To launch a money chain letter or pyramid scheme which is a copy of one received, except that the names in the list are replaced by new names, usually the names of the originator, co-conspirators and aliases.
Command executed after installation of new software, or if the screen is "frozen" (unresponsive to mouse or keyboard commands). Kinder to your hardware than turning the power off and then on.
When a unit or device initializes itself due to power failure, error conditions, or commanded by a computer. There are generally two types of Restarts, 1) Cold Start and 2) Warm Start. Warm start occurs when conditions are such that only resetting some of the unit's parameters and logic is necessary, where Cold start occurs when everything must be "restarted" in order to maintain operating order.
system software: A command in the Finder's Special menu that performs the shutdown that you normally do at the end of the day, then immediately reloads the operating system and Finder like it was the next morning. You should restart the computer after you've installed a new extension or Control Panel since those things are activated as the computer boots up. You should also restart if the computer is acting funny or if you've had a freeze or other system crash from which you've been able to get back to the desktop (by pressing Command-Option-Escape). Restarting is much easier on the machine than turning the power off and back on.
To reboot (reset) your computer without actually turning it off.
Starting the robot without deleting its state information, causing it to start running in the same state in which it previously stopped. This is the opposite of a fresh start.
start an engine again, for example
Restart a system: To start a computer again without turning the power off. Also called warm boot. Restart a job: To start a job again after an interruption. Backup is automatically restarted after an interruption.
See reboot if referring to a computer. See launch if referring to a program.
Turn Around. Because of a bad state of the company a new business plan is created. If necessary the company starts over again with a new management and a changed product portfolio.
A feature of the ignition interlock system which after starting allows uninhibited restart, regardless of the belt condition as long as the driver remains seated.
The process of an operating system on a computer shutting down, and then starting back up automatically. During a restart the user does not need to hit...
To stop a process and start it again.
printer-name Start the printer. Ordinary users can use this command if some extraordinary circumstance hangs LPD, but they can't start a printer stopped with either the stop or down commands. The restart command is equivalent to abort followed by start.
A quick reboot of an IP phone. DHCP and TFTP servers are not contacted for their updates. A phone restart takes less time than a phone reset and should be used after changes to phone buttons, phone lines, and speed-dial numbers.
To force a component to re-initialize itself by reloading software, clearing memory, or some similar function. It is the same as boot, re-boot, or reset.