The Reformed churches at the Synod of Dort ( 1618-1619) condemned this doctrine which is held by followers of late sixteenth-century Theologian Jacobus Arminius ( 1560-1609). The 5 points or articles which this doctrine holds to is, 1. Conditional Election, 2. Universal Atonement, 3. Inherent will to respond to grace 4. The resistability of grace 5. And the ability of the saints to fail to perservere. His followers became known as the Remonstrants, or the Deniers because they believe that man is not totally depraved, but is inherently good, so that God elects people to be Saved on the basis of His foreseeing something good in them, that they repent and believe. This view is antithetical to the Reformed Doctrines of Grace. [ back
In Christian theology, the label attached to proponents of the view of salvation that says humans can repent or desire to repent before God apart from God's specific, supernatural intervention or enabling process. After Jacob Arminius.