A person inspired by God to speak for Him.
A person who predicts or fore-tells the future.
A human spokesperson for God in Western religions, allegedly chosen and enabled by God to declare and make known his revelation to human beings, which revelation typically involves (in part at least) some divine moral expectation that needs to be heeded to get in right relationship with God.
In numerous religions, including Abrahamic religions, Jah religions, Sikhism, and many forms of Paganism, a prophet is an intermediary with a deity, particularly someone who claims to speak for the deity or interprets the deity's will or mind. A prophet usually operates through some means of divination, channeling, or extra-sensory perception, and the prophet's pronouncements in the name of a deity are sometimes called revelation.
one who utters divinely inspired revelations
One who has been called of the Lord to be a special witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ. The prophet refers to the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In the times of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) a person, almost always male, who was a religious reformer. They claimed to speak for God.
One who speaks in God's behalf, either to proclaim His written Word or to speak from His supernatural revelation. One of five office gifts described in Eph. 4:11.
(nah-VEE) n. Prophet; a spokesperson for YHVH who delivered his God's messages and expressed his intentions toward the world (Deut. 13:1-5; 18:9-22; Amos 3:7; etc.). Plural form nevi'im.
person who supposedly speaks by divine inspiration, esp. one through whom a divinity expresses his will; a person who predicts the future
one who speaks forth the Word of God.
God has addressed us under the auspices of human language and culture, choosing human vessels as channels of such communication. The prophetic message is to call us into awareness of and union with the Divine Reality, which is the Whole of which we are only a small part. Thus the prophets call us from "separateness" into union and integration.
(PROPH·et). A person who claims to have dreams or visions in which he or she received a message from a supernatural power. proselyte (PROS·e·ly·te). From proselutos (pros·AY·loo·tos) "one who came over". In contemporary usage a reference to a convert from one religion to another. Anciently a designation for a Gentile convert to first-century Judaism who became a Jew by ritual circumcisio n. A person who was a proselyte was no longer a Gentile but a Jew. Similarly when a Jew or a Greek became a Christian, a citizen of the new Israel of God, he or she was no longer a Jew or a Greek but rather a part of a new humanity—the Church of God ( I Corinthians 10:32).
A messenger from God/Religious teacher
an authoritative person who divines the future
someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of God
a communicator of God's will, and God communicates His will through men and women irrespective of gender
a good man fit and able to deliver the message of God
a great human, and a great human is not God
a historian of the future, probably he saw he destruction of Ur, under hordes of bronze warriors, and thought that metal, technology would keep improving till destroying mankind
a human being instructed, illuminated and inspired of God, who spoke the truth of God to men
a leader in the church as well as having the speaking gift of prophecy
a man called by God to be his representative on earth
a man called of God by revelation to be his servant, his mouthpiece, his messenger
a man, not God, and if our mind is programmed with that thought, then we follow human beings who supposedly have the priesthood power to lead us to celestial glory
a man or woman who can touch the heart of God and bring the message of God for people, for himself/herself, for his family and friends, for his community, for his nation and for the whole world
a man who receives a revelation directly from God or from an angel (Jibril)
a man who receives the Revelation from Allah and conveys it to the people
a man whose mouth has been touched to speak for God
a man who speaks in God's name and with the help of the Holy Spirit
a mediator (designated by God) who speaks for God because He is in communication with God and receives messages to pass onto the people
a Messenger of GOD Almighty to any and all of the people that he encounters
a mirror for the beholding of God
an individual that is spoken to by their spirit guides and are given a sequence or compilation of prophecies to spread out into the world
an individual who receives divine revelation concerning a restructuring of religion and usually of society as well
an inspired and divinely appointed revealer and interpreter of God's mind and will
an Interpreter of the Divine Word of God
a noble man chosen by Allah to convey His commandments and will to His servants on earth
a person, not a microphone"), and reducing prophesy to a merely human phenomenon
a person who can reveal things kept secret, and is therefore a "revelator
a person who has been commissioned to proclaim God's message, to call people to accept God's word, to urge them to change their lives and base them on truth and love
a person who has received a specific and personal call from God to be a means of communicating God's word
a person who has the job of predicting the future
a person who holds God and men in one thought at one time, at all times
a person who is believed to communicate with God, or with a deity
a person who is believed to speak through divine inspiration
a person who knows by personal revelation from the Holy Ghost that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
a person who professes to proclaim a message from Jehovah God
a person who puts his head to the heart of Jesus
a person with a message for the future, an intercessor with Heaven who begs man's cooperation with grace
a regular person that Allah gave special things to
a seer before he is a spokesman, and if his word is not in keeping with the truth of what is to be seen, it is not a true word, and it will not raise the dead
a seer who sees the people's hearts and foretells the things that's coming to pass
a Servant and Messenger of Allah who receives the Divine revelations
a spokesman for God, and he spoke his Father's words
a teacher, a preacher, an instructor, a builder and an exhorter with the ability to activate the gifts of God in others
a unique instrument in the hand of God
a warner, warning against things to come and opening the eyes to things to come, a seer into the future
refers to a Messenger sent by Allah to mankind, such as: Adam, Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus)(A.S.), and the Last Messenger, the Seal of the Prophethood, Muhammad (S.A.W.).
