A body of organizationally related records established by an archival agency after considering the organization's administrative history and complexity and the volume of its records. NARA uses record group numbers to keep track of agency records during and after the scheduling process, including those transferred to Federal records centers and/or the National Archives.
A body of organizationally related records, normally large in size and established on the basis of provenance to accommodate the records of major organizational units and functions of an institution.
A body of organizationally related records created or collected by the same individual or agency as part of its functions and activities.
A set of logically and functionally related control tables and views. Record groups help enable TableSet sharing, which eliminates redundant data entry. Record groups ensure that TableSet sharing is applied consistently across all related tables and views.
an administrative designation given to records created by an agency of government or donated materials
A body of organizationally related records established on the basis of PROVENANCE with particular regard for the administrative history of the record-creating institution or organization. For example, University Archives record groups include the Records of the College Park Campus Senate and the Records of the Agricultural Experiment Station. For a complete listing of processed record groups in the University Archives, please click here.
A theoretical unit for the purpose of archival control used to describe: All of the records of an agency A body of archives organizationally and functionally related on the basis of provenance.
A body of related university records that are organizationally grouped together due to their common unit of origin. As examples, the University Archives groups all records of the President's Office into Record Group (RG) 13 and all records of the University Library into Record Group (RG) 9.