A facility that allows an application program to be run in two parts, one on a client and the other on a server. The procedure is stored on the server and is part of a relational database. Data Access Builder can generate C++ code that accesses and runs stored procedures.
a batch of SQL statements optimized on creation in the database
a batch of SQL Statements that is located on the SQL Server
a batch of TSQL statements stored under a name and executed as a single unit of work
a block of SQL code stored in the database and executed on the server
a business logic method or function that is stored in a database and is specific for the enterprise's business
a code snippet written in PL/SQL that performs functions and accesses the database with SQL
a collection of at least one Transact-SQL statement needed to manipulate and/or retrieve data from the database tables
a collection of database statements that performs one or more actions on a database
a collection of SQL statements that can be called as though they were a single function
a collection of SQL statements that is pre-parsed and stored on the SQL Server
a compiled program consisting of one or more statements and is saved in a database
a compiled version of a standard SQL query that your application uses repeatedly
a custom program, created by a SQL server database programmer, that runs within the SQL server database environment
a database object that contains one or more SQL statements
a function stored inside a database
a function that is created by a developer that resides in the database and can be called in the same way as an SQL command (e
a general routine, either function or subroutine, that is stored in pre-compiled form on the server
a group of SQL statements compiled into an execution plan and stored under a unique name in the database
a group of SQL statements that form a logical unit and perform a particular task
a group of SQL statements that resides in the database server
a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan
a group of Transact-SQL statements that has been predefined and precompiled on the server
a named collection of SQL and flow control logic that is stored and run with the database server
a named collection of SQL statements or control-of-flow language
a named collection of SQL statements that are stored in the database
a named collection of SQL statements that you store in a database
a named group of SQL statements that have been previously created and stored in the server database
an executable object stored in the data store
an object in the database containing SQL code
an SPL routine that does not return a value
an SQL operation that is stored on the database server
a piece of compiled code stored in the database itself Trades flexibility for efficiency A trigger is a procedure that automatically runs when a table is modified E
a piece of SQL that was compiled on the database server and resides there
a PL/SQL block that Oracle stores in the database and can be called by name from an application
a precompiled collection of Transact-SQL statements and optional flow control statements, similar to an executable script
a precompiled collection of Transact-SQL statements stored under a name and processed as a group
a precompiled sequence of Transact-SQL commands in the database that are executed by calling the procedure within another SQL command or from the database driver
a predefined SQL query that is stored in the data dictionary
a procedural program that is stored, compiled, and executed in the database
a procedural program whose code is written in a database proprietary language
a procedure -- it does something
a procedure (like a subprogram in a regular computing language) that is stored (in the database)
a procedure (or function) stored in a database
a procedure which performs some operation or set of operations on server data
a program stored in a database such as Oracle or Microsoft SQL server
a program that is kept and executed within a database server
a program that is stored within the database
a program you store in the database
a self-contained program written in the procedure and trigger language specific to the database system used
a sequence of SQL statements that is assigned a name, compiled, and stored in the database system
a series of precompiled SQL statements and control-of-flow language statements
a set of instructions that the RDBMS stores in compiled form
a set of SQL commands that can be compiled and stored in the server
a set of SQL commands that can be stored and compiled in the server
a set of SQL commands that has been compiled and stored on the database server
a set of SQL statements or statements in another language (such as Visual Basic) with an assigned name that is stored in a database in its compiled form
a set of SQL statements stored on the server that takes in certain arguments and processes that code with those arguments at execution time
a set of SQL statements that are pre-parsed and stored in the database
a set of SQL statements that are stored under a procedure name so that the statements can be executed as a group by the database server
a set of SQL statements that have been pre-parsed and pre-optimized by the query processor, and stored so they are ready for quick execution
a set of statements/commands which reside in the database
a set of statements grouped into an executable unit, adding business logic to database data
a set of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that you assign a name to and store in a database in compiled form so that you can share it between a number of programs
a single SQL statement or a group of SQL statements kept within the SE servers' own tables
a small program written in a limited language containing embedded SQL statements
a specialized form of a statement
a statement that is stored in the database server
A user-defined routine that is stored in a database in executable format. Stored procedures are used to execute frequently repeated tasks, to improve performance, and to monitor access to data. Stored procedures are written in Stored Procedure Language ( SPL).
A precompiled collection of programming statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. SQL Server supplies stored procedures for managing SQL Server and displaying information about databases and users. SQL Server-supplied stored procedures are called system stored procedures.
A collection of SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name. SQL Server-supplied stored procedures are called system procedures.
A block of procedural constructs and embedded SQL statements that is stored in a database and can be called by name. Stored procedures allow an application program to be run in two parts. One part runs on the client and the other on the server. This allows one call to produce several accesses to the database. Synonymous with procedure.
A block of statements written in SQL and stored in a database. You can use stored procedures to perform any type of database operation, such as modifying, inserting, or deleting records. The use of stored procedures improves database performance by reducing the amount of information that is sent over a network.
A program comprised of a sequence of SQL instructions, stored in the database and used to perform a particular task.
A precompiled collection of code such as SQL statements and optional control-of-flow statements stored under a name and processed as a unit. Stored procedures are stored within a database; they can be executed with one call from an application and allow user-declared variables, conditional execution, and other powerful programming features.
In some DBMSs, procedural code, written in SQL, executed by the DBMS. In Cloudscape, you execute Java methods instead of stored procedures.
A stored procedure is a PL/SQL block that Oracle stores in the database and can be executed from an application.
program running in the database that can take complex actions based on the inputs you send it. Using a stored procedure is faster than doing the same work on a client, because the program runs right inside the database server. Stored procedures are nomally written in PL/SQL or Java.
A stored procedure is a subroutine available to applications accessing a relational database system. Stored procedures (sometimes called a sproc or SP) are actually stored in the database.