Located under the Menu Bar at the top of a form, the Tool Bar contains icons that are used to navigate through the form.
A collection of buttons that typically make the more common tools for an application easily accessible. Although often grouped in a line under the menus, a toolbar can be located on the left or right side of the working area--or even be relocatable to any area of the screen the user wishes. In some applications (for example, MS Office applications such as Word), the toolbar is user-configurable--the user can display different toolbars, and add or remove tool buttons from the bar.
A tool bar is a set of icons and/or menu names that appear at the top of a browser window. Tool bars may be visable or hidden.
The customizable bar of tool buttons running across the top (by default) of the working area of the PaintShop program.
A row of buttons you can click on to perform tasks and change displays within a window.
a button area, located just below the menu bar in a main window
a collection of buttons, Tool Buttons, which is typically used to provide quick access to an application's frequently used commands and functions
a collection of buttons which provide shortcuts to performing certain common tasks
a horizontal rectangular region containing buttons that perform frequently used functions
a row of icons--on-screen pictures that represent computer functions
a set of buttons on a sizeable bar which can be docked anywhere on the main FoxPro window, or float in a window of it's own
A graphical representation of program activities; a row of icons used to perform tasks in a program
A group of functions located at the top of the Internet Explorer window used when browsing the Internet.
The sequence of icons below the Menu Bar. Clicking on an icon executes a command or causes an action.
Holds the Tool Bar buttons and the Address Bar
The tool bar is a line (sometimes multiple lines) of icons at the top of an Emacs frame. Clicking on one of these icons executes a command. You can think of this as a graphical relative of the menu bar (q.v.). See section P.16 Tool Bars.
A row of buttons at the top of your browserĂs window which you can use to perform a range of functions like: revisit pages, load images, stop transfers etc
The row of symbols, each indicating a function of the computer software, near the top of the computer screen.
On a graphical user interface system, a bar near the top of an application window that provides easy access to frequently used options.