A particle of ink or paper imbedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and occasioning a spot on a printed sheet.
The blow which drives the shuttle, -- the rate of speed of a loom being reckoned as so many picks per minute;
a weft thread; as, so many picks to an inch.
A single filling thread carried by one trip of the filling yarn insertion device (shuttle) across a loom. The picks interlace with the warp ends to form a woven fabric.
A yarn running in the fill direction.
A single strand of WEFT or FILLING YARN carried across and interlaced through the strands of WARP YARN.
A single filling thread woven across the warp thread in weaving.
a single sideways movement of a shuttle across the shed formed in the loom by movements in the harnesses. A pick is also one thread of the filling in weaving.
The strand of yarn that runs left to right (weft) in a woven fabric.
the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
Single length of weft in a piece of woven material. Used as a measure of the fineness of a material so, for instance, calico of 64 picks would contain 64 weft threads to the inch.
A single filling thread carried by one trip of the weft-insertion device across the loom. The picks interface with the warp ends to form a woven fabric.
A single horizontal thread in a fabric. Also known as ‘fill' or ‘woof'.
A single horizontal yarn (fill or weft) in a woven textile. The number of picks per inch indicates the density of a fabric's construction.
This term is used to mean one pass of the weft through the shed and one turn of the cards. Thus if the cards have been turned forward four times, your band is four picks long.
A loop of weft, which may be one or more threads, laid across a warp during weaving.
The number of weft yarns shuttled across the warp yarns, and indicating closeness of weave lengthwise. A high grade Wilton fabric may have 39 picks per inch, or 3 shots of weft to each wire.
a single weft thread in a fabric, as woven.