The menu in the upper left-hand corner of your screen which contains the system preferences, shutting down, restarting, and logging in capabilities.
interface: The menu on the left end of the menu bar designated by an Apple symbol. It gives access to miniature applications called Desk Accessories, such as the Calculator and Scrapbook. Under System 7, you can put aliases of applications and documents into the Apple Menu Items folder (in the System folder), and they will appear under the Apple Menu. You can get really fancy by putting one or more spaces in front of your aliases' names to move them to the top of the list, and by getting one of the third-party utilities that turns the Apple menu into a hierarchical menu.
A menu in the top left hand corner of the screen (in the menu bar) represented by a small apple. Desk accessories are usually located here. See also Apple Menu Items Folder.
Mac - Upper left corner. Looks like an Apple! Bet you couldn't guess that. You can put things into it to access them from any program. Also holds Control Panels, and Desk Accessories.
Menu at the upper-left corner of the screen, used to open System Preferences, set Dock preferences, select a network location, open recent documents and applications, shut down and restart your computer, and log out. Apple System Profiler Application that displays the specifications, such as processor speed, hard disk capacity, and memory size, for your Mac. To open Apple System Profiler, choose About This Mac from the Apple (K) menu, then click More Info. Application menu In each application, the menu item to the right of the Apple (K) menu, named after the application. The application menu is used to access the application's preference settings and to quit the application.
The menu farthest to the left in the menu bar, indicated by an Apple symbol, from which you choose desk accessories, or items in the Apple Menu Folder when operating under System 7.
The menu at the far left hand side of the menu bar, marked with the Apple logo (), under which certain common lab-classroom applications are launched from hard drive.
The Apple Menu is the left most selectable item in the menu bar in the Mac OS. It has an Apple Icon that is colored with the colors of the rainbow. Items in the Apple Menu are selected to launch, such as programs or files.
on the left side of the screen header. System 6 = desk accessories System 7 = up to 50 items.
The Apple menu has been a feature in Apple's Mac OS since its inception. Located on the left hand side of the menu bar, it is the first item in it. The Apple menu's role has changed throughout the release history of Mac OS, as detailed in the following sections.