The worth of the records in providing adequate and authentic documentation of the organization and activities of an agency.
The value which records have involving the administrative, fiscal, and legal activities of the creating agency. Evidential values are based on the functions that the records had and continue to have for the person or office that created them or for any succeeding individual or agency that uses them.
The value of those records of an organization that are necessary to provide legal, authentic, and adequate documentation of its structure and functioning (ARMA International).
The worth of documents/archives for illuminating the nature and work of their creator by providing evidence of the creator's origins, functions, and activities. (SAA Glossary)
The value of the records of an institution or oganization in providing evidence of the institution's origins, structure, functions, procedures, and significant transactions, as distinct from the informational value of the records.
The usefulness of records as the primary evidence of an organization's authority, functions, operations, transactions, and basic decisions and procedures.
The usefulness of records in documenting the organization, functions, and activities of the agency creating or receiving them. Considered by NARA in appraising records for permanent retention. See also INFORMATIONAL VALUE, PERMANENT RECORDS, RECORDS.