A data source is a file that contains the data that varies in each copy of a merged document. For example, a data source can include the name and address of each recipient of a form letter.
A specific data site where data are stored and can be obtained. Any source of data from a specific organization such as a database or data file. A data source may include non-automated data, but it does not included unpublished documents containing data.
A description of where to obtain data. It is often specified in terms of organization (e.g., U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), publication (Health U.S., 1993), or information system (e.g., IHS Resource and Patient Management System). Some data are available from more than one source. For example, birth and infant death records may be obtained from State vital events offices, the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, or the IHS AI/AN natality and mortality databases.
DataSplice does not host any actual data itself, all the enterprise data used by the server is stored in external data sources that operate independently from DataSplice. Typical a data source can be viewed as a database server, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, and an application hosted on that database, such as MAXIMO® software from MRO Software Inc. or DataStream®.
In ODBC, a specific set of data, the information required to access that data, and the location of the data source, which can be described using a data source name. From a program's point of view, the data source includes the data, the DBMS, the network (if any), and ODBC.
physical objects, states of nature, or processes that can be quantitatively measured or qualitatively described in the form of data; [Go to source
A Data Source is the remote or local service that a session is established with. Normally a data source is a remote database server.
The HP-UX HIDS requires data generated by the system to detect intrusions. A data source is such a generator of data. For example, the system log file ( syslog) is a potential data source, as is kernel audit data.
a class that provides data from an external source to be consumed by other objects
a complete database configuration that uses an ODBC driver to communicate with a specific database
a database that has been set up in the ODBC administrator to be accessed through ODBC
an installed database server that ODBC has associated with a particular ODBC driver and a specific database with its location on your local hard drive or network
an object that binds other objects to data from an external source
a source of data and the connection information needed to access that data
A collection of all the information necessary to connect to a data store. OLE DB data sources can include a provider name, a database name, or a catalog name and a schema name. The connection information required for a data source is determined by the OLE DB components used to make the connection and the data store they are connecting to.
An ODBC term for the entity that provides data; similar to the term back end.
The collection of fields and groups that define and store the data for a Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003 form. The main data source contains Extensible Markup Language (XML) data that is saved with the form. A secondary data source contains XML data retrieved through a data connection, from an external location, such as a database. Controls on a form are bound to the fields and groups in a data source.
a specification of a SAS/SHARE server and either the server libraries or the DBMS that a client application can access through the server. See Defining a Data Source for information about defining data sources.
In the context of JDBC or ODBC, a data source is a database or other data repository coupled with an ODBC driver.
The source of data for an object such as a cube or dimension.
A physical table, file, etc. from which data serves as a source for a target business, logical or physical data object. SEE: Source Data Object and Data Sourcing Model.
A source of structured data, often read only and often autonomously managed.
Where the simulator data comes from: "cert" is data provided by the certification organization, "mfr" is data provided by the motor manufacturer, and "user" is data authored by an unofficial source.
A source for data returned by a query, including database objects such as tables, views, synonyms, snapshots, and queries stored as views. OracleAS Reports Services allows you to access any data source. The new pluggable data source (PDS) architecture replaces Oracle Open Client Adapter (OCA), and the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers are no longer supported in Oracle Reports 10g. However, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is one of the pluggable data sources available that can utilize the JDBC-ODBC bridge, allowing access to other data sources.
Party, which provides a community of trading partners with Master Data. The Data Source is officially recognized as the owner of this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information that is under its responsibility (GCI definition). Example of Data Sources: Manufacturers, Publishers, and Suppliers.
In ODBC terms, a data source is a database or other data repository coupled with an ODBC Driver, which has been given a Data Source Name (see DSN) to identify it to the ODBC Driver Manager.
A data source includes the data a user wants to access and the information needed to get to that data.
Where an object gets its information. The data source for a form or report is called the record source. The data source for a text box or other control is called the control source.
A data source defines the type and location of a database. A GhostFill data source is actually an ODBC data source. Defined data sources can be viewed and configured via the Windows Control Panel.
An operational system, third-party organization, or external system that provides the data to support the information requirements of the client. The data source is accessed during the data acquisition process.
Entity that provides the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) with master data. The Data Source is officially recognized as the owner of this data. For a given Item or Party, the source of data is responsible for permanent updates of the information under its responsibility.
The data source is typically a manufacturer or a distributor. The data source holds trade item information they want entered into the GDSN. They will send trade item information to a source data pool to be registered with the GS1 Global Registry and to be communicated to a data recipient. The data source can send the trade item information in any format agreed to by the source data pool.
A data source is any source of data for your report, usually a database connection; however, a core file is also a data source, for example.