Legislation once it has been passed in one legislative body. Acts are generally named, rather than numbered, as bills are. Legislation that has passed both Houses will generally keep this title.
Each pension plan is established by an Act. The Acts establishing the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's pension plans are: Public Service Pensions Act, 1991 Uniformed Services Pensions Act, 1991 Teachers' Pensions Act Members of the House of Assembly Pensions Act Government Money Purchase Pension Plan Act
A bill that was passed by both houses and signed or passed into law; or, the final version of a bill as passed by one chamber of the legislature.
The documented result of a formal process by congress or state legislatures, designed to establish a new statute or change (amend) an old one. Each of the Federal discrimination acts is an example. Compare to Bill.
The Migration Act 1958 (the Act) is the principal legislation which establishes the RRT and sets out its functions, powers and procedures. The Act is the legislative basis for all decisions reviewable by the RRT.
An enforceable law of the State. A bill that has passed both houses of the General Assembly becomes an Act through the Governor's approval, inaction, or a veto procedure.
a law as passed by Parliament
the proper term for a bill after it is enacted into law. Also, a term used to refer to a group of laws addressing a particular subject, such as the Nebraska Affordable Housing Act.
A bill passed by the Legislature and enacted into law.
Legislation that has passed both Houses and was signed by the President, thus becoming a law.
Legislation enacted into law. A bill that has passed both houses of the legislature, been enrolled, ratified, signed by the governor or passed over the governor's office, and printed. It is a permanent measure, having the force of law until repealed. Local act -- Legislation enacted into law that has limited application. Private act -- Legislation enacted into law that has limited application. Public act -- Legislation enacted into law that applies to the public at large.
A Bill that has been passed by Parliament, received Royal Assent, and become law.
A bill which has become law after being passed by the Legislative Assembly and then gazetted by the Chief Minister.
A bill that has passed both the Ohio House of Representatives, the Ohio Senate, and signed by the Governor. It is the final official document.
A bill that has been signed into law by the governor.
in the legislative sense, a bill or measure passed by both houses of Congress; a law.
also known as a statute, which is a bill that has passed three readings in a legislature, such as the Canadian Parliament, and has received royal assent and becomes law.
A bill which has been made law by passing both houses of the Legislature, and which either has been signed by the Governor, filed without the Governor's signature, or passed by both houses of the Legislature over the Governor's veto.
A Bill that has been passed by Congress and become law. (Note: "Act" refers to a bill that has become law. "Act of Congress" refers to a bill passed by Congress but has not yet become law. "Act of the Senate" or "Act of the House" refers to a bill passed by one house only.)
a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"
an alternative name for a statute
An Act is a bill that has passed both houses of the legislature and has been signed by the governor of a state.
The term for legislation that has passed both chambers of Congress and has become law.
Acts of the General Assembly (i.e. passed by Parliament) are the basic structure of our legal system. Any reference to an Act includes all the rules and regulations that relate to that Act.
The written law of a country, also called a statute. An Act sets out legal rules, and has normally been passed by both Houses of Parliament in the form of a Bill and agreed to by the Crown.
Parliament makes laws, which once approved are called Acts. Usually the House of Commons and the House of Lords debate proposals for new laws, which are called Bills while they are being debated. If both Houses approve the proposals, then the Bill is ready to become an Act. The final stage in a Bill becoming an Act is when it has received Royal Assent from The Queen.
laws passed by the Provincial or Federal Government
A measure passed by both houses and approved by the Governor, or which has become effective without his signature.
An Act is legislation which has usually been approved by parliament and by the representative of the crown. Prior to the establishment of representative government (1832), legislation approved by the Governor and his appointed Executive Council were called Ordinances. Between 1832 and 1934, a proposed Act (or Bill) required the approval of the House of Assembly, the Legislative Council, and the Governor. During Commission of Government, an Act was approved by the majority of Commissioners and the Governor. Following 1949, Acts were approved by the House of Assembly, with formal assent by the Lieutenant-Governor. Acts are also called Statutes. Acts and Statutes are published annually. Each act and subsequent amendment is assigned a chapter number. Appendices in the volumes provide useful schedules to track amendments. Newfoundland and Labrador legislation is referenced in PANL descriptions in the following manner: Example: Title, year, chapter: Acts, 1888, c.10 Statutes, 1949, c. 84 Published Acts and Statutes may be requested from PANL Client Services. See also: Consolidated statutes
Legislation (a bill or joint resolution, see below) which has passed both chambers of Congress in identical form, been signed into law by the President, or passed over his veto, thus becoming law. Technically, this term also refers to a bill that has been passed by one house and engrossed (prepared as an official copy).
