One who follows Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. These three religions share a considerable amount of mythology and belief. Some refer to these religions as the Abrahamic religions, because all three can trace their lines back to Abraham in the Old Testament. Christ was himself a Jew, and Jews see themselves as the Abraham's descendants. Muslims recognise him as the ansestor of both Jewish prophets (which they recognise as prophets) and the prophet Mohammed, who founded Islam.
Judeo-Christian (or Judaeo-Christian) is a term used to describe the body of concepts and values which are thought to be held in common by Judaism and Christianity, and typically considered (sometimes along with classical Greco-Roman civilization) a fundamental basis for Western legal codes and moral values. In particular, the term refers to the common Old Testament/Tanakh (which is a basis of both moral traditions, including particularly the Ten Commandments); and implies a common set of values present in the modern Western World.