Understanding others and letting others know what you want.(speaking and comprehension, process)
the process of transferring a message from a sender to a receiver (p. 114)
The ability to share ideas and skills with others. Example: a musician or athlete can be an average performer while teaching a gifted performer how to do a better job.
sending and receiving ideas, feelings, thoughts, emotions, or information.
"Communication is a dynamic process that individuals use to exchange ideas, relate experiences, and share desires through speaking, writing, gestures or sign language" (Glenn & Smith, 1998 p.39).
Communication is the exchange of information, with understanding, from one person to another.
process of giving, sending, or exchanging thoughts, feelings, opinions, and information orally or in writing.
Intentional information transfer between sender and receiver. It is usually of advantage to both.
The process of giving and understanding a message.
The effective exchange of information.
Effectively conveys information and expresses thoughts and facts. Demonstrates effective use of listening skills and displays openness to other people's ideas and thoughts.
a transfer of information, from one place to another
Process of passing on information in a variety of ways so that the receiver understands the same message as the transmitter intended to give.
The process of encoding, transmitting, and decoding signals to exchange information or ideas between participants.
the exchange of ideas, messages, or information, by speech, signals, or writing.
The ability to get your thoughts and ideas across to another person so that they understand what you are saying.
The transfer of knowledge, ideas, opionions, and feelings.
the process by which people exchange information.
The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
A process by which information is transferred between at least two parties.
In the widest sense, an event in which a sender and receiver exchange signals with the aim of understanding one another. In the more narrow sense, communication means the exchange of signals between living beings which serve to pass on meaning and understanding. Communication between people means the attempt to construct social contact, to deepen or to maintain it.
The exchange of messages of which the meaning is determined by an agreement, and which express as well as possible what the communicants consider true or correct.
By communication we mean the transfer of information from a human sender to a human receiver, for the purpose of increasing the receiver's knowledge, enabling him to carry out tasks, or influencing his attitudes and behaviour. Comment: We consider a human-oriented, rather than a machine-oriented, notion of communication. See section 2.1.1.
The need that concurrent processes have to exchange data.
is a general term for the flow of information linking people or places
The flow of understandable information up, down, and throughout an organisation.
the transmission of information so that the recipient understands clearly what the sender intends.
The social process in which two or more parties exchange information and share meaning
A Communication is published by the Commission and sets out the background and context to a given policy area. It may indicate the Commission's intended course of action in this field. It does not constitute a legislative proposal, but it may well accompany a legislative proposal in order to aid understanding of the proposed action.
process of encoding, sending and decoding signals in order to exchange information and ideas between the participants
the credible, honest and timely two-way flow of information that fosters common understanding and trust.
The exchange of information, ideas or feelings between people.
Level 1 communication means to make common for greater understanding. Level 2 communication means to open more fully into each other. We are opening channels to Level 2 communication when our hearts and minds begin to work together. Level 2 communication brings more meaning into our interactions.
An interactive process that conveys information and ideas from one person to another. Communication is a social skill that has the potential for influencing others and gaining some control over one's environment.
an exchange of information
The interchange of ideas or objects between two people or terminals.
The sending and receiving of information between two or more parties.
the transfer or exchange of thoughts, messages, or information.
The process of exchanging information, ideas, and feelings.
The transfer of information between stations.
Literal. Movement which is created having to do with a particular story line, theme, or idea.
Process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour; transmission of information, thought or feeling so that it is satisfactorily received or understood; the imparting or exchange of information, ideas or feelings; imparting knowledge or exchanging thoughts by speech, writing, gestures, etc.
Exchange of meanings between individuals by means of some system of symbols. Our course emphasizes the interactional character of this process. Language uses structured vocal sounds for its symbols. Thomas and Tchudi (chapter 4) sometimes uses an extended meaning of language to emphasize how different kinds of media carry messages.
An ongoing, transactional process in which individuals exchange messages whose meanings are influenced by the history of the relationship and the experiences of the participants.
Comprises the ability to express oneself effectively in individual and group situations, either orally or in writing. It involves a sender transmitting an idea to a receiver.
Communication can be understood as the passing of information in humans, animals, computers, or any other cognitive entity. In a broader sense communication can refer to almost any type of movement, be it matter, energy, force or some effect. Space and time might be the only things that can't themselves be communicated.