Records kept by a community (or the place where they are stored) documenting history through artifacts or written records.
a place in which records and historical documents and items are preserved
a place in which public records or historical documents are preserved; also, the material so preserved.
Public records kept by the Secretary of State and later by the Department of Archives and History. These include copies of all measures considered at each session, journals, registers, and other legislative documents.
documents or files saved for historical purposes.
The non-current records of an organization or institution preserved because of their continuing value; (2) the agency responsible k for selecting, preserving, and making available records determined to have permanent or continuing value; (3) the building in which an archival institution is located (Daniels and Walch 1986).
repositories of a variety of materials, such as documents, photographs and films, often of an historical nature, catalogued and filed for the use of researchers, scholars and other investigators. See also data archives.
Those records that are appraised as having continuing value, in particular records which are no longer required for current use and have been selected for permanent preservation. The place where archival material is kept. An organisation (or part of an organisation) responsible for appraising, acquiring, preserving and making available archival material.
An organized collection of the noncurrent records of an institution, government, organization, or corporate body, or the personal papers of an individual or family, preserved in a repository for their historical value. Managed and maintained by an archivist. Also refers to the physical repository itself.
Public records or historical documents kept in a recognized repository.
A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest.
are the organized noncurrent records of an institution or organization retained for their continuing value in providing a) evidence of the existence, functions, and operations of the institution or organization that generated them, or b) other information on activities or persons affected by the organization. Derived from the Greek word for "government house," the term "archives" also refers to the agency responsible for selecting, preserving, and making available noncurrent records with long-term value and to the building or part of the building housing them.
(1) The noncurrent records of an organization preserved because of their continuing, or enduring, value. "National Archives of the United States" means those records that have been determined by the Archivist of the United States to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their continued preservation by the Federal Government and that have been transferred to the Archivist's legal custody. See also PERMANENT RECORDS, STANDARD FORM 258.(2) The organization or agency responsible for appraising, accessioning, preserving, and making available permanent records. Also called archival agency. In the U.S. Government, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). (3) One or more buildings, or portions thereof, where permanent records are located after being accessioned by an archival agency. Also called archival depository or archival repository. See also DEPOSITORY.
An organized collection of non-current and/or previously issued documents.
A collection of documents or other records, especially those to do with the public or companies. Find out more
1. The noncurrent records of an individual, organization, or institution kept for their continuing value. 2. The agency or institution responsible for the care of archival materials. 3. The building or other repository housing archival records. Private papers are also referred to as manuscripts.
A collection of documents, media and other items, usually having historic significance.
People naturally organize their information in relationship to their priority and frequency of use. Archived information is closed/inactive collections which currently live outside of focus. This information is used much less frequently, and could range from collections being saved ‘just in case' to very structured and important archives.
Collection of manuscripts and other materials pertaining to the history of the college. At BMCC we collect mainly local official publications and memorandum relating to the academic enterprise, such as minutes, reports and college bulletins.
a depository containing historical records and documents
an institution or agency which professionally preserves, files, and stores those past records of individuals, unions, governments, or other institutions and organizations which have lasting administrative, legal or historical value
a place where one-of-a-kind materials are kept--the original records of days gone by
a repository for the non-current records of an organization or institution which are kept because the records have value to that institution
a repository of documents, records or materials, much like a library
a repository of Los Angeles Transportation history
an organized body of documents made or received in connection with the function of the institution or the library. Archives are maintained and preserved as a part of the record-keeping process and usually collected in a separate physical location.
a group of people who file or collect things
A collection of items relating to the history of an organisation
1. The organized body of noncurrent records of an organization which are preserved because of their continuing value; 2. The depository itself
Documents created by a person or organization in the course of the conduct of affairs and preserved for their historical value.
records in any format and of any date, created by individuals, families or organisations in the course of their activities or business, and preserved permanently. See also What are Archives
1. Records that are appraised as having archival value. 2. Place such as building, room or storage area where archival material is kept. 3. Organisation (or part of an organisation) responsible for appraising, acquiring, preserving and making available archival material. Source: Ellis, p. 463.
An organization's non-current records, controlled by provenance, and retained for their continuing value in providing 1) evidence of the activities of the organization, or 2) information about entities affected by the organization.
The place where records are stored after a certain specified period of time. The period of time a record is held at a court of record may differ between courts and states.
Records or documents with historical value, or the place where such records and documents are kept.
Departmental or institutional records deemed worthy of permanent preservation because of their legal, fiscal, administrative, and historical value; also called archival materials or archival holdings. Also, the agency responsible for administering archival materials. [Back
Public records or historical documents, or the place where these records or documents are kept. In the Mudd Library, the Archives are related to the history of Lawrence University and Milwaukee-Downer College, and are located on Level B, between the second and third floors
(1) The non-current records of an organization or institution preserved because of their continuing value. (2) The agency responsible for selecting, preserving, and making available records determined to have permanent or continuing value. (3) The building or part of a building where archival materials are located.
1. A place or repository where historical records are preserved. 2. Manuscipt material or records preserved in a repository. The terms archives and manuscripts are often used interchangeably to refer to unpublished records. However, a distinction is often made based on the source or creator of the records. Most personal records are considered manuscript material, and organizational or corporate records are considered archives.
Where documents that are preserved for their historical value are stored
a place where documents or records are kept, or a collection of these documents. archive
Records that are appraised as having archival value. Note: This definition of the term differs to the IT sphere where it refers to ‘a copy of one or more files or a copy of a database that is saved for future reference or for recovery purposes in case the original data is damaged or lost'.
A collection of historic material. More ... about how to get material from the library Archives ...