Anyone who receives revelations from God and passes them on. Mormons believe any church member can receive inspiration from God, but only church leaders are authorised to change the working of the church as a result of their revelations.
A human spokesman for an etheric world.
The top leader of the Mormon Church is considered not only a prophet but is also a seer and revelator. He has the title "president." He is the only one who can speak for the whole church and receive new revelation for the whole church. When the current prophet dies, the most senior (time as an apostle, not age) of the twelve apostles, the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the new president. He can appoint counselors, who receive their authority from him.
A person chosen by Allah to instruct people as to the will of Allah. The Muslim prophets are the same as Christian and Hebrew prophets and include Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
tone who has the gift of prescience and makes predictions about the future; normally a prophet is aligned with or has the place of a holy person in belief systems.
A man who received divine revelation but was not instructed to reveal it to the people.
One who proclaims the will of God and/or who foretells the future, especially the coming and mission of Christ, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. See Deut. 18:18; Acts 28:25.
Islam recognises many prophets, including Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. The last Prophet was Muhammad, who received the final communication of law – the Qur'an – from Allah.
a person with a special instruction from God to speak God's words into the community
A prophet is a religious functionary set aside or specially appointed by (a) god for a number of religious and political tasks.
The President of the Church. Mormons believe the Prophet is the mouthpiece of God. If the prophet says something while acting in the capacity of the office of the prophet, it is the same as if God Himself said it.
(from Greek for "to speak for, to speak forth") Designation given to accepted spokespersons of God (or their opposites, "false prophets"); a person who speaks in the name of God.
The President of the Church; any authorized spokesman of God; "the Prophet," usually a reference to Joseph Smith.
( Greek prophetes pro, for + phanai, to speak) 1. a spokesman. 2. one who speaks for God or a god, or as though under divine guidance. 3. a religious teacher or leader regarded as or claiming to be divinely inspired. 4. a spokesman for a movement, cause, group, etc. 5. one who predicts future events; soothsayer. (A prophet is, literally, a spokesman; that is, one who speaks for another: "Thus saith the Lord," and not necessarily one who predicts the future.)
from the Greek, "one who speaks for someone else." A prophet addresses the community on behalf of the holy or sacred, often in a state of ecstatic possession by the spiritual power in question. Like a medium in a seance, the prophet is the vehicle or mouth of the transcendent. The role of the prophet is usually not voluntary, in that one is simply chosen or empowered by the given spiritual power to perform this role in the community, perhaps even against one's conscious will. In this sense, the role of the prophet is opposite that of the Priest.
one who speaks on behalf of God by inspiration
This translates as "God's Servant", There was usually a ranking; the high priest of Amun at Thebes was called "The First Prophet of Amun"; below him were the Second Prophet and so on. The head of the local cults, was often called "Overseer of Prophets."
One who predicts the future, usually receiving his information from a divine source.
In religion, a prophet (or prophetess) is a person who has directly encountered the numinous and serves as an intermediary with man for the divine. Prophets existed in many ancient cultures, including the Sybilline and Delphic Oracles in Ancient Greece, the Völuspá in Old Norse, Zoroaster in Persia, and many others. In Abrahamic religion, a prophet is seen as a person who has encountered, and speaks as a formal representative of, God; they are seen to found a new religion based on their teachings from God.