The sanctuary, or Most Holy place in the temple; also, the temple itself.
One who communicates an oracle{1} or divine command; an angel; a prophet.
A prophecy. The most famous of all oracles was at Delphi. The priestess there was called the Pythoness, after a python slain by Apollo. She was also known as the Sibyl and her seat was a high tripod. She closed her eyes and went in to a trance. During that state of time, she would receive a vision and another priest would record her words, then tell the person who wanted the prophecy their future. No one could avoid what the oracle had predicted, no matter how hard they tried.
Oracle Corp. (nasdaq: ORCL) is the world' s leading supplier of software for information management, and the world' s second largest independent software company. Oracle's database is being used in the HECN data warehouse project (Apollo).
A place where Goddesses or Gods can be consulted for advice or prophesy. The most famous oracle in ancient Hellas was the one found in Delphoi.
A means of revealing the will of the gods concerning specific human problems.
A method of divination and prophecies by way of a medium consulting with the gods or spirits.
(1) Prophet: an authoritative person who divines the future. (2) A prophecy (usually obscure or allegorical) revealed by a priest or priestess; believed to be infallible. (3) A shrine where an oracular god is consulted.
Prophet, place, book, etc. relating the past, present or future.
a message from a deity, often transmitted through a human voice; can also refer to the person who is the medium of this divine message
1. An answer to a question, believed to come from the gods. 2. A shrine at which these answers are given.
An authoritive or wise utterance. A psychic who would receive visitors at a temple in ancient times, and prophesize or give clairvoyant information..
Sacred place where ancient Greeks could ask their gods, through a priestess, to give them advise or to foretell the future. The most famous oracle was that of Apollo at Delphi.
A speech presented as a message from God.
a being or a place that you consult to learn something about your life
a person who acts as a go between for those who seek council from the Gods
a person who serves as a vehicle for divine communicaation to come through to answer specific questions
a Priest or Priestess who serves the gods and the people in a way similar to that of a Priest or Priestess under invocation
a shrine dedicated to the worship and consultation of a deity
a shrine or temple sanctuary consecrated to the worship and consultation of a prophetic god
A prophet, seer and visionary, especially one of renown. Also, a special device whice aids in prognostication, such as a crystal ball. (i.e. "The Mystifying Oracle" of William Fuld's Ouija Board.)
A place where hidden knowledge is believed to be revealed, or what is revealed. A revelation or divine utterance, or the one who does such revealing. A seer, sage, prophet, soothsayer, clairvoyant.
A character in the WorldsAway Dreamscape who is responsible for facilitation of rules and culture. Acts as a priest or priestess of the Dreamscape.
Any person or thing that serves as an agent of divine communication.
A seer who can communicate with ghosts, spirits and Gods to obtaininformation.
1. (esp. in the ancient world) a shrine at which inquiries are made of a particular deity through a means of divination. b. the agency by which the inquiry is answered, as a priest or priestess. c. the typically terse, ambiguous response of the deity. 2. a person who delivers authoritative and usu. influential pronouncements. 3. any utterance regarded as authoritative, unquestionably wise, or infallible.
(Greek) A person or thing that serves as an agent of divine communications. Can also be a building or shrine where a God speaks to people through the priests or priestesses.
From the Latin orare, to speak or pray, a statement or prophecy uttered at a cultic shrine through a recognized intermediary (prophet, priest, shaman), often in the form of an enigmatic statement or allegory.
In ancient Greece, a seeress who is about to communicate with the gods and the deceased to foretell the future
One who can foresee the future. In ancient cultures, an oracle was consulted before making important decisions.
1. an ancient prophet. 2. database company based in Redwood City, CA, headed by Larry Ellison. See NC.
A statement originating with God, delivered by a prophet, and directed to an audience.
An oracle is a person or persons considered to be the source of wise counsel or prophetic opinion; an infallible authority, usually spiritual in nature. It can also be a prediction of the future, from deities, that is spoken through another object or life-form. In the ancient world many sites gained a reputation for the dispensing of oracular wisdom: they too became known as "oracles", as did the oracular utterances themselves, whose very name is derived from the Latin verb orare, to speak.