One who saves, preserves, or delivers from destruction or danger.
Specifically: The (or our, your, etc.) Savior, he who brings salvation to men; Jesus Christ, the Redeemer.
Jesus Christ, who has saved us from physical death and made it possible for us to be saved from spiritual death.
(mo-SHEE-ah) n. Deliverer. One who “makes wide" or "makes sufficient.” One who gives freedom from distress and the ability to pursue one's way. Often understood in a “this-worldly” manner of political deliverance, the word is also used to ultimately portray Adonai's deliverance and salvation of the Israel of God. Derived from the Hebrew verb Yasha'. Note that the Name for Jesus - Yeshua - is derived from this same root. See Names of God.
The Savior is Jesus, the Son of God. He helps us and saves us.
a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
a deliverer, helper, and redeemer
Another title for the Messiah as the one who saves men's souls.
We do not believe that a personal man, named Jesus of Nazareth, was sent forth as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, or that the only available route into the Father's presence lies through such a person. Jesus did understand his own divinity and when we "follow" Jesus we proceed on the path of spiritual enlightenment in the ways He taught us. It is not worshiping the man, but walking the way of mastery as He did that fulfills our responsibility to "follow" Him.
A mythical character that gives up everything, in order to save everyone, but proves his existence by never being around when you need him.