A law passed by the national or provincial parliament. Members of Parliament vote on a draft law, called a Bill.
A Bill that has passed through all stages in both Houses of Parliament and which has received Royal Assent (through the Governor-General in Australia), becomes an Act, and then becomes law. In legal terms, Acts of Parliament are known as Statutes. Note that in the University of Adelaide Libraries system Bills and Acts (Statutes) are kept in the Law Library.
A bill that has passed both chambers and has been signed by the President to become law. Often, a bill may have the word "Act" in its title when it is introduced and does not reflect if it has been officially considered.
Legislation that has passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and become a new law. It is also used when a bill has passed a single chamber, and in that case the bill is referred to as "An Act of the House," or "An Act of the Senate."
A bill passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor.
in the legislative sense, a bill or measure passed by the Government; a law.
Legislation passed by congress.
The document which creates and describes a law. It is passed as a Bill, agreed to by both Houses, and has received Royal Assent from the Governor.
The workers' compensation legislation.
A law passed by Parliament or a provincial legislature. Also called a statute.
The legislation under which a specific government agency operates; eg the Ministry of Education operates under provisions of the Education Act 1989. View Acts of Parliament- What legislation affects me
After a bill has been passed by both legislative Houses in identical form and language it becomes an Act.
A bill which has been approved by both houses of the General Assembly and has become a law either with or without the Governor's signature. Acts adopted in each session of the General Assembly are annually published in the Session Laws of Colorado and then compiled, edited, and published in the Colorado Revised Statutes.
A bill the House and Senate have agreed upon and passed in identical form but which has not yet been acted upon by the Governor.
A bill that has passed through the legislative process and becomes law.
A bill or measure passed into law. Also used to describe a comprehensive piece of proposed legislation with multiple components.
A law made by Parliament or a provincial legislature. The process of making an Act of Parliament begins with the introduction of a proposed Act, or bill, in one of the two houses of Parliament (the Senate or the House of Commons). A bill becomes an Act if it is passed (approved) by both houses and receives Royal Assent.
Legislation that has passed in both the House and the Senate, and becomes law.
A bill which has been given first, second and third reading by the Legislature. It becomes law upon receiving the signature of the Lieutenant Governor signifying Royal Assent.
a law passed by a legislative body; also called a statute Adjudicatory Hearing: This is a trial to determine whether or not you are guilty.
A bill or measure after it passes one or both chambers. Also used to denote a law in place.
A law made by the Parliament, and known as an Act of Parliament. An Act comes into being when a Bill that has passed all three readings in the Legislative Assembly receives royal assent from the Governor. Sometimes referred to as primary or principal legislation.
In the legal sense, an act can be an individual's intentional choice to do or not do something, as in an act of negligence. It can also mean any approved decree, law, judgement, etc., created by a legislative authority.
A bill that has been passed by both theHouse and the Senate, enrolled, approved bythe Governor or passed over the Governor'sveto, and published.
A bill which has passed both houses of the Legislature, been enrolled, approved by the Governor or passed over the Governor's veto, and published.
(in law) a legal, written ruling agreed to and set down by Parliament
a statute enacted or passed into law by a legislature or Parliament;
A bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it and which has become law, as in "an Act of the Commonwealth of Australia." Synonymous to statute, legislation or law.
A bill which has become law after being passed by both Houses of Parliament at three readings and then received Royal Assent from the Governor
A bill passed by the legislature, signed into law by the governor (or passed over his/her veto), thus becoming law.
A bill passed or enacted by both chambers that becomes a public law or private and special law. Does not include resolves, constitutional resolutions, orders or other papers.
An Act contains laws that govern our country. Laws are made by Parliament. Any reference to an Act Includes all the rules and regulations made under that Act.
synonym of statute. In Illinois, public bills that become law are called Public Acts, numbered in the order in which they became law.
a law made by parliament; a bill that the parliament has passed and has been signed by the Governor General.
An alternative name for statutory law. When introduced into the first house of the legislature, a piece of proposed legislation is known as a bill. When passed to the next house, it may then be referred to as an act. After enactment, the terms law and act may be used interchangeably. An act has the same legislative force as a joint resolution but is technically distinguishable, being of a different form and introduced with the words "be it enacted" instead of "be it resolved."
Bill becomes an act after passing one or both chambers. Also used to denote a current law.
loi Legal text voted by Parliament and enacted by the Queen's representative in Canada, the Governor General. Source: Glossary - Canada Gazette