A system of thinking about the end-times reflecting the premises of John Nelson Darby concerning the rigid plan of history laid out by God as he divided human history into seven distinct dispensations or ages. This system is non-biblical.
a theological view of Time as held by many evangelicals, which divides the history of Mankind into periods called dispensations, according the ways God related into Man in each period.
Dispensation is from the Greek [ oikonomia] meaning an administration. In theological terms it means an administration of time of epocs. Premillennial dispensationalism is a method of interpreting scripture popularized by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), and the notes in the Scofield Reference Bible. This system divides history into epocs (eras) or extended periods called "dispensations," in which God deals with man in different economies for the presenting of His world program. In dispensationalism it is believed that ethnic Israel and the Church are separate and unequal bodies in God's dispensations. [ back
A theological system delineated most popularly in the Scofield Bible and followed by tens of millions of Christian premillennialists around the world. It includes: distinct separation in God’s plan of salvation between Israel and the Church, distinct historical ways and means of salvation, a "literal" interpretation of the "Old Testament" and an apocalyptic one of the New Testament that yields a pretribulational rapture of the Church. According to the Scofield variant, God has decreed seven historical "dispensations," or ages, during which God’s expectations and demands on people differ. Most hold that we are living in the sixth Dispensation and awaiting the seventh, the age of chiliastic peace.
a system of interpretation of the Scriptures which divides human history into seven "ages" or periods, during which God tests mankind under differing "covenants."
A system of theology that recognizes different stewardships of man under God. Sees God working with man differently during different periods, such as Law vs. Grace, or the garden vs. the postnoahic age, etc. Dispensationalism's key teachings are 1.) a consistent literal interpretation of the Bible; 2.) a clear distinction between Israel and the Church, and 3.) the glory of God as the ultimate purpose in the plan of God. (not necessarily the salvation of man)
A theological system which breaks history down into discrete epochs, called dispensations, in each of which God has offered humans a different means of salvation. First developed in the mid-19th century by English theologian John Nelson Darby, dispensationalism found its most popular expression in the "Scofield Reference Bible" of the early 20th century. See premillennialism, below.
Relatively new church doctrine which divides G-d's Plan up into two separate dispensations; it pits Torah against Grace; an age of Israel against a church age. Basically, Dispensationalism creates a confused G-d and confused followers. It leads to anomianism (lawlessness) and pre-tribulational eschatology scenarios to accommodate G-d's supposed 'two sets of people.' Dispensationalists read the bible in terms of 'this applies to me, this doesn't apply to me' instead of acknowledging G-d has One Way for *all* His children.
A method of interpreting the Bible that divides history into distinct eras or "dispensations" in which God deals with man in a distinctive way and, in some cases, in which God's ethical standards change. A leading distinctive of dispensationalism is the sharp division between ethnic Israel and the church of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Christianity has traditionally held that the church of Jesus Christ is the New Israel; dispensationalists hold that ethnic Israel and the church of Jesus Christ are two separate, distinct entities in God's program. All dispensationalists are premillennial, but not all premillennialists are dispensationalists.
A belief that Christians will be raptured to heaven during the final tribulation, and therefore will not enact or take part in the final struggle.
Also called dispensational premillennialism, this is a system of theology which divides history into distinct dispensations or periods of time in which God gives a specific revelation and man is tested with respect to his obedience of it. All dispensationalists are premillennialists, but not all premillennialists are dispensationalists.
The view that believes God's dealings with men have proceeded through well-defined time periods, in each of which God reveals a particular purpose to be accomplished in that period, to which men respond in faith or unbelief.
is the false interpretive approach to Scripture developed by John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) and popularized by the Scofield Reference Bible (1909, revised 1967) which divides history into various periods characterized by a new test of natural man by God, each ending in man's failure. The final dispensation involves Christ's physical, political, millennial reign on earth.
As a current in Christian theology, Dispensationalism is a form of premillennialism which teaches biblical history as a number of successive economies or administrations, called dispensations, each of which emphasizes the continuity of the Old Testament covenants God made with His chosen people through Abraham, Moses and King David. However dispensationalism conceptually also exists beyond issues of just Christian doctrine. For example the Bahá'à Faith uses the general concept of dispensations as described but in the broader context of all the major religions of humanityhttp://studycircle.angeltowns.com/islam.htm.