The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness.
Term used to describe the period during which the film is actually shot.
Taking the completed design through the process of becoming a finished product. Production includes outputting a file to film or providing it electronically to the printer, overseeing the selection of paper, checking the blueline and other press proofs, and arranging for delivery. Production can also refer to fulfilling the repetitive tasks associated with larger projects, like book layout, or processing quantities of images, where emphasis is on volume and quality more than creativity.
the film or video taping of the DRTV script elements.
The general term used to describe the process involved in making all the original material that is the basis for the finished motion picture. Loosely, the completed film.
The phase of a film or video project comprised of shooting or recording raw footage.
One of the three branches of the film industry; the process of creating the film. See also distribution, exhibition.
(law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents"
a creative company that follows the European style of glamour and fashion
Generic term for all types of film projects. Also, that portion of the schedule that starts on the first day of filming and that ends on the last day of principal photography.
The process of filming all of the essential material for a production.
The exhibiting of a document in court.
Use for those having the ultimate administrative and financial responsibility for a moving image work. Use for the executive supervisor, clearly distinct from the director, who often secures money for the project, purchases the film script, hires the director, primary actors, and artists. May include assistant producer, associate producer, executive producer, casting director, or production manager. For a producer of animation, use Animation.
Production is the actual shooting of the film. Also known as 'principal photography', cast and crew formally map and shoot scenes. In order to do this, they weave individual talents into a single, functioning entity, in order to create a core concentration of footage for editing.
the actual filming of the movie.
The actual shooting of film or videotape of the infomercial script elements.
Production involves the facilitation of all financial and business aspects of the making of a film.
This is the third phase in the life of a film. MovieStocks that fall into this category are currently being filmed and has an excellent chance of reaching a theater near you.
generally refers to to all phases of the creation of a film
In video, refers to the process of creating programs. In more specific usage, production is the process of getting original video onto tape or film, ready for post-production.
The actual filming or video taping of the commercials or the Infomercial. Infomercial and short form direct response television commercial or radio production has become both an art and a science.