Radio buttons often appear in Windows applications. They are used when you have to make a choice. Each option may have a circle by it, and if you click inside the circle it becomes selected (e.g., goes from white to black). If you select a second option the first one becomes deselected because you can select only one from the list.
interface: A button allowing you to select one option from among many. Named for the push buttons on your car radio.
A control that displays a setting, either on or off, and is part of a group in which only one button can be set to on at a time.
A circular button that can be turned on and off by clicking on it with the left mouse button. In its on state, a dark, solid circle appears in the center of the circle.
In a dialog box, an input which is either selected or not. Only one radio button in a group can be chosen.
A round selection (check box) field in software programs and Web forms that when checked, looks like a knob from an old radio.
A small circle in a dialog box that you click to select an option.
A defined area on a Web page that can be clicked to select an option. The images below demonstrate radio buttons. The image above shows that neither of the two radio buttons have been selected. The image below indicates that "UniSAnet-1" has been selected.
selection widget that, when grouped with other radio buttons, allows the user to select a single option from a set of choices. A radio button is known as an option button in MS Windows. Contrast with check box.
When you have a list of items in a website form, for example, and you can only choose one, then they are usually presented with small, round "buttons" next to them. One of these is always preselected by default, but this is cleared if you select a different option. For example, if there are two radio buttons labelled "yes" and "no", and "yes" has been preselected, then clicking the "no" button will deselect the "yes" button.
A small circle that, when filled in, acts as a toggle switch. Radio buttons are generally seen in combinations of two or more, to enable toggling back and forth between available selections/options.
A form field that presents the user with a selection of choices and can by chosen by clicking on it. Similar to a check box.
An HTML input widget used in forms where only a single choice may be made among a predefined set of choices (i.e., only a single button may be pushed at any one time in a set).
A small box or circle that, when checked, allows you to select or deselect an option on a webpage.
Used in forms to indicate a list of items. Only one button can be selected at one time. Here is an example: Animal Vegetable Mineral| français
A control that - combined with other radio buttons - offers you a fixed set of choices that are mutually exclusive.
a button which may be set or unset
a checkbox in a checkbox group where only one button may be pushed on at a time
a circle that the user can click to fill with a black spot
a circle with a caption located to the right
a control that is typically used in groups, indicating a set of mutually exclusive choices
a control that you use to select one of several mutually-exclusive options
a diamond-shaped or circular button
a Form Element in which the user has a group of choices, and may only choose one of the group
a GUI component that lets the user select one, and only one option from a given list of options
an option field indicated with ( )
a push button with the following extra property
a small circle associated with an item name
a small circle which can either be checked (contain a central spot) or not
a small round and white circle that allows the user to select an item from a group
a small round button on a webpage that is used to select an option
a toggle switch, somewhat like a checkbox
a type of graphical user interface widget that allows the user to choose one of a predefined set of options
a widget, of which only one in a group can be selected
a widget that displays a textual string or bitmap and a diamond called a selector
A small circle on a Web page, which when clicked by a user to select an option, will display a darker circle within. Used frequently in questionnaires or forms where only one answer to a particular question is required. Where more than one option is available, check boxes are used instead.
a graphical way to force a user to make only one selection from a list of options. Radio buttons are represented by a group of small circles. When you click on one of them, you get a dot on your selection. There is always a default selection.
A radio button is part of a type of menu. A menu with radio buttons has several choices, each with a circle in front of it. The selected choice will have a dot in the circle. You may only select one choice.
a small character next to a string of text in a dialog box that is used to activate or deactivate an option by clicking on it. The button appears darkened or "depressed" when activated, lightened or "undepressed" when deactivated.
A button within a form that enables you to make only one selection -- similar to buttons on your car radio. See Part VI.
A round selection button used to choose items from a list. Radio buttons are designed so you can chose only one item.
A field that can have one of two values, filled or unfilled. A circle appears to the left of the field title which is either filled or not filled.
Radio buttons often appear in forms or dialogue boxes and are small circles which when selected contain another small filled in circle. Radio buttons are often used when a user needs to make just one choice out of multiple choices. When presented with more than one radio button in one section in a form it is only possible to have one selected, selecting more than one will deselect the last one.
an element in a GUI (q.v.) interface permitting choice of a single selection out of a set of alternatives
A small round button which is clicked to confirm a choice. See Check Box.
A small round button in an online form. Like an old-fashioned car radio, these buttons come in sets. If you click on one, the one previously clicked (with the dot in the centre) becomes turned off. These are used for questoins that allow only one answer - e.g. "Which sex are you?" Cf. checkbox.
This is a GUI term, denoting that the user has a group of selections to make, and they can only make one selection at a time. As it relates loosely to a radio, you can only listen to one station at a time. In computer world, an example of where a radio button may be used is on a web site where you need to pick which type of payment you're using: Visa, Mastercard, Discover or AMEX. Usually, you'll have radio buttons, and you can pick only one method of payment. Radio buttons are represented by a group of small circles. When you click on one of them, you get a dot on your selection. There is always a default selection.
