Immature in age, judgment, or experience; inexperienced; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment.
A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green.
A younger, raw tasting wine. Some white wines are actually pale green.
Strictly applied refers to the taste of wines made with underripe fruit. More loosely used it refers to some white wines, especially Riesling, possessing the greenish colour tint indicating youth; does not necessarily mean the sour and/or grassy taste of unripe fruit content as well.
As applied to black teas, a raw bitter taste due to under fermentation. It is not related to actual a raw, bitter taste due under fermentation. It is not related to actual age.
When referring to black tea it means the leaf has been underfermented or alternatively it can be leaf plucked from immature bushes and will often , when steeped, result in a raw or light liquor. Can also be caused by poor rolling during making or manufacture.
(a)A flavor taint found in coffee harvested before fully ripe. (b)Characteristic taste of under-roasted coffee; pasty.
A grassy area located usually at the center of a city or town and set aside for common use; a common.
wine that's too acidic, raw or herbal; this character can be due to the use of under-ripe grapes or stems.
A term used to describe underripe, vegetal flavors in a wine.
A wine tasting term for wines made from under ripe grapes. The wine will have the smell of vegetation and be highly acidic.
Tasting of unripe fruit. Typically used to express negative characteristics, but in some cases it can be positive. Wines like Riesling are sometimes expected to have a 'green' characteristic. heady: Used to describe the smell of a wine high in alcohol. herbaceous: The taste and smell of herbs.
A taste taint giving the coffee brew an herbal character due to an incomplete development of the sugar carbon compounds in the roasting process. Results from insufficient heat during too short a period. A taste associated with that of a raw fresh vegetable leaf, often found in early new-crop coffees.
similar to the color of fresh grass; "a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint"
not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood"
an area of grassy common land at
very acid white wine made, intentionally or unintentionally, from under-ripe grapes Top of the page Hard applied mainly to young wines where tannins and acidity dominate, not yet having mellowed
Wine made from underripe fruit.
A taster's term for coffee that tastes sharp or grassy. Usually from under-ripe beans, sometimes from under-roasting.
A term describing wines made with unripe fruit.
Refers to unroasted, but processed coffee.
used to describe a wine made from unripe grapes
the nose of wines made from unripened grapes. Associated with a high acid bitterly sour or highly astringent taste. Connected with leaf alcohol and leaf aldehyde.
describes wine that's too acidic, raw or herbal; usually made from unripe grapes.
the state the coffee is in before it is roasted. To the roaster it is more than a simple green colour that he will check for since depending on the origin of the coffee the shade may very from a light blue green to a dark green. Coffee in this state prior to roasting can last for a long time providing elements such as humidity or smells do not alter its quality
Colour of infused leaf which has undergone poor withering or rolling, or is underfermented.
Refers to black and oolong teas that are under-fermented or to leaves plucked from immature bushes. This has nothing to do with green teas, which are a type of tea.
Under-fermented black or oolong teas; also describes pluckings from immature tea bushes.
young, acid, raw; perhaps too young to drink
Grapes seem unripe or the wine especially herbaceous or grassy.
A wine made from under ripe grapes; they lack richness, fruit flavour and generosity as well as being tart and having a vegetal character.
Processed coffee that is not yet roasted.
a specific taste due to under-roasting the coffee. When we say Green Coffee, we are referring to our beans that have not been roasted.
Multiple meanings: 1) wine that's too young-harsh, tannic or severe 2) wine that smells herbal or vegetal 3) a wine that's overly acidic to the detriment of the fruit
unfermented, dried tea, more commonly found in China and Japan.
Unripe, tart, sometimes harsh flavors and textures.
A wine that is very young and unfinished.
A young wine that has not developed enough to balance out the acidity.
Aroma / taste of unripe fruit or plants, as when green stems or leaves are crushed or broken; can denote under-roasting.
A wine made from unripe grapes that is tart and lacking fruit flavor.
Used to describe an overly acidic wine, especially reminding one of the taste of unripe fruit.
A sharp tasting coffee, this occurs from early harvesting and not roasting the beans long enough.
A description of a horse which is temperamentally immature.
Refers to an immature 'raw' character in black tea. Mostly due to under fermenting and under withering during the time of manufacture.
Immature or inexperienced. Young horses, such as two-year-olds may be referred to as being green. As well, a horse of any age which does not have much racing experience, may be referred to as having raced greenly. This generally means the horse in question does a few things wrong when racing.
The herbal, grassy taste caused by incomplete development of flavor due to improper roasting. It may also occur in the early pickings of each year's new harvest.
Green wines are wines made from underripe grapes; they lack richness and generosity as well as having a vegetal character. Green wines are infrequently made in the Rhone, although vintages such as 1977 were characterized by a lack of ripening.
Unripe, or tart, not necessarily an unattractive taste in a light wine
Acid-type smell of the unripe, raw or young wine.
A highly acidic taste in wine which is produced from young vines or unripe grapes.
A sharp acidic taste in wine resulting from immature vines or unripe berries.
usually said of younger, raw, acidic white or red wine; a rough aspect that usually softens with age; also the appearance of a more acidic than average wine will be green-tinged.
A wine not ready for drinking, or made form under ripe fruit. One that has too much acidity.
Unfermented, dried tea, traditionally found primarily in China and Japan, but becoming increasing popular in the West due to purported health benefits.
Tasting of un-ripe fruit. Not necessarily a bad thing, especially in a Riesling.
Describes an unpleasant astringency which may be due to inadequate withering or fermentation.
Whisky tasting of hay or herbs.
Harsh and unripe with an unbalanced acidity that causes disagreeable odour and a raw taste.
Generally a negative term referring to the taste of wines made from less than ripe grapes. Also a term used to refer to color, particularly young white wines.
when referring to black tea liquor denotes an immature 'raw' character. This is mostly due to under fermenting and sometimes to under withering during manufacture.
A taste caused by under-roasting, thus failing to develop full coffee flavor.
is said of a wine with excessive acidity.
Refers specifically to unroasted coffee beans
wine made from unripe grapes, producing tart flavor.
Either the wine needs time to mature or it is too acidic. Sounds just like the ex
Tasting of unripened fruit. Wines made from unripe grapes will often possess this quality. Also used by some tasters to refer to a vegetal or bell pepper streak in the wine. While some of this quality can provide a pleasant complexity in some wines, it is generally considered a fault, induced by either harvesting too early, or the vineyard source itself.
A flavor taint found in coffee harvested before fully ripe. Or a characteristic taste of under-roasted coffee.
Raw almost vegitative taste. Can refere to first flush black tea.
Tasting of unripe fruit. Wines made from less ripe grapes will often possess this quality. Pleasant in lower concentrations when balanced with other flavours. Often associated with Riesling and Gewürztraminer.
Usually unripe, tannic and hard; sometimes simply too young.
As applied to black teas, a raw, bitter taste due to under fermentation. It is not related to actual age. Sometimes confused with fresh.
When said of black tea, refers to immaturity of character due to underoxidation or underwithering.