Matt Dillon, while she was planning her mothers birth-day.