A graphic component that simulates the buttons on a real-life car radio. Each button represents a mutually exclusive selection. Radio buttons are typically used for setting states or modes.
A screen object that provides the ability to select among two or more options. It is represented by a small circle and indicates that a selection has been made by placing a dot within the circle. Select a topping: Sprinkles Hot Fudge Caramel
A control (similar to a check box) appearing in sets of two or more, only one of which may be either "on" or "off" at any given time. WebDB provides options for displaying Lists of Values as radio buttons in forms or component parameter entry forms.
One of a set of like form controls in a group where only one of the controls in that group can be selected. Radio buttons have only two states, selected or not selected. If a radio button in a group is selected, the other radio buttons in the group will automatically be deselected (just like old-fashioned car radio presets.)
radio field A radio button is a control with a label and a state that can be either on or off. When multiple radio buttons are presented as a group, only one can be selected at a time. no; use the radio button label, or the general term "option" Standard Web Widgets
Radio Buttons are named after the old style push button radios that had buttons for tuning. In the same manner as those buttons, only one in a set of Radio Buttons can be "on". When a radio button has a black dot in it, that means it is "on".
a type of electronically-displayed pushbutton used for exclusive selection; the user can select one, and only one, option from a set of radio buttons; contrast with check box.
n. A circle with text beside it. Radio buttons are combined to show a user a fixed set of choices from which the user can select one. The circle becomes partially filled when a choice is selected.
Interactive element included in a list when users need to make a mutually exclusive choice. Each option in the list has a round button by it, and when a user clicks inside the circle, it becomes selected (e.g., goes from white to black). If a second option is selected, the first one becomes de-selected, because only one item can be selected from the list.
Radio buttons are round buttons in a form which are provided in groups of two or more. Normally only one radio button can be checked at a time.
For making a selection between multiple choices, this white circle will have a black dot in it when clicked. It's similar to a check-box, but only one radio button can be selected at a time, whereas multiple checkboxes may be selected if desired.
A GUI term denoting that the user has a group of selections to make, and that he or she can only make one selection at a time. As it relates loosely to...
A radio button is a small circle that appears before an option that you can click to indicate a selection. If radio buttons appear before the options, this means that the user can only make a single selection.
(WebDB Tutorial Guide; search in this book)
In graphical user interfaces, a means of selecting one of several mutually exclusive options, usually within an option-selection area such as a dialog box. The presence of radio buttons in a list of options means that only one of the options can be selected at any given time. Visually, a radio button is a small circle that, when selected, has a smaller, filled circle inside it.
A set of buttons followed by text or pictures that can be toggled by clicking. Radio Buttons are grouped so that only one can be chosen at a time, like the buttons on a car radio. You select a Radio Button to activate it. When a Radio Button is selected, it is filled in and any previously selected Radio Button becomes empty.
A type of mouse-clickable button in a graphical user interface. Radio buttons are grouped together and only one of the group can be "on" at a time. The name comes from the type of buttons that used to be on car radios; when you press a button to select a station, the other buttons all pop out. The same logic is applied to radio buttons, which are used to select only one of a group of options at a time.
a figure used to allow the user to make an exclusive specification (or selection) from a group of two or more possibilities. Specifying or selecting a possibility in such a group automatically de-specifies or de-selects any other possibility in that group.
An exclusive control whose setting is indicated by the presence or absence of a graphical indicator, usually part of a radio group. A radio button has two states, on and off.
Indicates a fixed set of choices. Only one of the buttons in the set can be selected at a time. A circle with text beside it. The circle is partially filled when a choice is selected.
A GUI control type that provides a pre-defined list of choices, allowing selection of only one of the values. qabdoo raadiyoo View
A user interface item that allows the user to make a single selection from a group of options.
A radio button is a standard name used to describe a group of option buttons. You can use these to make one, and only one, choice from a group of options. To select a radio button from the group, you can click it with the mouse; or, focus on one of the buttons, then move your selection with the arrow (cursor) keys; finally, press tab to take you away from the radio buttons.
A form field that presents the user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button. Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default. Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item.
Similar to a checkbox in functionality, as a way to indicate a preference on an electronic form.
A button that a user clicks to set an option. Unlike checkboxes, radio buttons are mutually exclusive--selecting one radio button deselects all other radio buttons in the group. Radio buttons are created using the JRadioButton component. See also checkbox.
A control that displays a setting, either on or off, and is part of a group in which only one button at a time can be set to on.
A method of selecting an option in an application dialogue box. Only one button in the control group can be selected: if you change your selection, your first choice is automatically deselected.
An interactive navigation icon indicating that the user should make one choice out of a short list of items.