The state of being pagan; pagan characteristics; esp., the worship of idols or false gods, or the system of religious opinions and worship maintained by pagans; heathenism.
The beliefs and practices of pagans.
(1) Any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism. (2) Within a European Christian context, paganism is a catch-all term which has come to connote a broad set of not necessarily compatible religious beliefs and practices (see Cult (religion)) of a natural religion (as opposed to a revealed religion of a text), which are usually, but not necessarily, characterized by polytheism and, less commonly, animism. There is little organized "-ism" in paganism. (3) Belief in religions other than Christianity, especially ancient Greek polytheism, which was a non-revealed religion.
Paganism is a general all-embracing term for magickal, earth-based, polytheistic (this is on occasion debated), and (according to the dictionary) non-judeochristian paths. Paganism is not neccessarily religious, although it involves belief, and arguably includes everything from Wicca to Thelema through Satanism (any variety you care to name), and then some.
A way of life, or a spirituality, that generally involves Pre-Christian practices and or beliefs.
a term usually designating european religious and spiritual practices not related to mainstream Christian beliefs
Any religion other than Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. Generally categorized as an earth religion. Most are polytheistic (have more than one god or goddess). Literally means "country dweller".
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "a country dweller" or "civilian") is a term which, from a western perspective, has come to connote a broad set of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices of natural or polytheistic religions. The term can be defined broadly, to encompass many or most of the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This group may include some of the Dharmic religions, which incorporate seemingly pagan characteristics like nature-veneration, icon-veneration, polytheism and reverence of female deities, and are thus diametrically opposite to the Abrahamic faiths.