The visible majesty of the Divine Presence, especially when resting or dwelling between the cherubim on the mercy seat, in the Tabernacle, or in the Temple of Solomon; -- a term used in the Targums and by the later Jews, and adopted by Christians.
The Divine presence of God within the world.
Jewish term for the divine presence; the Holy Spirit. In Kabalism it sometimes took on the aspect of the feminine element in deity.
Shekinah: The Holy Spirit in Judaism and/or Kabbalistic terms.
Divine presence and power; God the Mother and God the Bride.
(lit. that which dwells) Elohim's presence (often associated with feminine imagery, but not always). Hebrew has either male or female nouns only. Cp., ruah.
The glory of God, frequently revealed in the symbols of fire and cloud in the Old Testament. Although Christians experience the energies of God, including His glory, they never penetrate beyond the cloud to the inner essence of God, which remains hidden. See Ex. 13:21; 24:15 18; 33:18-23; 40:34, 35; 2 Chr. 7:1; Matt. 17:1-5. See also ENERGY and ESSENCE.
Taken from the Hebrew, Shekinah means to dwell, the manifestation and presence of God; Divine Presence. One's personal Shekinah is positioned above the evolutionary placement of one's incarnated living. Is like a beacon in a watch tower. On the indigo plane is the mystery of one's personal Shekinah.
The divine Substance of Pisces impregnated by the Divine Light of Aquarius.