1. An institution responsible for the appraisal, acquisition, preservation, and provisions of access to archival documents. 2. A building or part of a building in which archival materials are preserved and made available for consultation. see Fonds.
Print records or computer files of historical data; used to evaluate usage patterns such as meeting room occupancy, customer waiting times, printer cartridge replacements.
Archives are documents created and/or accumulated by institutions, businesses or even individuals in the course of their daily life and work and retained in perpetuity. The term is also used to refer to the building and/or organisation which keeps them. Many universities have their own collections of archives including UWS. See the Historical Collections web page for information about UWS archives, or Foster and Sheppard's British Archives: a guide to archive resources in the UK for information about other UK archive collections. LIS houses the important South Wales Coalfield Collection.
Location and contents of public records kept by the Secretary of State, including copies of all measures considered at each session, journals, committee reports, and documents of historic value.
Place for the keeping of records
Public records or historical documents, or the place where such records and documents are kept. On the Ground Floor of Shadek-Fackenthal Library.
A collection of original records from a person or an organization; or records from a number of different sources that are kept together to ensure their preservation.
Activity Model: definition of Archival fonds The whole of the records created by an agency and preserved. Alias: archival fonds.
The Archives Section meets bi-monthly on the second Monday of the month at 5.15 pm. The Société Jersiaise is interested in records of all kinds; the variety is infinite, connected with the Island or with Jersey as part of the Channel Islands. Most of our records are in French, some of the earliest are in Latin, and therefore anyone who studies them must either have or acquire a good standard of both written and oral French. With these basic qualifications all a member of Archives needs is a genuine interest in the subject. The rest comes with practice. The Archives Committee has also undertaken to build up a sound archive. Good progress is being made but there is plenty of room for more keen helpers.
University Archives preserves the historical records of UIS and SSU. It is located on the Lower Level or basement of UIS Brookens Library. See the Archives website for more information.
documents or records of a government or organization; a place where such records or documents are kept. A reference to the Archives" usually means the National Archives in Washington, DC or any of its field branches.
are organised bodies of records including papers, books, maps, sound recordings and other documentary materials made or received in pursuance of laws, or in connection with the transaction of business, and preserved because of their enduring value. Archives management
1. Records of a government, organization, institution, or individual; 2. The place where records are stored
A collection of documents and records of historical interest.
An organized body of records pertaining to an organization or institution. A place in which such records are preserved.
Those records/documents created in the normal course of the life of an institution, family or individual, regardless of medium, selected for permanent preservation due to their continuing informational, evidential or historical value as primary source material
Often used synonymously with special collection. Usually a place where rare books or documents are housed.
Documents created or received and accumulated by a person or organization in the course of conducting business, and preserved because of their continuing value. A program, department or administrative unit responsible for selecting, preserving and making available non-current records with long term value. An area utilized for storage of inactive records, manuscripts, papers, and memorabilia which are retained permanently for historical, legal, research, or social reasons.
a repository containing primarily the retired official records of public or private agencies.
The U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce Archives is being developed at the national headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to preserve, record and exhibit the rich heritage and achievements of The U.S. Junior Chamber. The Archives also symbolizes the future growth and continuing contributions made by the organization. This effort is being funded through the annual support program of The U.S. Jaycees Foundation by contributions from alumni groups such as The Crew and The U.S. JCI Senate, as well as Junior Chamber chapters, state organizations and individual contributions.
in the context of this gateway, archives refers to a collection of past articles from news sources. Archives vary in terms of size and comprehensiveness.
Places that collect and store historical documents and photographs.
Each Australian State has an Archives Office which handles old government records and is open to the public, free of charge. These include shipping, convict, Government employment, early land, naturalisation records and early probate indexes. Some Archives Offices require you to have a reader's ticket.
Organized body of records generated by the transactions of an organization. The term is also used to describe the place where archives are kept. Drexel University 's archives are located on the lower level of the library. The Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine and Homeopathy can be reached at 215-842-7331.
The records created or received and accumulated by an institution or organization in the course of routine business and permanently retained due to their continuing or enduring value. A building or area of a building used to house permanent records. A government agency, organization, or program responsible for appraising, scheduling, accessioning, preserving, and providing reference service to archival materials. See also permanent.
An organized collection of papers or records preserved for research and reference.
Collective name for the vaults, lockers, cupboards, shelves and storerooms in which all the holdings are stored; also the name for the department that runs the archives and, sometimes, for the contents themselves
The office that collects, retains and makes available to users, records of permanent value to the institution.
(1) The permanently valuable non-current (inactive) records of the museum preserved because of their continuing value. Archives assume many forms, including electronic records and audiovisual materials. (2) The repository where archival records are housed.
A repository for archival records.
also referred to as special collections. This is a library's collection of rare and historical information. High School libraries rarely have archives.
a collection of information or resources, including computer software files, utilities, extensions, and applications
Collections of documents or public records, or the place where such records and documents are kept. The USU Archives houses and preserves collections pertaining to military history and medical history, USUHS faculty publications, USUHS student theses and dissertations, and USUHS history. Contact the Institutional Archivist for additional information 301-319-4043. Selected materials are available in digital format from the LRC homepage.
Archives are records that are appraised by State Archives as having continuing value and selected for permanent preservation.
records of a government, organization, or institution; the place where such records are stored.
Collections with related systems and services, organized to emphasize the long-term preservation of information.
Organized body of noncurrent records of an organization, corporation, agency, or an individual or family, maintained and preserved because of their historical value or to meet legal requirements; also, the depository itself. An archive may be a part of a library or other institution, or it may be a separate entity. It differs from a library in the means it uses to organize the collection and to provide access to it.
A special collection or collections that house the records of organizations, governments, universities, etc. Archives usually house materials of an historic nature.