To bring a ball back into play if the previous ball was hit into an area where it was irrecoverable. The ball must be dropped from an extended arm.
The act performed when a player has an unplayable lie or when the original ball is lost. The golf ball is dropped from a shoulder height on the course.
to drop out of a class; a grade letter will not show up on your transcript.
De-registering a course before the end of late registration (no record of the withdrawal is recorded on your transcript).
(a course): Remove from your class schedules a course you have registered for.
(a class) – to officially withdraw from a class before the deadlines published in the schedule of classes. Various course formats, have different deadlines.
Dropping a course from the student's schedule. Must be done during time designated in printed schedule of classes.
A drop is taken when a ball is lost or considered unplayable. The proper way to drop is by holding the ball in your hand, stretching your arm straight out from the shoulder and releasing the ball.
A student's official withdrawal from a class.
A course outcome submitted by a CDL instructor that indicates that a student has not actively engaged in course activities throughout the term or did not "show up for class" at all. A drop outcome is accompanied by the date of "last substantive contact" between instructor and student. Drop outcomes can jeopardize a student's financial aid.
When a ball must be lifted under penalty or otherwise, the player, standing erect, holds the ball at arm's length and shoulder height and drops it making sure that it does not land any nearer the hole.
Classes that are deleted from a student's academic record; no tuition fees are assessed.
The process of decreasing an academic course load.
Official withdrawal from a course while the student is still enrolled in other courses. A student's failure to attend class does not of itself constitute dropping that course.
Dropping a course is when you remove yourself from the course roster either before the course starts or during the first week or so of classes. Simply not attending a course does not automatically drop you from it. When you drop a course before a university's deadline, you receive a full refund.
Official removal of a student from a class roster. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from a class to avoid receiving a 0.0 grade for a class.
A student may drop a course during the official Add/Drop period and a dropped course will not appear on a permanent record. Students are not fee liable for courses dropped during the appropriate period.
Students may drop courses without penalty during specified periods of time (refer to schedule of classes for those times). You must know the proper procedure, since you will need to complete certain forms and obtain official signatures. Discuss dropping with your academic advisor.
A player drops his/her ball from shoulder height when taking relief under the rules.
To drop a single course from a given term.
when the ball is released by hand (with an extended arm at shoulder height) and put back in play after being lifted under various situations within the rules of golf. Example: She took a free drop away from the obstruction."
To drop the ball on the course to put it back in play after it has been declared unplayable or lost.
Dropping a course is when you remove yourself from the course roster either before the course starts or during the first week of classes. Simply not going to class does not automatically drop you from a course. When you drop a course before a universityâ€(tm)s deadline, you receive a full refund.
Dropping a course is when you remove yourself from the course roster either before the course starts or during the first week of classes. (This first week is called the ‘add/drop’ period.) Just not attending a course does not automatically drop you from it. To ‘drop’ from a course, you can go to the SIS (Student Information System) on RIT's homepage and drop the class, go to RIT’s Office of the Registrare and have a staff assistant drop you, or contact your advisor who can also drop you. When you drop a course, you receive a full refund.
To deposit the ball on the course after which you put the ball back in play after it has been declared unplayable or after the ball has been lost.
The process of terminating enrollment in one or more classes while remaining enrolled for at least one class for the same semester. A fee is charged for dropping a class after the term has started.
The opposite of add. If you think you've taken on too heavy of a course load, you can go back and drop a class. (This isn't rocket science.)
Officially end registration in a course.
Withdrawing from one or more courses during the semester.
a part on the race course where you will be required to drop your equipment (bike or canoe). You are only allowed to leave item(s) as specified in the race instructions. Also see Pickup.
When the ball comes to rest in a water hazard or in an unplayable position a drop may be made. Depending on the situation the drop is made one or two club lengths from the balls position or the boundary of the hazard and a one or two stroke penalty is added to your score. There are many rules about dropping so check with your playing companions to get clarification of what to do.
To cancel enrolment in a subject without financial or academic penalty. This must be done within the prescribed timeframe.
Putting a ball back on the course after it has been declared lost or unplayable.
Dropping the ball from shoulder height when the ball is lost or has an unplayable lie.
Deleting a class from your schedule so it will not be included on your transcript. Your tuition is refundable. Unlike a Withdrawal, there is no academic or financial penalty for a drop. This can only be done during Schedule Adjustment or Drop/Add.
Official dropping of some of the courses for which students are registered. Usually initiated by students but can be done in certain instances by faculty or other campus personnel.
Drops the course from your schedule. If you drop a course after lectures have begun, consequences may apply. Each term there are deadlines after which you may not drop courses from your schedule without penalties. For more important date information: Undergraduate Students: See the Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines in the Undergraduate Calendar or the Important Dates information available on Quest. Graduate Students: See the Important Dates information available on Quest. If you're an undergraduate student, you can't drop your last class from your schedule. That is, if you only have one class on your schedule and you want to drop it, you'll have to complete an Undergraduate Notice of Withdrawal Form and submit it to the Registrar's Office so that you can be withdrawn from your course.
This what a golfer does when his/her ball is unplayable. It may be either a penalty drop or a free drop according to circumstance. In either case, the ball is dropped from a fully outstretched arm at shoulder height.
The act of depositing a ball on the course to put it in play after it has been declared unplayable or to replace a lost ball. See also free drop.
The procedure of dropping a course or leaving a university (also see "Withdrawal."
The practice of dropping the ball from a set height after the ball has been deemed unplayable or lost.
discontinuing a class within the drop/add period. A drop is not recorded on the student's transcript.
To move down in class. Early foot: Early speed out of the gate.
To remove or drop a player from your roster.
CSI allows students to drop or withdraw from courses without academic penalty during a specific period of time. The last day to drop classes is posted in the academic calendar for each semester.
Procedure by which you put the ball back into play after it's been deemed unplayable.