interface: A window or dialog box that contains a list of things (or even a series of icons or pictures) that you can select from.
A GUI control containing a list of strings the user can select from.
In a dialog box, an input which lists all of the options that you can choose.
A box in a dialog box containing a list of items. To choose an item, click the list arrow, then click the desired item.
selection widget that contains a scrolling list of choices. List boxes are one of two types: action or selection, depending on whether the user can make one or multiple choices in the box. List boxes can be populated either with data from an external source, such as a database, or with data supplied at design time via the Properties window.
In a dialog box, a type of box that lists available choices - for example, a list of all files in a directory. If all the choices do not fit in the list box, there is a scroll bar.
a box that contains a list of available choices, such as files or field names
a control inside a dialog box
a control that presents a list of items to the user who can make his selection by clicking on the list
a control that provides a means of displaying a list of items (text, numbers, dates or whatever) on an Access form
a list of items that the user can scroll through using the arrow keys
a natural choice when allowing users to select reports or reporting options in an application
a one-column arrangement of items (text, graphics, or both) that enables users to set a variable or a property somewhere in the application
a rectangular control that displays a list of items
a rectangular control which holds a list of items from an array
a scrollable list of strings which acts as a visual representation of an array of strings
a simple version of a combo box
A popup menu that provides predefined field values to select from
A box from which you can choose from a number of options.
A dialog box that shows all available options.
n/a A list box is a control containing a scrolling list of items. No; if needed to distinguish from choice list, use the term "box", identified by label name; otherwise use the term "list", identified by label name if needed Standard Web Widgets
An element on a dialog box containing a list of items for selection.
On A-Dnet pages where data must be entered for searches or for maintaining a set of records—a deep field containing several names and often a scroll bar. Multiple names can be selected in this box, by holding down the CTRL key (on a PC) or the Command key (on a Macintosh) as you click each item needed. Each selection will remain highlighted, even if you need to use the box's scroll bar.
A set of choices from which a user can choose one or more items. Items in a list can be text, graphics, or both. List boxes can be used as an alternative to radio buttons and checkboxes. The choices that users make last as long as the list is displayed. List boxes are created using the JList component. See also combo box, selectable list.
A component that provides you with a scrollable list of options from which to choose.
On a form or dialog box, a rectangular area that enables the user to choose one from a choice of many values. When the list of values is larger than the space provided, Access and Windows provide a scroll bar to see more of the values.
Any of a number of graphical devices that displays a list of items from which you can select one or more items. It is usually not necessary to name the specific kind of box being used.
A list of items within a dialog box. Usually, the list box offers choices for selection, and it is scrollable. See also scroll bar.
A drop-down list of all the existing values for a field. A list box is usually attached to an input field in a dialog box so the application user can enter a value by selecting from a list.
A list box provides the user with a list of options from which the user can select one.
n. A control in Microsoft Windows that enables the user to choose one option from a list of possibilities. The list box appears as a box, displaying the currently selected option, next to a button marked with a down-arrow. When the user clicks on the button, the list appears. The list has a scroll bar if there are more options than the list has room to show.
A list box is a GUI widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list contained within a static, multiple line text box. The user clicks inside the box on an item to select it, holding the Shift or Control (Command for Mac users) key allows him or her to make multiple selections.